Letter To Editor In Support Of Bruce Ungetheim


Power of PenDear CCO Editor,

It seems that Marsha Abell is trying hard to offend me.  Some may say I’m wearing my feelings on my sleeve but I don’t think so.        

When asked about Bruce Ungetheim at the February Lincoln Day Dinner, she replied, “He’s just trying to be somebody, no matter what it is.”  With that, I think, she placed herself on a pedestal and now looks down at Bruce and all the rest of us tax-paying, law-abiding citizens as just “nobodies.”

Perhaps she’s forgotten that Bruce Ungetheim was very instrumental on the CORE Committee that (with thousands of city and county voters) soundly defeated the City-County Consolidation effort put together by her downtown political clique (buddies.)  I feel that we “peons” ARE somebodies, contributing daily to the well-being of the Evansville community.

Then last week, speaking to the Republican Federated Women’s Group, Marsha attacked the retired people.  She stated that we (the retirees) “don’t put into the system what we pull out of it.”  How dare she say that?  And, it is interesting that the Courier-Press made no mention of that speech or its contents. Perhaps the Editor doesn’t want to offend potential retired voters by informing them of her egotistical attitude.  I am a retiree and I am offended.  As Marsha Abell alluded in that speech, I didn’t move to a smaller home to avoid high taxes.  We still pay taxes on the dwelling we’ve called home for 55 years.  She has forgotten about all the good contributions retirees make in our community.  We do pay taxes!

I think it’s time we voters “retired” Marsha Abell from her seat on the Vanderburgh County Commission.  All won’t be lost for her; she has political buddies who will find her another lucrative job.

Let’s get someone on the County Commission who is less egotistical; someone who will listen to the citizens and work for them.  Let’s get someone in that seat who doesn’t have 20 years of political favors to repay. 

I’m voting for Bruce Ungethiem.  He will bring economic experience and leadership to the Commission.  He will serve the people of our community with fairness and common sense.

 Darlene Zwahlen

Vanderburgh County Resident.



  1. “Let’s get someone in that seat who doesn’t have 20 years of political favors to repay.”

    Great comment! You did a good job, Ms. Zwhalen.

  2. Well done Mrs. Zwahlen. I completely agree with you. I went to a County Commissioner meeting and was very offended at the way Mr.s. Abell talked down to us. Its time for her to be voted out of office.

    • WTF needs to respond to you.

      In the mean time, there is no second “n” in Ungethiem.

      The guy everybody needs to vote for.

  3. I was told by a friend that Marsha said she isn’t worried about the rural vote because the farmers are to lazy to get off their tractors and go to vote.

    I guess she is going to find out on election day if her opinion about the rural voters is correct or not.

    • Had a chat with Marsha yesterday and she said nothing of the kind. Who was your friend who said that or who did they hear it from. Lot of crap being spread this close election

  4. Nice an accurate letter to the Editor. The points made in this letter are the reason why I’m voting for Bruce Ungethiem.

  5. Hey Waitamin maybe I said it. Oh, I hear the early bird gets the worm! Us farm boys get up early in the morn we vote and then we get on our tractors. Marsha better watch the early voting in the rural area and she will see if we are to lazy to get off our tractors to vote.

  6. Marsha gets beat 3 to 1 in the rural area of Vanderburgh County. The Mayors public endorsement of Abell today has sealed the deal for Marsha losing big in the County. The election for County Commissioner will be over early and Marsha won’t like the results.

  7. Got a mailer today from Mr. Ungethiem’s campaign asking “Are you Angry” that “Commissioners spent tax dollars on poorly planned projects requiring MORE tax dollars to fix.” Must be the north Green River Road project by the soccer fields. Who worked on that project and was sued by the County among others? Blankenberger Construction. Who did the County refuse to do work with until it was resolved?


    Steven Blankenberger is now tied for the largest contributor to Mr. Ungethiem according to the CCO campaign report published below. Mr. Ungethiem was right on CORE, but is wrong as a broken clock for a County Commissioner.

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