“Right Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have two commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan’s comments are mostly about issues of national interest.  The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give Mr. Biden and Mr. Reagan exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “Left Jab” is a liberal view and the “Right Jab is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments of the two gentlemen is free to do so.


  1. Good God I hope this China trade deal gets settled or I can hear Mop Head saying, “Xi Jinping helped kill Kennedy.”

    But the saddest part is, (Not mentioning any names), the Mesker guy and the bourbon addict will start posting it as being true.


    • Yes Regulator true.

      And Xi also helped Big O wiretap Trump’s office.

      Hell, every mush brain knows that.

      Yep, truer words were never spoken. Every mush brain knows that.

      Good night Joe and shar pie….

    • The lady in the picture next to Regulator is a direct descendant of one of the 7 original tribes of Israel and would get automatic citizenship if she decided to fly there tomorrow.

      I’ll see what she wants to do and get back with you.

      But my guess is she would advise Israel to stick the “Trumpville” site up their ass.

      She’s not a Trump fan….

      • Maybe the illegals will move to Trumpville, Israel

        The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has now formally proposed a new rule that would put an end illegal aliens getting taxpayer funded housing.

        Housing Secretary Ben Carson said that the rule would bring HUD back in compliance with federal law that restricts illegals from getting free housing or housing assistance benefits.

        Those rules were softened under the Obama administration… and who is surprised about that?


    • Jihadists bombed the Syria Christian village of Al-Sekelbiya (Suqaylabiyah) Sunday, killing at least four children during a catechism lesson along with their teacher and leaving another six children injured, according to local media.

      The Islamists who launched the missiles belong to the terror group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which was previously affiliated with the al Qaeda, reported Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

      The Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) reported that four catechism students between the ages of six and ten years — Jessica, Bashar, Angy, and Suheir — died in the missile attack, which targeted the catechetical school of Al-Sekelbiya.


  2. It’s only a question of time before the motley crew of Demo 2020 hopefulls start advocating for this horse hockey:

    Canada Moves to Ban Christians From Demonstrating in Public Under New Anti-Hate Proposal

    The Canadian province of Ontario is considering legislation that would officially criminalize Christianity.

    Legislation proposed in the Canadian province of Ontario would criminalize public displays by Christians deemed hateful to Muslims, the LGBT community and other victim groups designated by the left.


    • White House Mulls Plan to Send Up to 120,000 Troops to Iran

      Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan presented an updated plan to Trump that potentially sends as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East if Iran attacks U.S. forces or accelerates its work on nuclear weapons, The New York Times reports

      National Security Adviser John Bolton ordered Shanahan to update the plan, which was presented at a meeting last week and does not call for a land invasion of Iran. Deploying the 120,000 troops was reportedly the “uppermost option” of the plan, and it was estimated to take “weeks or months” to execute

      Spokesmen for Shanahan and Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reportedly declined to comment. Garrett Marquis, a National Security Council spokesman, told the newspaper Monday the U.S. “does not seek war with Iran” but said the administration would be “ready to defend U.S. personnel and interests in the region”

      The troop figure of 120,000 would “approach” the number deployed when the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, the Times reports

      When Trump was asked if he wanted regime change Iran, he told reporters Monday that he’ll “see what happens” in the country and “If they do anything, it would be a very bad mistake”


    • ‘Ignoramus’ Trump Scorched For Still Not Understanding How Tariffs Work After ‘Enormous’ Losses

      In a blunt-talking column for the Washington Post, conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin marveled at the fact that Trump still doesn’t understand how tariffs hurt American consumers and businesses as the stock market reels, America farmers face bankruptcy and consumers see their pocketbooks hit with higher prices

      In short, Rubin called the leader of the free world an “ignoramus.”

      “Trump cannot admit that the short-term effects of his tariff war hurt Americans. Trump still thinks imposition of tariffs, a tax on Americans, is responsible for job growth. In fact, like any tax, it costs jobs”

      “Only an ignoramus like Trump could conclude that enacting a trade tax (that’s what a tariff is) is a good thing. Isn’t the entire Republican economic philosophy built on the notion that lower taxes promote job-creation and growth”

      Rubin the quotes former jobs “czar” Steve Ratner, who explained “If Trump goes ahead with his threat to extend the 25% tariffs to all imports from China, the cost per family would rise to $2,294 per year. And as with any other tax increase, adding tariffs will slow the American economy and result in lost jobs — 900,000 from what Trump has already done and potentially, a total of 2.2 million if the levies are extended to all imports from China”

      As the conservative columnist points out, “Following large drops last week the Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 2.3 percent (more than 600 points) and the Nasdaq was off 3.4 percent. Trump likes to take credit for the stock market, which is hardly fair and politically stupid”

      “However, the enormous losses certainly do belong to him and him alone. Trump won’t listen to aides, economists and business leaders who point out the dangers to the economy if the tariff war persists. No, Trump won’t be able to blame any of them nor the weakling Republicans who muttered about tariffs but refused to claw back tariff authority. This one is all on him”


  3. Nearly 100 people have been indicted, including an attorney, for participating in a massive marriage fraud ring in Houston, Texas, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

    The federal agency said the grand jury returned an indictment on April 30 with 206 counts, charging 96 people. So far, 50 people are in custody, according to the agency.

    According to the indictment, the scam involves creating sham marriages to help foreign people to attain immigration status and admission into the United States. The main purpose of the scam was to circumvent U.S. immigration laws.

    “Marriage fraud is a serious crime,” said District Director Tony Bryson from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Houston.


    • Officials Halted Trump Plan to Arrest Thousands of Migrant Parents and Kids

      A secret White House plan to arrest thousands of migrant parents and children in 10 U.S. cities was thwarted by resistance from officials, The Washington Post reports.

      The plan was reportedly pushed by senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller and was intended to be a show of force against families that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border after President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” prosecution push in 2018. But then-Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and former top immigration enforcement official Ronald Vitiello put the brakes on it, expressing concerns that there wasn’t time to prepare immigration agents and that the public would have been outraged by the plan

      The arrests were reportedly planned for New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles and as many 10,000 migrants were to be targeted. “There was concern that it was being hastily put together, would be ineffective, and might actually backfire by misdirecting resources away from critical border emergency-response operations” one DHS official told the newspaper


  4. Day 845: Echoes

    1/ White House reviews military plans against Iran, in echoes of the Iraq War. The plans call for up to 120,000 American troops but not a land invasion of Iran. They were updated at the request of John R. Bolton, the national security adviser. (New York Times)

    2/ Attorney General William Barr assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to review the origins of the Russia investigation. The prosecutor has conducted other sensitive investigations into conduct by national security officials, including accusations of C.I.A. detainee abuse. (New York Times)

    3/ Global socks fell in response to China’s retaliation against U.S. tariffs, stoking economic anxiety. Stocks around the world fell sharply on Monday as the trade war between the world’s two biggest economies showed little sign of ending soon. Signs of economic anxiety also appeared in other financial markets. (New York Times)

    4/ The U.S. is preparing to slap tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports, which could add levies on roughly $300 billion in additional goods. Days after both countries raised hopes of a deal, Trump and Xi instead escalate their tariff war. (Washington Post)

    GOP’s farm belt Senators back Trump as China takes aim at U.S. agriculture. Republican lawmakers in the farm belt are standing with President Donald Trump in the wake of an escalating trade war with China, which retaliated on Monday with more tariffs on agricultural goods. (CNBC)
    5/ Before Trump’s purge of the Department of Homeland Security, some top DHS officials challenged his plan to carry out mass family arrests. Kirstjen Nielsen and Ronald Vitiello were ousted after halting an operation that would have targeted thousands of parents and children in 10 cities for arrest and deportation. (Washington Post)

    6/ Trump said he would agree not to use stolen material as part of his 2020 presidential campaign. Trump said he would stay away from information stolen by foreign adversaries in his re-election bid, his first public commitment to doing so. (NBC News)

    7/ Trump praised the authoritarian prime minister of Hungary and called him “highly respected.” “Probably like me a little bit controversial,” Trump said, “but that’s okay.” (Axios)

    (Last Year Today: Day 480 – A Fucked-Up Feedback Loop)


  5. There Hasn’t Been An Official Pentagon Briefing IN MORE THAN 300 DAYS

    It’s been more than 300 days since the Pentagon held an on-camera press briefing, a problem that became hugely salient in recent weeks with the announcement from the White House that it was deploying an aircraft carrier and bomber task force to the Middle East. Was this a new deployment, beyond what the Pentagon announced in early April? The Navy called it a “regularly scheduled deployment” so what was going on with the White House announcing it, and doing so on a Sunday?

    As Kate Brannen writes at Just Security, the White House’s bellicose announcement demanded rigorous questioning, but there was nowhere to ask these questions on the record. In fact, at the time of the announcement, there wasn’t even a secretary of Defense nominee. Meanwhile, Trump is deploying troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, rattling sabers in Venezuela, is at sea with North Korea, and has banned transgender recruits, just to name a handful of things. It has become, Brannen says “increasingly difficult for reporters to ask officials about these moves on the record, on camera, and on behalf of the American public”

    So there’s a lot we’re simply in the dark about, like how dangerous is Iraq right now for American troops because of Trump’s belligerence? The Central Command warned against this previously, but there’s no report from the Pentagon on either CENTCOM’s current view of the situation or the threat assessment there. We don’t even know if there have been any recent attacks there on U.S. forces. The Pentagon is apparently no longer keeping track of the territory in Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban versus the government and we don’t know why, or how the Defense Department is making decisions on military operations there

    What about ISIS? Where’s it at and what is it doing? And how many troops are actually in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS, and what are they doing? Is there any plan for withdrawing them and if so, what’s the timeline? Trump likes to say ISIS is defeated all the time, but what does the Defense Department say? We don’t know. They won’t tell the public. And North Korea? Do we have any contingency plans if Trump’s beautiful relationship with Kim doesn’t work out? Why did the effort to repatriate Americans’ remains from the Korean War end? We don’t know, and the Defense Department isn’t saying

    There’s also been no public assessment of what Trump’s insistence on “getting tough” on the southern border of the U.S. means. What are the forces being deployed there being told about how they work with refugees? What does it mean to force readiness to shift the DoD’s focus there? And what is the transgender ban doing to readiness or morale, considering there are 14,000 transgender military personnel serving?

    Who knows? Until last week, there wasn’t even a permanent Defense secretary nominated. As far as anyone knows there’s still a communications staff in the DoD, but they don’t have much of a job any more. Granted, having to answer for Trump on all these national security issues would be a horrifying job, but somebody’s got to do it


  6. Stephen Miller Pushed Depraved Plan To Carry Out Mass Arrests Of Immigrant Families In Major Cities

    The Trump administration wanted to carry out “a blitz operation” to sweep up and arrest as many as 10,000 immigrant parents and children across 10 cities, The Washington Post reports, in a depraved display of state force designed to terrorize immigrant communities. In a shock to no one, among the loudest voices pushing the plan was White House aide and white supremacist Stephen Miller

    It was Miller who led the recent purge of top administration officials, including two who objected to the mass arrests, former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and former acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Ronald Vitiello. But don’t give those two any credit for being decent human beings. Nielsen and Vitiello reportedly objected to the mass arrests not because rounding up families, including U.S. citizen kids (remember, ICE is no stranger to targeting U.S. citizens) at gunpoint is shit straight out of Nazi Germany, but because of logistics and fear of “public outrage,” sources told The Washington Post

    “Vitiello and Nielsen’s pushback was a factor in Trump’s decision to oust both officials—particularly Vitiello” the Post reports. But while the plan did not go forward at that time, it’s unclear whether it’s dead. Then-Deputy ICE Director Matthew Albence joined Miller in supporting the mass arrests. Albence, who once compared migrant family jails to summer camp, is now serving as acting ICE director as the Senate considers Mark Morgan to permanently lead the agency

    There are plenty of topics that senators should make sure Morgan addresses if he gets far enough to testify before them for the job. For example, the Trump Organization’s ongoing exploitation of undocumented immigrant workers, including accusations of forced labor and verbal and physical abuse. But the question of where he stands on this white supremacist purge of immigrant parents and their children that could leave homes and classrooms and neighborhoods across the U.S. emptied should be among them

    “The level of depravity in terms of this administration has no bounds. It’s just insane. It’s inhumane. There is no sense of the understanding what the implications are for the greater society. There is no consideration that these families are making positive economic contributions to these cities. It is about fearmongering to the nth degree”


      • Carbon Dioxide Levels In The Atmosphere Hit Highest Mark In Human History

        Carbon dioxide levels in the Earth’s atmosphere have soared to a new high, one never before been seen in human history, researchers announced as temperatures near the Arctic circle rose into the 80s

        Temperatures in Arkhangelsk, Russia, a coastal city along the White Sea, hit 84 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday. That city’s average high for this time of year is around 54 degrees, The Washington Post reported

        These alarmingly warm temperatures came as a daily CO2 reading by atmospheric researchers on Saturday recorded a 415.26 parts per million (ppm) baseline. It’s the first daily baseline to top 415 ppm in mankind’s history, the researchers with San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography said

        “Not just in recorded history, not just since the invention of agriculture 10,000 years ago” Eric Holthaus, a meteorologist and writer for the non-profit environmental magazine Grist, emphasized on a Twitter post “Since before modern humans existed millions of years ago”

        Researchers have collected the daily measurements for more than 60 years at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory, an atmospheric baseline station considered ideal for monitoring atmospheric conditions because of its undisturbed air, remote location, and minimal influences of vegetation and human activity. Those measurements are then compared to those from hundreds of thousands of years ago after analyzing gas contained in ice cores

        This CO2 data shows a significant spike in CO2 levels in more modern years, as well as particular milestones in more recent times. Atmospheric CO2 measurements have been collected at the atmospheric baseline station Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii since the 1950s

        At the end of 2018, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded the fourth-highest annual growth in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 in its 60 years of record keeping. In 2013, CO2 levels were recorded as exceeding 400 ppm for the first time in human history. To offer some comparison, CO2 levels were around 315 ppm at the start of record keeping in the 1950s

        The Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s CO2 program said the current rise is from both human and natural causes, having previously said that human activity is undeniably to blame for CO2 levels rising so high, primarily due to fossil fuel burning

        “Because fossil-fuel burning is not natural, the recent carbon increases in the atmosphere, oceans, and land biosphere cannot be natural either. Few if any natural processes can release fossil carbon into the atmosphere as fast as we humans are doing it now via the extraction and burning of fossil fuels”


  7. JethroBodine has been up to his usual copy-n-paste BS and lies in my absence I see. Well, time to face the music and the truth, JB


    Republicans and other right-wing idiots have focused their bad faith criticism on a different woman of color in Congress this week. In the newest round of fake BS outrage, Republicans are arguing that Rep. Rashida Tlaib, one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress, said she gets a sense of calm from the Holocaust. That is not what Tlaib actually said.

    Conservatives have seized on comments Tlaib made on an episode of Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast released on Friday. In the podcast, Tlaib was asked about her support for a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She replied:

    “There’s kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives. Their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways have been wiped out and some people’s passports, I mean just all of it, was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews post the Holocaust, post the tragedy and horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right? In many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away, right? And it was forced on them. And so, when I think about a one-state, I think about the fact that why can’t we do it in a better way? And I don’t want people to do it in the name of Judaism, just like I don’t want people to use Islam in that way. It has to be done in a way of values around equality, and around the fact that you shouldn’t oppress others so that you can feel free and safe. Why can’t we all be free and safe together”

    It’s clear from the full context that Tlaib was saying that she was humbled by her Palestinian ancestors providing a “safe haven for Jews post the Holocaust” but rather than look at the full context of Tlaib’s comments, or even begin a conversation on the merits of a one-state or two-state solution to the conflict, Republicans have instead taken the first part of her response to argue that she said she is actually calmed by the Holocaust

    It would be easy to read beyond the first clause of Tlaib’s sentence (if right-wingers can read) but the attacks against Tlaib have more to do with who she is than what she actually said. As the first Palestinian woman and one of the first Muslim women in Congress, her comments have faced an outsized level of analysis. In a statement on Sunday, Tlaib’s office replied to the criticism:

    “Once again, Republican leaders and right-wing extremists are spreading outright lies to incite hate. During one portion of the segment discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Congresswoman mentioned the role that Palestinians played in helping to provide a safe haven for Jewish people following the tragedy of the Holocaust. Rep. Tlaib said thinking about this effort to provide a safe haven for people fleeing persecution brought calm to Rep. Tlaib because her ancestors were involved in helping those tragically impacted by the Holocaust”

    “The Congresswoman DID NOT IN ANY WAY PRAISE THE HOLOCAUST nor did she say the Holocaust itself brought a calming feeling to her. In fact, she repeatedly called the Holocaust a tragedy and a horrific persecution of Jewish people”

    Rep. Liz Cheney (R) called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “finally take action against vile anti-Semitism” now that Tlaib said “thinking of the Holocaust provides her a calming feeling” and Rep. Lee Zeldin (R) tweeted that the comments prove Tlaib’s heart is “filled with darkness” and House Minority Whip (and village idiot) Steve Scalise (R) issued a statement noting that Tlaib said the “Holocaust gave her a calming feeling” and also called on Pelosi to take action

    Twitler Trump joined in on Twitter calling Tlaib’s comments “horrible and highly insensitive” blathering “She obviously has tremendous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. Can you imagine what would happen if I ever said what she said and says”

    Republicans are twisting Ilhan Omar’s words about September 11 into something else entirely. Can these idiots stop it already? The bad faith criticism of Tlaib is similar to that faced by Rep. Ilhan Omar last month on comments she made about the September 11 attacks and Muslim Americans’ loss of civil liberties. Omar, the only other Muslim woman in Congress, was criticized for belittling the attacks after her statement was taken out of context. Trump tweeted a video attacking Omar for her comments and using 9/11 imagery and Omar said she received death threats in the days following the tweet

    On Monday Omar responded to Trump’s criticism of Tlaib reminding him that he praised people at the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville in 2017 “This is another transparent attempt to sow division between minority communities and distract from your own criminal behavior by smearing a Muslim woman” she said on Twitter

    Again, one of the most important points about the backlash is that there is no serious discussion about what U.S. foreign policy toward Israel and Palestine should be or about the merits of a one-state or two-state solution. When pressed during the podcast on Friday about her support for a one-state solution Tlaib deferred to the Palestinian people themselves saying “That’s not up to us to decide what it looks like … For me, that’s the lens I bring to it, but I’m not a leader there”

    When questioned about whether she was giving up the “dream” of a two-state solution she stressed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave it up: “If Netanyahu got up tomorrow morning and decides you know what I’m gonna take down the walls. I’m not gonna expand settlements, enough is enough, I really want to push towards a two-state solution, he has every power, every power to do that. And then people like myself and others will truly believe in that. But uprooting people all over again, to say that that’s gonna — because you understand when you look at the landscape and just map it out, it is almost absolutely impossible with how he has proceeded to divide, how he’s proceeded to dissect and segregate communities that is impossible to see a two-state solution without more people being hurt”

    Trump has praised Netanyahu and cut all aid to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Last year, his administration recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy there, despite international law claiming that the status of Jerusalem is an issue that must be mutually agreed upon in negotiations


  8. Whatever will JethroBodine do now that the Muslims and the Jewish are working TOGETHER?


    Reps. Ilhan Omar and Jan Schakowsky penned a joint op-ed on Tuesday calling for Muslim and Jewish communities to stand together in the face of resurgent white nationalism

    “White nationalists win when our two communities are divided” the two, who are Muslim and Jewish themselves, wrote on CNN. “They seek to exploit our divisions and grievances to further an agenda of hate. But we know that when we are united, we are stronger. We know this because in our own communities, Jewish and Muslim constituents have joined hands in solidarity and denounced these hate-filled massacres. We must acknowledge that attacks on our faiths are two sides of the same bigoted coin. As Americans, we must all stand together in rejecting hate and embracing one another to create a country and a culture of unity and justice”

    Over the weekend, Tlaib faced her own round of anti-Semitism accusations from Republicans who FALSELY suggested that Tlaib had spoken warmly of the Holocaust during a Yahoo News podcast. In reality Tlaib had suggested she felt a “calming feeling” when remembering how her Palestinian ancestors had provided refuge to Jews after World War II

    Experts say there has been a worrying uptick in white nationalism and far-right extremism over the past two years and numerous studies support this claim. As Omar and Schakowsky noted in their column Tuesday, there has been a sharp increase in both anti-Semitic incidents, which have more than doubled from 2017 to 2018 according to the ADL, and anti-Muslim incidents, which have risen from 260 in 2017 to 300 in 2018, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations

    The latest example of this surge in hate crimes occurred at the Diyanet Mosque in New Haven, Connecticut on Sunday, where a fire broke out rendering the mosque uninhabitable. On Monday, the New Haven Fire Department announced that the fire had been set intentionally. According to The New Haven Register local churches have offered to hold services for the displaced Muslim worshipers while the mosque undergoes repairs

    Republicans, including Trump, have largely avoided commenting on or providing solutions for the rise in far right extremism. Following an attack on two mosques in New Zealand Cheetolini was asked whether he saw white nationalism as a growing threat around the globe. “I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems”

    Trump has also infamously praised the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who attended the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville describing them as “very fine people” and more recently as people who simply “felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee”

    This apathy has trickled down to rank-and-file Republicans as well. During a congressional hearing on white nationalism in April Republicans repeatedly yielded their time to conservative commentator Candace Owens, who in turn spent most of her time talking about how the hearings were a waste of time and that Democrats were the real racists

    This point is not lost on Reps. Omar and Schakowsky. “Addressing this hate should not be a partisan issue in the United States. Yet the current administration has manifestly failed to address its rise”

    “White nationalism is on the rise. And we must defeat it together”


  9. ***BREAKING NEWS*** JethroBodine and his whack-a-mole Twittler BS points collapse (AGAIN)


    Trump has made illegal immigration the centerpiece of his political career, but new data published Monday shows Cheetolini’s signature issue is built on a lie. According to a new analysis published in The New York Times, THERE IS “NO EVIDENCE” TO SUPPORT THE CLAIM MADE BY TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS THAT UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS CAUSE SPIKES IN VIOLENT CRIME

    In fact, according to the report, many of the places with a higher migrant population actually recorded larger drops in crime than other areas. More from The New York Times:

    For the first time, there is an opportunity for a broader analysis of how unauthorized immigration might have affected crime rates since 2007. A large majority of the areas recorded decreases in both violent and property crime between 2007 and 2016, consistent with a quarter-century decline in crime across the United States. The analysis found that crime went down at similar rates regardless of whether the undocumented population rose or fell. Areas with more unauthorized migration appeared to have larger drops in crime, although the difference was small and uncertain.

    The results of the analysis resemble those of other studies on the relationship between undocumented immigration and crime. Last year, a report by the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, found that unauthorized immigrants in Texas committed fewer crimes than their native-born counterparts. A state-level analysis in Criminology, an academic journal, found that undocumented immigration did not increase violent crime and was in fact associated with slight decreases in it. Another Cato study found that unauthorized immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated

    At the more local level, an analysis by Governing magazine reported that metropolitan areas with more undocumented residents had similar rates of violent crime, and significantly lower rates of property crime, than areas with smaller numbers of such residents in 2014. After controlling for multiple socioeconomic factors, the author of the analysis, Mike Maciag, found that for every 1 percentage point increase in an area’s population that was undocumented there were 94 fewer property crimes per 100,000 residents

    Trump’s immigration lie keeps his supporters scared and angry. The analysis published in The New York Times on Monday only confirms what other studies have shown for quite some time: Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans.

    Of course, by attacking immigrants during his campaign and his presidency, Trump’s goal has never been to tell the truth. It’s always been to keep his base scared and angry by tapping into their pre-existing antipathy toward immigrants. It’s why he launched his campaign by attacking Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. It’s why, like a broken record, he promises to build a wall on the southern border. It’s why he declared a fake national emergency.

    Trump knows his best bet politically is to play into peoples’ fears and prejudices – even if they’re completely baseless.


  10. **BOOM** Breaking news that poor JethroBodine will need counseling for

    Trump Lawyers Strike Out In Subpoena Hearing — And Judge Warns He Won’t Let Them ‘Drag This Out’


    Trump‘s attorneys let it be known on Monday that they were not pleased that a federal judge had decided to fast-track a fight over the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena of Trump’s finance firm Mazars USA. Despite that, Judge Amit Mehta ordered that the scheduled hearing would occur on Tuesday as planned, noting that he would take up Team Trump’s “objections”

    Here’s what happened: Judge Mehta will not be ruling from the bench today, he says straight away, contrary to media reports implying as such. The issues presented today are serious, Judge Mehta says “No judge would make a hasty decision on such important issues for the sake of expediency” and was clear on another point: “We’re not dragging this out”

    The debate in the courtroom on Tuesday was this: is the subpoena “political” or was it issued with a “legitimate legislative purpose” since Trump lawyers have argued that it is both political and not for a legitimate legislative purpose and “They want to know if there was wrongdoing” Trump lawyer William Consovoy said.

    But this argument doesn’t appear to have gone over particularly well with Judge Mehta, who asked Consovoy if he believed Congress didn’t have the authority to launch investigations into Watergate and Whitewater. Consovoy reportedly replied, “I’d have to look at the basis” as Judge Mehta asked Consovoy another question:

    “Say for example if a president had a financial interest in a particular piece of legislation that was being considered. In your view Congress could not investigate whether a president has a conflict of interest” to which Consovoy answered (to laughter from lawyers) “It would lack legitimate legislative purpose”

    Judge Mehta also asked if it was correct that there hasn’t been a case since 1880 in Kilbourn v. Thompson in which Congress was found to have issued an unlawful subpoena. Consovoy acknowledged that the judge was right

    House counsel Douglas Letter, whose experience has been well-documented, said the the problem with Trump is that he views Congress as a “nuisance” which is a “total and basic and fundamental misunderstanding of the system that was set up by the Constitution”

    “This Congress is limited in time. There’s obviously going to be appeals here. We just do not want there to be any lag in time. Any delay here undermines the House’s ability to do what the Constitution allows it to do” stated Letter

    Judge Mehta pointed out that he “can’t look to Congress’ motives” and Little urges the court to go ahead and consolidate and rule on the merits saying “There is only a legal issue here. There’s no discovery that is either possible or relevant” and since SCOTUS precedent prevents the judge from looking at motive he adds “We think it should be decided quickly”

    CNN legal analyst and attorney Ross Garber told Law&Crime that the Trump attorneys appeared to struggle with some of their answers pointing out “The limits of Congress’s authority to demand information implicates important constitutional issues that courts rarely decide. For at least some of the judge’s questions, Trump lawyers didn’t have great answers”


  11. We now know where Comrade Reagan gets some of his talking points:

    EXCLUSIVE: ‘Revolutionary Communists’ descend on UCLA; advocate ‘overthrow of the system’

    The Revolutionary Communist Party passed out flyers urging revolution — but saying it will not provoke violence “at this stage” — calling for the formation of “organized fighting forces,” claiming the group must be ready to “continually train and deploy new forces and leaders,” and called for the establishment of a “New Socialist Republic of North America.”


    • Warnings of ‘Gulf of Tonkin 2.0′ as Trump Officials Falsely Blame Iran for Oil Tanker Attacks

      That question has become increasingly common and urgent among anti-war commentators and activists in recent days as U.S. intelligence officials—without citing any concrete evidence—blamed Iran for reported attacks on Saudi and UAE oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz over the weekend

      Commentators quickly likened the accusations to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, referring to the “fabricated” event that President Lyndon Johnson used to massively escalate America’s war in Vietnam

      “Anyone who knows history of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident and U.S. escalation in Vietnam should be shocked, alarmed at what’s happening in th] Persian Gulf, including unverified claims of boat attacks” Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer

      Journalist Rania Khalek echoed Bunch, warning that national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “are trying to create a Gulf of Tonkin incident with Iran” since U.S. officials “didn’t offer details about what led to the assessment” that Iran carried out the attacks on the oil tankers

      “We are in grave danger of being sleepwalked into military confrontation with Iran over an incident that is blamed wrongly on Iran” author and journalist Gareth Porter said

      As The New Yorker’s Robin Wright wrote Monday the United States “has a long history of provoking, instigating, or launching wars based on dubious, flimsy, or manufactured threats” including in Iraq, Lybia, Vietnam, and elsewhere

      “Today, the question in Washington and surely in Tehran is whether Trump is making moves that will provoke, instigate, or inadvertently drag the United States into a war with Iran. The problem, as U.S. history proves, is that the momentum of confrontation is harder to reverse with each escalatory step. You have John Bolton in the White House, who has a track record of lying, cheating, and fabricating evidence in order to start wars”

      Speaking to reporters on Monday, Trump said he’s “hearing little stories about Iran” apparently referring to U.S. intelligence officials’ unsubstantiated claim that Iran was behind the alleged tanker attacks. Iran has denied any involvement

      “If they do anything, they will suffer greatly,” Trump said “We’ll see what happens with Iran” and observers warned that the Trump administration’s actions have moved the two nations dangerously close to an all-out military conflict, which analysts have warned could be even more devastating than the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

      Trump’s threat came just hours before the New York Times reported late Monday that the president last week reviewed a plan to send 120,000 U.S. ground troops to the Middle East in the event that Iran launches an “attack” on American forces or moves to develop a nuclear weapon. The military plan was reportedly crafted by Bolton, who last week used the routine deployment of a U.S. aircraft carrier and bomber task force to threaten Iran with “relentless force” if it attacks U.S. forces. Bolton did not cite any evidence indicating Iran was planning such an attack

      “John Bolton is trying to provoke the Iranians to do something so that he can get the war with Iran that he’s been looking for, for more than 20 years. He’s presenting it as an effort to scare and deter the Iranians. I don’t think that has worked at all, but it has created a scenario in which everyone is now very worried that some form of an accidental war at a minimum is very likely because you have too many U.S. forces and Iranian forces into too small of an area”

      Progressive members of Congress joined the chorus of voices speaking out against the Trump administration’s march to war with Iran. “The one thing we learned from the last time we sent 120,000 American troops to the Middle East is don’t send 120,000 American troops to the Middle East,” Sen. Chris Murphy wrote

      A war with Iran would be an unmitigated disaster. We must stop Trump and his national security advisor, John Bolton, someone who likes endless wars


      • Donald J. Trump

        In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran.

        2:48 PM – Nov 29, 2011

        Don’t forget folks, all of the adults in the room that even calmed Mop Head’s supporters nerves are gone now.

        ChickenHawks, Boney Ass Son-in-laws, No Bid Winners (Last Cluster Puck), all led by a fat maggot that would crow from daylight till dark if he could only get half the agreement with North Korea Big O got with Iran is all in charge now.

        You have every right to double down on your bourbon shar pie.

        Just like my grandma said, “When you get old, you get everything but pretty”

        Just like Trump’s crapola – Getting old, ain’t pretty….

  12. JethroBodine, your science lesson is here

    Bill Nye Explains Global Warming to Adults: ‘The Planet Is On F***ing Fire’

    On Sunday’s edition of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, the show’s host recruited renowned science communicator Bill Nye to help highlight the seriousness of global warming with a simple experiment, and let’s just say the tone was a little different to his usual family-friendly fare

    Oliver, discussing the “Green New Deal” said that despite the challenges of the proposed stimulus package which aims to address climate change and economic inequality, it has succeeded in kick-starting a debate about the issue in the country

    “But that won’t mean anything unless that talk now turns to actions and putting a price on carbon could potentially be one of them, although let me reiterate, it will not be enough on its own by a long-shot” Oliver said, referencing the idea of a carbon tax which has been proposed as one way to reduce fossil fuel emissions

    “We’re going to need a lot of different policies working in tandem and we have to take action right now. But you don’t have to just take that from me. Instead, I’m happy to say that Bill Nye has actually agreed to help drive the urgency home at this point by actually doing one of his enjoyable, light-hearted demonstrations. So Bill, please, please, do you have a fun experiment for us”

    The show then cut to a segment with Nye, safety glasses on, standing behind a desk, on top of which stood a globe, a fire extinguisher a bucket of sand and a fire blanket

    “By the end of this century, if emissions keep rising, the average temperature on Earth could go up another four to eight degrees. What I’m saying is the planet’s on f****** fire” Nye said while nonchalantly setting the globe alight with a blowtorch which had been hidden under the desk

    “There are a lot of things we could do to put it out, are any of them free?” he asked gesturing towards the other items on the desk, commenting “No of course not, nothing’s free you idiots, grow the f*** up. You’re not children any more. I didn’t mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12 but you’re adults now and this is an actual crisis. Got it? Safety glasses off motherf******”


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