“Right Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have two commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan’s comments are mostly about issues of national interest.  The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give Mr. Biden and Mr. Reagan exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “Left Jab” is a liberal view and the “Right Jab is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments of the two gentlemen is free to do so.

FOOTNOTE: Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. More collusion from the deep state actors protecting Hillary:

    Comey DELETED Obama’s Name From Hillary Hacked Emails Report

    WASHINGTON — Former FBI director James Comey is vulnerable to a possible obstruction of justice charge for his conduct in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Comey deleted Barack Obama’s name from the Bureau’s report to conceal Obama’s knowledge of the illegal server, and also deleted evidence that Clinton’s emails were hacked by foreign adversaries.

    Comey’s firing by President Donald Trump in 2017 is at the center of Comey’s friend Robert Mueller’s attempt to charge President Trump for obstruction of justice. Mueller previously announced that he would try to wrap up an obstruction case by September 11, having found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Mueller will try to argue that Trump fired Comey because Comey was investigating General Flynn and the Russia case.

    But Comey’s own deletion of important records to protect Obama and Clinton — not to mention his leaking of classified information to the press and his own statement under oath that he does not believe Trump obstructed justice — could be the final nail in the coffin of Mueller’s case.

    Inspector general Michael Horowitz’s report reveals Comey’s duplicity.

    “A statement that the FBI assessed that it was “reasonably likely” that hostile actors gained access to Clinton’s private email server was changed to “possible,’” according to the report, on page iv.

    “A paragraph summarizing the factors that led the FBI to assess that it was possible that hostile actors accessed Clinton’s server was added, and at one point referenced Clinton’s use of her private email for an exchange with then President Obama while in the territory of a foreign adversary. This reference later was changed to “another senior government official,” and ultimately was omitted,” the report states, on page iv.

    Thus, James Comey deleted Barack Obama’s very name in order to conceal the extent to which her emails were breached by foreign actors.

    The fact that Clinton and Obama were swapping emails on her non-secure private server in “the territory of a foreign advisory” presents a clear argument to charge both Clinton and Obama with an Espionage Act violation.

    Of course, Obama not only knew about Clinton’s server, he even used a FAKE NAME to email with her. Politico was even forced to report that.

    James Comey’s brother Peter Comey, meanwhile, works for the law firm that did the Clinton Foundation’s taxes….during the period in which the firm was doing the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. The fact that they conversed during the Clinton investigations presents another major liability for Comey and his defenders on the Mueller team…..


  2. After President Trump’s brilliant Tariff threat, Mexico is now doing more than Democrats to still illegal immigration on the southern border:

    Mexican National Guard Reportedly Stops Migrants from Crossing Border into U.S.

    AFP Mexico reports that the Mexican National Guard deployed in Chihuahua stopped a group of Central American migrants from crossing the border into the U.S.

    A tweeted message from AFP Mexico shows a pair of what is reported to be members of the Mexican National guard stopping a Central American migrant family from crossing the border at Rio Bravo in Ciudad Juarez.

    The tweet comes on the same day that the Washington Post reported that the Mexican government announced the completion of its deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops. These troops are deployed in southern Mexico to attempt to disrupt the human smuggling caravans entering Mexico from Central America.

    On Friday, National Guard troops in Mexico stopped more than 20 migrants from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh on the outskirts of Tapachula, the newspaper reported.
    A Mexican Marine orders a group of migrants from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan to step back, at an immigration checkpoint known as Viva Mexico, near Tapachula, Mexico, Friday, June 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Oliver de Ros)

    A Mexican Marine orders a group of migrants from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan to step back, at an immigration checkpoint known as Viva Mexico, near Tapachula, Mexico, Friday, June 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Oliver de Ros)

    Breitbart News reported on June 19 that Mexico would deploy 6,500 National Guard troops to its southern region and an additional 2,000 guardsmen to the U.S.-Mexico border. It appears the troops in Chihuahua could be part of that deployment.

    National Institute of Migration (INM) Commissioner Francisco Garduño Yáñez said the guardsmen will “invite the migrants to return to their countries of origin with assistance from the government.”

    If the tweet above is accurate, it appears the guardsmen will also help stop the flow of migrants into the U.S. at Mexico’s northern border.

    For those who do not wish to return home, the commissioner said, “We will see what conditions they are in and see if the law allows them to stay. Otherwise, they will be deported.”


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