Legislation To Keep Emergency Responders Safe 


Legislation To Keep Emergency Responders Safe 

by Wendy McNamara

As our medics, firefighters, and police respond to emergencies, it is essential for drivers to pay attention, slow down and safely move out of the way.

Unfortunately, too often a distracted driver causes an accident with an emergency vehicle or first responder. To address this issue, I authored legislation that would raise the penalty for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle, causing an accident involving serious bodily injury or death.

In 2016, former Evansville police officer Allen Gansman was left with lifelong injuries when struck by a distracted driver while helping a stranded motorist. These brave men and women, like officer Gansman, lay everything on the line for our safety, and they need to be able to do their jobs without fear of being injured or killed.

We need to do everything we can to encourage drivers to be aware of first responders, who by virtue of their jobs, are placed in dangerous situations every day.