Letter of Support for either SMG or VenuWorks from Commissioner Winnecke


Lloyd Winnecke

Winnecke’s conclusion is that either company will do an acceptable job

February 11, 2011

Mr. Robert Goldman
Evansville Redevelopment Commission
Civic Center Complex
1 NW Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Evansville, IN 47708

Dear Bob,

The county has renewed its working arrangement with SMG for management of The Centre and I understand the Redevelopment Commission will consider a recommendation to hire VenueWorks to manage the new arena.

In my role as president of the Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners, I have had the occasion over the last two weeks to meet separately with executives of both SMG and VenueWorks.

Based on my discussions, I am absolutely convinced that each firm (assuming VenueWorks is chosen) can, and will, work constructively to promote each venue in the most professional and productive manner. Executives from each company have committed to me that they will ensure that a strong working relationship between the two will be forged. The Centre and arena should rarely compete for the same events, but I believe any competition between SMG and VenueWorks will ultimately benefit the entire community.

As your body considers its action, please accept my personal assurance that I will do everything in my power to see that these companies live up to the best possible cooperative relationship.


Lloyd Winnecke, President
Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners


    • Really? would seem the easiest statement he could make….

      [quote]Based on my discussions, I am absolutely convinced that each firm (assuming VenueWorks is chosen) can, and will, work constructively to promote each venue in the most professional and productive manner. Executives from each company have committed to me that they will ensure that a strong working relationship between the two will be forged.[/quote]

      Just seems like the safest, most politically correct statement to make….nothing bold about it. IMHO.

    • You mean another “NO DECISION” from a smooth operator. This is just a paragraph of nothing so he can make a statement that gets published without taking a stand at all. Typical.

  1. I actually interpret his message differently than the editor.

    The title suggests that winnecke said “either SMG or VenueWorks” are capable of managing the arena (which is the only thing on the line right now)

    Broken down, though, his statement looks more like “Venueworks is capable of managing the arena while SMG is capable of managing the centre”

    It is certainly a politically sound statement, because it really doesnt rub anybody the wrong way.

    But it does hint that he prefers Venueworks as the arena managing company, if I’m interpreting it correctly.

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