Letter from Law Firm to the Commissioners of the CVB


Here is a letter that is not edited or changed in any way from the firm of Kahn, Dees, Donovan, and Kahn to the Evansville Convention and Visitors Commissioners regarding a review of past Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau Holiday Dinners and Gifts.

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  1. Key to decoding the letter is the phrase “gifting to many” in second to last paragraph. This year we found out vendor Grey Loon was at the $250 bottle Opus One fest. What other “gifting” has been going on by the old board. This will be a very interesting institutional expose coming. Good job CCO.

  2. The new Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau needs to replace the current 20 year term lawyer and place an ethical Attorney instead to oversee them. My vote is for Joseph H. Harrison, Jr. He is always a Classy person, he isn’t into the unethical/sneaky/stinch that as Citizens we’ve seen in the past. All of the Board members are almost replaced, the current lawyer needs to go, the ad agency needs to go. In Business, you get rid of the problems of the situation, and two more folks need to go.
    Otherwise, you have a EV CVB that has no credibility in town or in the Region…heck, you can’t even bring along the national folks. Get this done, otherwise, we’re still distracted by a terrible situation that ran amuck, and sure did mess up things for our town. Tacky.

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