Home Breaking News “LEFT JAB AND RIGHT JAB” JULY 17, 2019




“Right Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have two commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan’s comments are mostly about issues of national interest.  The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give Mr. Biden and Mr. Reagan exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments of the two gentlemen is free to do so.

FOOTNOTE: Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. The socialist led implosion of the left leaning Democrat party. Ironic the politics of racial identity are being used against the party that pioneered the politics of racial identity. This will infuriate the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons as their spotlight is being stolen by the (JV) Squad:

    ‘The Squad’ revives feud with Pelosi: Be aware when you ‘single us out’ that we’re ‘women of color’

    …Tlaib continued, “Acknowledge the fact that we are women of color, so when you do single us out, be aware of that and what you’re doing, especially because some of us are getting death threats, because some of us are being singled out because of our backgrounds, because of our experiences and so forth.”


    • “women of color” socialists using politics of racial division used against less socialist Democrats. Can’t wait for the Gang of 4 to turn on Bernie and Warren. Get your popcorn and watch this unfold.

  2. This will never be reported in the main stream media arm of the DNC:

    List of Racist Statements by Members of the ‘Squad’ (So Far)

    President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that “I don’t have a Racist bone in my body!” and challenged his critics to “Get a list of the HORRIBLE things” that the four Democratic congresswomen of the so-called “Squad” have said.

    It is worth noting that all four — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) are members of a group called the “Justice Democrats.” The group is specifically devoted to backing primary candidates against Democratic incumbents seen as being too moderate and too white.

    Last November, the Justice Democrats launched a campaign called “#OurTime,” aimed at recruiting candidates to challenge “Democratic incumbents who are demographically and ideologically out-of-touch with their districts.”

    From the start, the “Squad” devoted itself to an explicitly race-based political effort.

    Then there are their statements.

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

    From the start, “AOC” used race in her campaign for Congress. As Politico noted in 2018, she challenged incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), who is white, on “ideological, generational and racial grounds, arguing that the 10-term congressman was not in step with his majority-minority district and was too cozy with corporate donors.”

    AOC also has a record of controversial statements about Israel. She claimed, for example, that Israel had committed a “massacre” of Palestinian protesters at the border fence last year. The vast majority were actually members of Hamas, a terrorist organizations that was using the fake “protest” to launch infiltrations and violent attacks against Israel.

    In recent weeks, AOC has shown even greater insensitivity to the Jewish community by comparing migrant facilities at the U.S.-Mexico border to “concentration camps.” Attorney Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, called her claims a form of Holocaust denial. Despite criticism from the U.S. Holocaust Museum, Israel’s Yad Vashem, and others, AOC refused to apologize and rejected an invitation to visit actual concentration camp sites.

    Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)

    Omar has a long history of anti-Israel statements that have included antisemitic themes, such as suggesting that Jews control the world. In 2012, she tweeted: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Local Jewish community leaders in Minnesota staged an intervention before she took up her seat in Congress — to no avail; she continued making offensive anti-Israel and antisemitic statements.

    In February, Omar tweeted, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” suggesting (falsely) that a pro-Israel group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), bribed members of Congress to support Israel. The implication was that Jews were using money to control Congress. Omar apologized for that tweet, but went on, a few weeks later, to claim that pro-Israel members of Congress owed “allegiance to a foreign country.” The chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a fellow Democrat, called her statement a “vile antisemitic slur,” but she refused to apologize.

    In an effort to tamp down the controversy, House Democrats passed a resolution condemning antisemitism — but only among other forms of hatred, and without mentioning Omar specifically. After the resolution passed, Omar took a victory lap, claiming (falsely) that it marked the first time Congress had condemned anti-Muslim prejudice.

    More recently, Omar has supported AOC’s inflammatory claim that the migrant facilities are “concentration camps.”

    Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)

    Tlaib believes that the State of Israel has no right to exist and should be dismantled — a stance that lost her the support of the far-left J Street organization, which likes to maintain the pretense of support for a two-state solution.
    In January, Tlaib posted an antisemitic tweet, declaring that members of Congress who supported Israel “forgot what country they represent.” The American Jewish Committee accused her of using an antisemitic claim of “dual loyalty.”

    In February, Tlaib called Housing and Urban Development official Lynne Patton, a black woman, a “prop” for appearing in the gallery during a hearing where members of Congress were debating whether Trump was racist.

    In May, Tlaib made the bizarre statement that she felt “a calming feeling … when I think of the Holocaust.” She explained by making the false claim that Palestinians had offered Jews a “safe haven” from the Holocaust.

    Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA)

    On Sunday, just hours after the president posted his congressional tweets, Pressley told left-wing bloggers at Netroots Nation: “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” She appeared to assume that the only legitimate “black voice” was leftist; black Americans with other views were legitimate targets of racial attack.

    Pressley’s bio on her official House of Representatives website — not a personal or campaign page — implies that a white person cannot represent her congressional district: “The Massachusetts 7th is the most diverse and most unequal district in the state, requiring a representative whose experiences are reflective of the people,” it says.


  3. Sperry: Possible that Ilhan Omar Committed Immigration Fraud, Passport Fraud, Tax Fraud … Petition Demands Congressional Investigation

    After several years of avoiding the subject — on Tuesday the Minneapolis Star-Tribune published a report on Ilhan Omar, her tax fraud crimes, her illegal use of campaign funds to cover travel costs and touched on her alleged marriage to her younger brother.

    Investigative Journalist David Steinberg who has been covering the incredible story for years commented on the report today….


  4. French Judge ruling, crazy enough to have been from California:

    Muslim Man Who Killed Jewish Neighbor While Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Not Criminally Responsible Because He Smoked Marijuana Beforehand, Judge Rules

    African migrant Kobili Traoré threw victim out of a window after vicious beating.

    …65-year-old Dr Sarah Attal-Halimi was brutally beaten and thrown out of a window by 27-year-old Kobili Traoré, an African migrant from Mali, on the 4th of April 2017 in the Belleville district of Paris.

    According to reports, Traoré, a drug dealer and a drug addict, shouted “shut your mouth”, “Allahu Akbar,” and “I killed the Shaitan” (the demon, or Satan, in Arabic) during the vicious assault. He claimed insanity and was held in a psychiatric hospital.

    Now a French judge has ruled that Traoré is “not criminally responsible for his actions because he had smoked marijuana beforehand,” reports the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

    Traoré, who had also called Halimi’s daughter a “dirty Jewess” two years before killing the mother, will not stand trial for the murder unless an appeal by Jewish groups is successful in overturning the judge’s decision….


    • 19 MS-13 gang members indicted in ‘medieval-style’ California slayings were in country illegally, officials say

      Nearly all of the members and associates of an MS-13 gang charged in the “medieval-style” slayings of seven people in California were in the country illegally, officials said.

      The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles charged 22 people linked to a subset of the vicious gang that’s known as the Fulton clique, members of which are suspected in nearly 200 crimes in several states over 9 years, according to a federal indictment released Tuesday.

      “We have now taken off the streets nearly two dozen people associated with the most violent arm of MS-13 in Los Angeles,” U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna said.

      Of the 22 defendants, 19 had entered the country.illegally in the past three or four years, according to Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office in Los Angeles….
      The brutality involved in some of the alleged killings was also disclosed in graphic detail by authorities. Four of the killings took place in Angeles National Forest. The slayings were carried out using machetes, bats and knives, according to the indictment.

      In one case a member of a rival gang who had been believed to have defaced MS-13 graffiti was targeted and had his heart cut out of his chest, authorities said.


      • A new survey suggests that a majority of the Mexican population believe Central American migrants are a burden on the country and should be deported, expelling a narrative that they are sympathetic to illegal immigration.

        Fifty-five percent of Mexicans believe the Central Americans who cross into their country to try to reach the U.S. should be sent back, according to a survey conducted by Mexico’s Reforma newspaper and the Washington Post. More than six-in-10 Mexicans also said immigrants are a burden on their government, taking jobs and benefits away from citizens.


  5. Behold the lunacy of the liberal left:

    Woman Designs Chair to Prevent “Manspreading”

    By forcing men to sit like they don’t have balls.

    “A British woman has been awarded for designing a chair that prevents “manspreading” by forcing men to sit as if they don’t have any balls.

    I’m not even joking.

    “Manspreading,” otherwise known as ‘having a pair of testicles’ – is where men sit with their legs spread apart on public transport.

    23-year-old Laila Laurel says she designed the chair “following her own experiences of ‘manspreading’”.

    “It came both from my own experiences of men infringing on my space in public, and also from ‘The Everyday Sexism Project’, a website founded by Laura Bates in which women self-testify about sexism they experience,” she told LadBible.

    “With my chair set I hoped to draw awareness to the act of sitting for men and women and inspire discussion around this,” added Laurel, who was given the Belmond Award for emerging talent (whatever that is).

    But here’s the kicker; Laurel has also designed a chair which encourages women to engage in the very same behavior she complains about the men doing.


    A British woman has been awarded for designing a chair that prevents “manspreading” by forcing men to sit as if they don’t have any balls.

    I’m not even joking.

    “Manspreading,” otherwise known as ‘having a pair of testicles’ – is where men sit with their legs spread apart on public transport.

    23-year-old Laila Laurel says she designed the chair “following her own experiences of ‘manspreading’”.

    “It came both from my own experiences of men infringing on my space in public, and also from ‘The Everyday Sexism Project’, a website founded by Laura Bates in which women self-testify about sexism they experience,” she told LadBible.

    “With my chair set I hoped to draw awareness to the act of sitting for men and women and inspire discussion around this,” added Laurel, who was given the Belmond Award for emerging talent (whatever that is).

    But here’s the kicker; Laurel has also designed a chair which encourages women to engage in the very same behavior she complains about the men doing.

    If you’re wondering if that makes any sense whatsoever then stop because it doesn’t.”


    • Slow the video down so I can see what “Real” bone spurs look like bro.


      shar pie – running up our crushing debt like Mop Head eating a shipping container full of Big Macs a day.

      And all so Comrade Put doesn’t spill the beans.

      Think I’ll eat some beans for our country’s sake.

      Don’t expect you to do so.

      But no biggie….

  6. We really need to start paying attention to our own local left wing loonies. Local liberal democrats are masters at appearing to have conservative values until they get in office. Remember Ellsworth ran as a conservative and was a Pelosi lapdog in short order. The 4th ward will get a new face but it will make little difference, the 4th is similar to east Chicago.

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