Vanderburgh County
Why do we have a Mayor with no political opposition? The answer is simple, “we have no media voice or newspaper to voice any opposition!” First of all, I am a Republican and I think the present Mayor has done an average job. Would I vote for him? Well, it depends on who is running in opposition!
I think a Mayor of a struggling City needs to be more than just be a ribbon cutter! Anyone can cut a ribbon on Green River Road for another “Jiffy Burger.” But hamburger shops will not save Evansville’s financial and labor problems. We will face a growing problem as the old monies disappear. The new money’s value will be a struggle, just to survive.
Back in the 70’s I wrote an article titled “I can see Evansville’s future”, back then, I traveled the East Coast, I seen our future in Wilmington, DE, Newark, NJ, and many more Eastern cities that had lost their Manufacturing plants and their ability to recover. Ability to recover is an important part of our survival! We have lost enough manufacturing, technical, and skillful workers in the last 60 years to support a city of a half million population. Many of the downtown buildings are empty.
Today, we don’t even have a newspaper printed in Evansville, there is no vital information good or bad, about what is going on in this city, our Weather Station was relocated to Paducah, Kentucky, and we even came close to losing the Airport. But, no one seems to care; today’s newspaper carries one article about a person opening up brewhouse. How sad, the loss of the local paper! And we wonder, why no one is running for Mayor!
What a wonderful time to be Mayor, no opposition or newspaper to report on one’s performance.
You are very generous in your “average” assessment of the mayor. When I first met him at a union hall rally when he was first rumming for mayor it was apparant this is just a stuffed shirt. He looks great but knows nothing.
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