“Right Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have two commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan’s comments are mostly about issues of national interest.  The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give Mr. Biden and Mr. Reagan exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments of the two gentlemen is free to do so.

FOOTNOTE: Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Trump declares ‘hate has no place in our country,’ as Dems demand recall of CongressTrump declares ‘hate has no place in our country,’ as Dems demand recall of Congress

    President Trump on Sunday forcefully denounced two mass shootings in Ohio and Texas, saying “hate has no place in our country.”

    Addressing reporters in Morristown, New Jersey, Trump promised “we’re going to take care” of the problem. He said he’s been speaking to the attorney general, FBI director and members of Congress and will be making an additional statement Monday morning.

    Trump pointed to a mental illness problem in the U.S., calling the shooters “really very seriously mentally ill.”….


  2. Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters

    President Trump triggered a media firestorm when he criticized a longtime Democratic congressman’s job performance, saying his Baltimore district is “a rat and rodent infested mess” and “the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.”

    The president has since pointed out that many of the country’s major cities have similar problems, and nearly all have been run for years by Democrats. Democratic leaders responded by calling Trump a racist, but media interviews in Baltimore and elsewhere found black residents asking the same questions the president is asking.

    Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week’s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president. Even with the +/-9 margin of error for the smaller sample, it’s a bump that has held up nearly all week.


  3. 1 more delusional clown may enter the Demo 2020 clown fest of Presidential candidates. He could pardon himself:

    Michael Avenatti Reconsidering Jumping Into Democratic Primary

    …Avenatti will presumably face an uphill battle to convince Democratic voters that he’s worthy of their presidential nomination, considering he’s currently facing federal criminal charges related to an alleged extortion of Nike. The California lawyer could face life in prison if he’s found guilty on the charges, complicating the prospect of his Presidential campaign.

    In a Friday CNBC appearance, the California lawyer said that he’s “increasingly concerned that the Dems don’t have the right fighter to go toe to toe with Trump. And the future of the republic and our way of life is on the line. He is a brawler who has no bounds. The Dems need a guy who can match him punch for punch. I may be that guy.”


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