1. Time for Comrade Reagan to find a safe place. As the intellectually honest will recall, monuments to the Civil War were being removed for political correctness, and many regular folks objected to such removal:……………………………………………………………….

    CNN’s Jake Tapper Admits: Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ in Charlottesville

    CNN anchor Jake Tapper admitted Friday that President Donald Trump did not refer to neo-Nazis or white supremacists as “very fine people” in his remarks about the Charlottesville, Virginia, riots in 2017.

    The admission came as Tapper and his CNN panel discussed former vice president Joe Biden’s campaign launch video, released Thursday, in which Biden explicitly claimed that Trump had referred to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.”

    Instead, Tapper described that portion of the press conference: “Now, elsewhere in those remarks, Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people.”

    Tapper’s admission is a major concession by CNN, which has refused thus far to correct or retract its repeated claims in recent weeks that Trump was, in fact, referring to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” The network even aired deceptively edited video of Trump’s remarks to create the impression that he said something that he had not.


    • Ocasio-Cortez Says Conway Is Using Her Twitter Silence On Sri Lanka Attacks As An Excuse To Stoke Suspicion About Her Faith

      Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway sparred Sunday over the congresswoman’s Twitter following the Easter Sunday church bombings in Sri Lanka, with Ocasio-Cortez saying Conway used the attention around her lack of tweets “as an excuse to stoke suspicion” about her faith

      Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday Conway told host Jake Tapper that Ocasio-Cortez tweeted “many times” about the shootings at two New Zealand mosques last month that left 50 dead, but “never once” tweeted about the series of church bombings in Sri Lanka last week that left more than 250 people dead and hundreds injured on Easter Sunday

      Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that she did not post a tweet about last week’s attacks because she had been on a technology hiatus while she was visiting her grandmother in Puerto Rico, the Peurto Rico Trump has ignored

      Rep. Ocasio-Cortez rightfully called out Conway “Are you trying to imply that I am less Christian? What was the point of you bringing this up on national TV?” and pointed out that “If you’re so moved let’s do more to welcome immigrants fleeing religious persecution”

      Ocasio-Cortez wrote that the “terrorist attack in Sri Lanka was horrifying” before saying in another that Conway was “using this as an excuse to stoke suspicion around my Christianity and faith life”

      Rep. Ocasio-Cortez also used the moment to comment on the Trump administration’s response to the devastation in Peurto Rico caused in 2017 by Hurricane Maria, saying in the tweet about her technology hiatus that the country “continues to suffer from the White House’s incompetent disaster response”

      “I’m curious, how do you spin ignoring and neglecting the largest mass death of people on American soil in decades Kellyanne?” Ocasio-Cortez wrote



  2. Yesterday Comrade Reagan actually claimed that Trump was responsible for the terrible California synagogue shooting by claiming the psycho shooter was a Trump supporter. As with most of Comrade Reagan’s posts, it had zero credibility. The psycho killer hated President Trump for his support of Israel and those of the Jewish faith.

    Report: Suspected CA Synagogue Gunman Called Trump ‘Jew-Loving, Anti-White, Traitorous C*cksucker’ in Manifesto

    The manifesto also includes a “lightning round” — a question and answer section in which Earnest discusses his hatred of President Donald Trump and reveals he is inspired by Adolf Hitler, Tree of Life Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers, and New Zealand mosque gunman Brenton Tarrant.

    NBC News further reported: “The shooter claims in the Q-and-A section to eschew political ideology, saying he does not support Donald Trump because of his support for Israel. The writer also complains that conservatives aren’t violent enough in support of their politics.”

    “Are you a Trump supporter?” one question reads. “You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous cocksucker? Don’t make me laugh,” the answer says.

    Another question asks if the author is a “conservative?” The answer states:

    I am not a useless, spineless coward so no—I am not a conservative. Conservative is a misnomer. They conserve nothing. They’ll complain all they want but they won’t take up arms and threaten their government with death (the only thing that works). Ever heard about the Battle of Athens (1946)? Find your balls again you insufferable faggots. If you do not defend your rights you deserve none.

    The Associated Press reports Earnest has no criminal record, but investigators were looking into a claim he made in the manifesto about setting a fire at a mosque in nearby Escondido last month. “I scorched a mosque in Escondido with gasoline a week after” the New Zealand mosque attack shootings, wrote Earnest per the Los Angeles Times, adding that the people inside “woke up and put out the fire pretty much immediately after I drove away which was unfortunate.”

    President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and other lawmakers condemned the shooting, which took place exactly six months since 11 people were shot at a Pittsburgh synagogue. “Thoughts and prayers to all of those affected by the shooting at the Synagogue in Poway, California. God bless you all. Suspect apprehended. Law enforcement did outstanding job. Thank you!” the president tweeted.


    • At Wisconsin Rally, Trump Spreads More Sick Fantasies About Democrats Killing Babies

      Hours after another white neo-Nazi committed a heinous terrorist attack on a California synagogue, Donald Trump held another of his lie-filled MAGA rallies in Green Bay, Wisconsin

      Instead of huddling with national security advisers to figure out an immediate response to the ongoing threat of white terrorism, which has resulted in mass shootings at two U.S. synagogues in just six months, Trump moved forward with his rally

      Apart from a brief mention of the attack at the outset of his speech, Trump spent the rest of the evening stoking hate, telling lies, and basking in the unwavering praise of his red-hat-wearing admirers

      Most of the ideas expressed by Trump on Saturday night were lies. It was the standard Trump script that fosters divisiveness and promotes misogyny, racism, and hate. Without a second thought, the crowd ate it up

      That includes Trump’s most disturbing lie of the evening, which is that Democrats like killing babies. Not only that, but mothers conspire with their doctors to “execute” newborns with the help of the Democrats. This is Trump and the Republican Party’s new sick fantasy, and Trump has been lying about this since earlier this year

      It’s a calculated political strategy, one that could only be dreamed up in the minds of men who have no capacity for empathy and seek power and complete control at all costs

      Trump said Democrats are “aggressively pushing extreme, late-term abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb, right up until the moment of birth. The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby”

      The AP has facts on the issue: In Wisconsin, only 1% of all abortions in 2017 occurred after 20 weeks of pregnancy, according to the most recent annual report from the state Department of Health Services. More than half of all abortions in Wisconsin occur before eight weeks of gestation and 84% are performed before 12 weeks. There were NO complications reported in 92 percent of abortions performed in Wisconsin in 2017, according to the report. There was NO data in the report about any failed abortion that resulted in a live birth



  3. After Poway rabbi thanks Trump, can we now dispense with the canard that Trump is anti-Semitic?

    For years, President Trump’s opponents on the left have attempted to pin the label of anti-Semitism onto him. In the wake of the vile attack on the Poway synagogue, the response from Rabbi Yishoel Goldstein who was wounded in the attack tells a different story:

    “As I was in my house, I received a personal phone call from our president, Donald Trump. I was amazed to answer the phone, and, say, the secretary of the White House is calling, and he spent close to ten, 15 minutes with me on the phone. And, it’s the first time I’ve ever spoken to a president of the United States of America. He shared with the condolences on behalf of the United States of America. And we spoke about the moment of silence. And he spoke about his love of peace and Judaism and Israel and he was just so comforting that I’m really grateful to our president for taking the time and making that effort to share with us his comfort and consolation”


    • After Synagogue Shooting Trump Boasts Of Crowd Size At Rally And “Great” Golf Game

      President Trump stumbled as usual in his response to the California shooting, sending condolences to those affected before quickly changing the subject to his political rally in Wisconsin later Saturday night

      “Looks like a hate crime. Hard to believe”

      Trump then moved on to explain at length that he was about to get on a plane to Green Bay, where he said that a big crowd had been “waiting since yesterday” to see him. He also told reporters about his golf game with Japanese leader Shinzo Abe and that they discussed trade issues, remarks that seemed tone deaf coming just minutes after the heartbreaking attack

      Rabbi Chuck Diamond, a former rabbi at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, said Trump needs to stop fueling the fire and focus on ending the hatred spewed by some of his supporters

      “The president says we’re going to get to the bottom of this. Talk is cheap”

      On Twitter it was the same story. Trump started with a quick tweet expressing his condolences, but instead of leaving that tweet up at the top of his much-watched feed, Trump quickly pivoted to his political rally: Leaving now for Green Bay, Wisconsin – BIG CROWD, will be there shortly! #MAGA

      He then went on to brag about his golf game with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and again mentioned the “very large crowd” waiting for him in Wisconsin

      When faced with major news events, most leaders try to focus on that issue alone and not switch gears to other subjects. It’s common to cancel or delay overtly political events like the Wisconsin rally. But not Trump. It’s not even the first time he has displayed a lack of political tact when faced with a tragic attack on Jews

      In the hours after the Pittsburgh synagogue bloodbath, Trump went ahead with political rallies that focused mostly on his trade war with China and European allies. He joked that he was having a “bad hair day” as he jetted out during a windy day to one of the rallies just a day after the shootings



  4. Just when you thought the far left couldn’t get any crazier, they do. This from the once proud land of Lincoln, where Democrats propose that men be castrated and their sperm stored and taxed…………………………………………….

    The controversy involving Democrat Representative Pappas stems from her allegedly telling Wayne Township Republican trustee Jackie Hayden she views “castration” as a way of remedying the problem of abortion and dealing with House Bill 2495, which would make Illinois home to the most unrestricted abortion access in the country.

    “You know, ladies, with technology the way it is, we wouldn’t have an abortion problem if we applied a plan,” Pappas said, according to a recounting from Hayden of a recent meeting she attended at Pappas’ Bloomingdale office in an article posted to the Wayne County Republican organization website. “I’ve been told it’s a bit radical, but if we allowed men to be castrated, took the sperm to the bank, collected tax dollars on it for storage, then when it’s time, to have the man decide he’s ready to begin a family … well then problem is solved.”


    • Trump Has Berserk Meltdown After Fox Exposes His Crimes

      Now that Trump has become more toxic than ever, not everyone at Fox likes him anymore. Or perhaps we should say that because Trump isn’t as popular with Fox conservative audience as he used to be, the Fox personalities who have always thought Trump was garbage are now finally allowed to say it

      Whatever the reason behind it, Judge Andrew Napolitano has been increasingly using his Fox airtime to expose Trump’s scandals. This week Napolitano spelled out how Trump’s obstruction of justice antics were in fact criminal in nature. The segment was so influential, Rachel Maddow ended up airing portions of it on MSNBC. Suffice it to say that Napolitano has gotten under Trump’s skin, and sure enough, it prompted Trump to stage a berserk late night meltdown

      Late on Saturday night, Trump tweeted this rabid gibberish: “Thank you to brilliant and highly respected attorney Alan Dershowitz for destroying the very dumb legal argument of “Judge” Andrew Napolitano. Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the Supreme Court and I said NO he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good “pal” of low ratings Shepard Smith”

      We’re not even sure where to start with this. There does appear to be at least a morsel of truth in there, as Politico reported in 2017 that Trump had told Napolitano that he was on the short list for Supreme Court though that clearly never went anywhere. But that doesn’t matter, as Napolitano’s current legal argument about Trump’s obstruction of justice felonies is rock solid. And the real upshot here is that, as Fox increasingly turns against Trump, we’re seeing Trump attacking even more Fox personalities. This can’t possibly end well for Trump, who needs Fox more than it needs him



    • Trump Has Now Lied and Said More Than 10,000 Untrue Things As President (And That’S Not The Big Story)

      That the President of the United States doesn’t tell the truth A LOT is not new news. The fact that Trump has now said more than 10,000 false or misleading things in his first 827 days in office is both galling and appalling, and it isn’t all that surprising

      What is surprising and even more important than the sheer number of falsehoods Trump spews is that the rate at which he does so has picked up dramatically seemingly with every month he has spent in the White House

      “Trump continues to say false or misleading statements at an unbelievable pace” said Glenn Kessler, the lead fact checker at the Wahington Post said this morning

      This line from the Wahington Post Fact Checker analysis was knock-you-over stuff: Trump racked up 171 false or misleading claims in just three days from April 25-27. That’s more than he made in any single month in the first five months of his presidency

      Think on that for a minute. In a three-day period, Trump said or tweeted 171 untruths. That’s an average of 57 untruths a day. It’s hard to do that even if you are trying. Over the last seven months Trump is not telling the truth at a rate THREE times higher than he did in his first 600 days in office, and even then he was averaging eight false or misleading statements a day

      What’s clear here is that as Trump rolls along, he retreats more and more into a world of his own creation, a world that is increasingly devoid of any objectively accepted facts. What’s also clear is that as Trump turns more and more to his 2020 reelection race, his exaggerations, distortions and outright lies grow more and more common

      All of which means that if it took 827 days to say 10,000 false things, it could well take half that time for him to get to 20,000 or more lies

      It’s important to remember that Trump didn’t win in 2016 because people thought he was honest and trustworthy. Just 33% of voters said they believed him to be honest and trustworthy, while 64% said he was not. That Trump has lied, prevaricated, exaggerated and distorted while in office isn’t a surprise for most Americans. It’s baked in when it comes to Trump. People don’t expect him to tell the truth. In the same way they don’t expect him to act “presidential” or to stop tweeting

      According to The Post, the largest issue area of false or misleading claims has been immigration. The most-repeated claim is that the border wall is currently being built, something that Congress has not allocated funding for or authorized construction of. Trump’s campaign rallies are the largest venues for false or misleading claims, constituting 22 percent of all of the claims covered by the Fact Checker. Trump’s rally in Green Bay last Saturday spawned 61 claims. Trump said he had cut the estate tax to “zero” or that he was one vote away from repealing the Affordable Care Act (both claims are untrue)

      The Fact Checker aims to “explain difficult issues, provide missing context and provide analysis and explanation of various “code words” used by politicians, diplomats and others to obscure or shade the truth” and readers are encouraged to submit claims for fact-checking. George Conway, the husband of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, weighed in on Twitter writing “Congrats, #DerangedDonald! An amazing accomplishment!! No one but you could have achieved this”

      In just seven months Trump doubled the number of claims he made in the first 20 months of his presidency

      That whether or not voters care about Trump’s lying and whether or not they punish him for it is immaterial. WHAT TRUMP HAS DONE AND CONTINUES TO DO IS DEVALUE THE IDEA OF TRUTH IN OUR CULTURE. If not telling the truth at the highest levels of our government and on issues that have global consequences isn’t punished then what incentive do people in everyday life have to adhere to facts and truth? If the President of the United States can lie with impunity, then why not take advantage of the truth in your own life every once in a while?

      This is obviously hugely corrosive to civil society and democracy itself. Without an ability to agree that capital “T” truth exists and without a moral framework to judge lying as wrong, and carrying potential penalties, our ability to come together on literally anything is badly compromised

      That will be the Trump legacy when he loses in 2020. A legacy that not telling the truth is OK as long as you get away with it. That facts are fungible. That reality is in the eye of the beholder



  5. Trump Slobbers Over “Definition” In Baylor Women Players “Beautiful Arms” During Painful White House Visit

    Trump appeared to sexually harass the Baylor women”s basketball team as they crowded around his desk in the Oval Office Monday.

    The coach handed Trump a jersey from the school

    “I love those short sleeves” Trump told the women “Such beautiful arms. Great definition”

    He went on to beg the coach to come and work for him.

    Trump offered the women his spread of fast food, as he”s done in past visits from sports stars. This time, the players mocked the lack of healthy options

    “Okay, Donnie. Cool” said one player in a video



  6. RR should stay in his corner to avoid further beatdowns in what has become left jibberish – right jab. IMHO.

    • Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion, But Not Their Own Facts
      –Daniel Patrick Moynihan

      Yet the truth is that you are NOT entitled to your opinion, you are only entitled to what you can argue for

      Per normal operations with your snide drive-by rants, you make zero contributions other than cluttering things up because you feel a need for some self-delusion. Just stop with the intellectually dishonesty and lies, they have no credibility, and you have zilch for debate skills for “arguing your point”

      The problem with “I’m entitled to my opinion” is that all too often it’s used to shelter beliefs (like the ones by you and JethroBodine) that should have been abandoned

      If “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion” just means NO-ONE has the right to stop people thinking and saying whatever they want, then the statement is true but fairly trivial. No one can stop you saying that vaccines cause autism, no matter how many times that claim has been disproven

      But if ‘entitled to an opinion’ means ‘entitled to have your views treated as serious candidates for the truth’ then it’s pretty clearly false, and this is a central tenet of why you and JethroBodine and the other malcontents are laughable, because you land on the second part in your delsions

      “There’s evidence, and there’s bulldust” and it’s no part of a journalistic effort to give bulldust equal time with serious expertise

      So next time you hear someone declare they’re entitled to their opinion, ask them why they think that. Chances are, if nothing else, you’ll end up having a more enjoyable conversation that way


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