Let it Ride by BTO: Dedicated to the McCurdy Project & the Evansville Redevelopment Commission



  1. Déjà vu
    One of my all-time favorite songs. Love to hear it, loved playing it.
    Let it ride!

    ERC’s tune “Kick the can” is getting old. …

  2. This is the ERC ” Takin’ Care of Business . . . Every Day . . . Takin’ Care of Business . . . Every Way . . .”;

    An ERC lawyer calling out-of-town bankers to gauge their ” level of interest” in a potential loan is a farce. The business truisms are that: a) All bankers are pussies; and b) No deal is ever dead . . . it may be “bad timing”, they may need to “see some more results” (of future operations, my favorite excuse), or “need more comfort” (if you provide enough additional collateral and guaranty so that a monkey with a red ball would approve it, they’re in !). All of this is just a ruse. A happy billing day for the ERC lawyer (if he actually made the calls). To use supposed phone calls from a lawyer to earn yet another extension is a brilliant subterfuge. It also means this Indy group for the McCurdy is DOA, just like Browning was on the hotel. Will all of these Indy-based lawyers, CPA firms, project managers, construction management firms and downtrodden contractors be coming out with a book titled ” The Fleecing of Evansville”, with a Foreword by Tom Brokaw ?

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