Former Evansville Mayoral Candidate continues to stand up to Centerpoint when others won’t!!
On Thursday, February 29th, the OUCC held hearings for public input to the IURC regarding another rate increase. As people filled the room at 2 pm, person after person shared their concern over the increase. From record profits to stories of choosing to pay the electric bill or eat, many citizens are upset.
Mayor Terry shared a printed statement but fell short of asking for the Commission to stop the increase. This could be because Centerpoint donated to her campaign in 2023.
The Vanderburgh County Commission adopted a resolution opposing the rate increase signed by all three County Commissioners, and Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave gave a persuasive speech for the opposition.
After waiting from 2 pm, Michael Daugherty came to the podium around 7:30 pm. He stated, “I had a prepared speech, but I am not going to belabor what everyone else has said.” He pointed out that the profits of customers should not be used to lobby candidates as what happened in the elections in Evansville. He then shared that he was here in 2023 and the citizens’ concerns fell on deaf ears. He then called every single member out. “SHAME ON YOU!” as he named every single commission member. He received multiple applause several times during his short speech.
He stated, “Instead of parading all of us in here and voting for an increase despite our concerns, I would prefer you just bring us here, give us the finger, and thank us for coming”.  Michael left the podium to a rousing standing ovation.
Below is a video that I got from a friend who attended the meeting that I am compelled to share with you.
FOOTNOTE: Â This letter and video were posted by the City-County Observer without bias. and or editing.

What a leader!!! Michael Daugerty needs to run for Rep Party Chair and unseat Duckworthless. He has been consistent and took NO MONEY and stood up to Centerpoint from the get go!!
He is a true hero for Evansville.
As with gas prices energy will continue to skyrocket under the demoncrats fake green energy bullshit…………………..Without a doubt……
Evansville Water and Sewer Department are equally complicit in gouging its customers. I’m seriously considering relocating out of the Centerpoint and EVSW service areas.
Lobbying = bribery !
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