Home General News Letter To Th Editor: George Floyd Reconsidered:  Lies, Myths, and Fraud

Letter To Th Editor: George Floyd Reconsidered:  Lies, Myths, and Fraud


George Floyd Reconsidered:  Lies, Myths, and Fraud

By Richard Moss, MD

December 17, 2022

Yes, you’ve heard of George Floyd, the holy, blessed martyr, peace be upon him, newly beatified by the secular, pagan church of anti-racism.  He rests in his misty perch in atheist heaven on God’s right side, gazing benevolently upon us.

Yes, that George Floyd, the one with the rap sheet down to his ankles.  He had eight jail sentences for a variety of charges including drug possession, theft, criminal trespass, and armed robbery during a home invasion.  That latter charge involved holding a loaded firearm against the belly of a pregnant woman while five compatriots pillaged her home.  Nice George.

We live in a post-George Floyd universe.  The violent protest that swept our cities that summer has changed the nation.  It may serve to review the facts of the case.

Floyd met his fate, as the entire world knows, on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, MN, when police were called because he attempted to pass a counterfeit bill.  The disturbing video of the encounter with law enforcement showed officer Derek Chauvin holding his knee against the back of Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes.  He was face down on the ground and handcuffed as he called for his “Momma” and said that he could not breathe.

Floyd, indeed, stopped breathing and subsequently died.  There was non-stop mayhem and violence in our cities for the remainder of the year leading to the election in November.

The final autopsy report issued by the Hennepin130 County Medical Examiner indicated that the cause of death was “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression.”  Under enormous political pressure, it also stated that the manner of death was homicide.

The media, Democrats, and their leftist militias, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, hold that the Floyd episode is another example of police racism and brutality targeting blacks.  But the contradictions in the story suggest otherwise.

Two of the four officers who responded are non-white.  The Chief of the Minneapolis Police, Medaria Arradondo, is black.  Minneapolis is a Democrat-run city.  It’s Mayor, Jacob Frey, is a Democrat, as is their city council and state governor, Tim Walz.  Minnesota has voted Democrat in every national election since 1932, including the Reagan landslide of 1984, the only state Reagan lost. Are the critics saying that the Democrats who run the police, city, and state are racists?

Then came suppressed videos and court documents that mysteriously went missing as the outrage festered, and our cities burned.

The body-cam videos of the other three officers present during the arrest, including Tou Thao (Asian), Thomas Lane, and Alexander Kueng (black), showed Floyd to be highly agitated and erratic.  He resisted arrest before the officers placed him on the ground.  He appeared to have lost all self-awareness, complains of stomach and neck pain, and foamed at the mouth.  The officers struggled to get him in the back of the squad car.  Once there, he complained that he “can’t breathe.”  He then left the vehicle on the opposite side.  He asked the cops if he can get on the ground because he is having trouble breathing.  In another video, Floyd is seen in his car before the arrest swallowing a white pill. Perhaps, concealing evidence.

None of the four officers in the case used racial slurs or referred to his race.  There was no evidence that race motivated them at all.  Furthermore, why would the officers, particularly Chauvin, deliberately murder Floyd in broad daylight with multiple witnesses, and cell phones and body cameras recording?  If the cops intended to murder Floyd, why did they call the ambulance and help Floyd after the medical team arrived?

Previously suppressed court documents showed that the chief medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker, stated that the fentanyl level in Floyd’s blood was “pretty high” and could be “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”  Dr. Baker also said that “if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home… and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death.”  Baker, referring to Floyd’s fentanyl level of 11 ng/ml, told investigators that “deaths have been certified with levels of 3.”  In another memorandum filed on May 26, the Attorney’s Office said Baker concluded, “The autopsy showed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation.”

In another document, Baker said, “this is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” Other forms also noted that Floyd had a “heavy heart” and “at least one artery was 75% blocked.”  The Armed Forces Medical Examiner agreed with Baker’s findings, writing that Floyd’s “death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication.”

So, if the knee on neck didn’t kill him, what did?  Why, drugs did.

Floyd overdosed on fentanyl, which stopped his breathing and his heart, known as cardiopulmonary arrest, resulting in death – whether the officers encountered him or not.  The stress of the arrest and positioning did not help, but with the amount of fentanyl he ingested, he would have died anyway.  He also had morphine, amphetamine, alcohol, and marijuana in his system.  He died of cardiopulmonary arrest, caused by a fatal fentanyl overdose and underlying cardiac disease.  He sealed his own fate.

Derek Chauvin was convicted of second and third degree murder and manslaughter and sentenced to 22 years in prison.  All four were convicted of violating Floyd’s civil rights.  Lane and Keung pleaded guilty of aiding and abetting second-degree murder and manslaughter.  Thao is awaiting trial.  The other three officers are serving prison terms of some three years.  Their careers are over.

Yet, none of the officers sought to murder Floyd.  There was no intent to do so. You cannot prove murder or manslaughter unless there is intent.  Although they have since been changed, at the time, Minneapolis Police training materials show pictures of a suspect, face down, handcuffed, with knee on neck. Chauvin was simply following police protocol.  The autopsy and videos demonstrate it was not racially motivated and was not murder.  These officers are innocent.  They should have never gone to trial.  It was a fraud, a manufactured lie.

Why did authorities not release the exculpatory evidence earlier to prevent the violence, looting, destruction, and death?  Cops did not kill Floyd.  Why did they let cities burn?  Must we imprison innocent men to appease the mob?  Authorities deliberately withheld evidence that could have cleared the police, undermined the narrative, and stopped the mob violence. Because the Left wanted the lie to go out.

Black lives don’t matter to the Left, the media, the Democrats, or their brown-shirt militias.  Blacks are simply pawns in their game.  They use them, reckless charges of police brutality and “systemic racism,” and the consequent civil unrest to agitate their base, get out the vote, and win elections.  It is a naked will to power, nothing more, whatever the cost.

The family of George Floyd received a $27 million settlement from the city of Minneapolis.  This is the legacy of the George Floyd case: mob rule and two-tiered justice.

FOOTNOTE:  This letter was posted without opinion, editing, or bias.

Dr. Moss is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, author, and columnist residing in Jasper, IN.  He has written A Surgeon’s Odyssey and Matilda’s Triumph, available on amazon.com.  Find more of his essays at richardmossmd.com. Visit Richard Moss, M.D. on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, Getty, GAB, TruthSocial, and Instagram.


  1. Very good letter, Dr. Moss. The tragedy is that Democrats thrive on the ignorance of those that form their beliefs on just 1 or 2 sources of “news”, or even worse, Twitter and Facebook. Everything you’ve written was known to exist while the nationwide violence was occurring, but CNN, MSNBC, and the three networks continued the lies and deceit that fueled the burning and murder. Musk has taken down Twitter, CNN and MSNBC are ditching employees like chaff in the wind, and the networks have long since been believed.

    Finally, the NY Times and Washington Compost (thanks, Rush) are shedding staff as well. They aren’t even worthy cage liners now. Who knows, maybe Evansville will get a daily paper back someday worth reading. At least we have the CCO for a truthful source.


      How long ago was this Floyd thing anyway?
      I mean, seriously, its like RICHARD MOSS went into this closet mumbling to himself, “I need al sharpie to like me, where is that bat that al sharpie likes so much, there!, no not there, THERE! THERE IT IS! THE GEORGE FLOYD BAT!! al sharpie, he loves that bat! Thank God, I found the bat that dog is crazy about.”

      Thanks al. Ruff. Ruff.

  2. Thanks Dr Moss for some truth. It is a breath of fresh air in this era of fake news .

  3. What a crock of shxx this socialist society has created to appease and create the decision in our American society

  4. Finally the TRUTH comes out!!!!!
    Thank you!!!!!
    I … and thousands of others… have known this!!!!

  5. You are missing the point, irrespective of race a police officer should not place his knee on someone’s neck, who has trouble breathing, for an extended period of time. If that action results in death then that officer is responsible for their actions.

    Don’t commingle the racial implications and social issues with the simple fact that this officer abused his power, and not just on one occasion. He has a history of over playing his hand and authority.

    If George Floyd was medically distressed then why not make him comfortable until medical staff arrived on scene. People have so little compassion in our society. So your rationale is because he had a criminal record, took drugs, and made questionable life choices, the police officer has no responsibility to treat him as a human being? Or placing a knee on someone’s neck is the appropriate treatment or procedure to assist someone who needs medical attention?

    The police in this country are undertrained, we give them a gun, taser, and six months of training and throw them into a complex society with a variety of compounding social issues to navigate. A few days ago a family asked for assistance with a mentally unstable family member, who ended up being killed as a result of over zealous policing. We need to do better, our society is plagued with drug abuse, but no one talks about the pharmaceutical companies that makes millions of dollars as pseudo drug dealers. Over prescribing opioids, covering up the addictive profiles of opioids, providing doctors with incentives to prescribe harmful medications. My point is there is a lot of people on drugs in our society and if our police are ill equipped to deal this segment of the population, then we will have more George Floyds. Some will be black and some will be white.

    Our society is broken, we have lost compassion, love for your neighbor, consideration, and simple human decency. I pray everyday that at some point we will regain our sanity.

    Wrong is wrong and a police officer is suppose to assist the general public, offer assistance, and render aid if necessary, and stop criminal activity. Passing judgement on a person because of race, creed, beliefs, or religion is not part of their mandate. It was wrong in Ruby Ridge and in Minneapolis.

  6. Everytime I read an article by RICHARD MOSS, I realize it must be read through the filter of Moss being a THREE TIME LOSER, a wanna be politician who has never won any race in his, well, he’s NEVER had a political life.

    Moss will say anything to the dumpster dogs to make them like him.
    “I hate cats! The world we be better without cats!!!”

    This article is 100% desperation. “I want to be liked! Please!!!!!!!!!”

    And brainless dumpster dogs, all of whom immediately shower Moss with compliments, incapable of realizing they are being USED, DISMISSED AT DINNER PARTIES and are likely buyers of Trumps’ NFT digital cards, they all say, “Yow! What he said!!!’ Hoooeeey!!! We agree with Richard!! Cats are worthless!!”

    Good God. Lowest common denominator.

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