One of our readers sent us this video link titled “PEOPLE Magazine Reveals 6 Witnesses To Sexual Assault On Reporter By Donald Trump (VIDEO)” and ask us to post it. We do so without opinion, bias or editing. In fact, after viewing it we are sure the content shall spark some heated debate among our readers. Attached is the link for your review and comments.


Todays READERS POLL question is:  Who won last nights Presidential debate?

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  1. Trump is losing the election, worse, he’s losing so bad….he may take the Senate and House GOP majorities with him to the Losers Bench. (Where losers sit. Why? Cause they didn’t win. That’s why.)

    So, last night. Did Trump change anything for his campaign? Did he turn this around?

    No. He did not.
    (The answer to that question is “No” in case you missed it.)

    • So, if you are Pressanykey and JoeBiden today….what the hell are you gonna write here today?

      1. You are gonna whine, well, cause you’re losing.
      2. You are gonna whine that the other campaign is mean, plays hardball, too hard, cause you’re losing.
      3. You are are gonna complain about “rigged elections” and the mantra of losers: “We lost. It wasn’t fair.”

      Have at it boys.

      • Mr Becker
        For someone that says they are voting for Gary Johnson why are you cheering so hard for Hillary?

        • …..look, you’re having a bad day apparently SCORCHED EARTH. Nowhere am i “cheering hard for Hillary.” No time. No words. Not one bit of type.

          Where does this “just make crap up” character quality come from?

          That YOU think I did shows some a lot of personal stress on your part though Scorched.

          • Nope having a wonderful day Thanks!
            No stress.
            Also I am not voting for either loser!
            But unlike you I am not spending my whole day bashing Chump.
            Not one post have I seen from you ever bashed Hilaiary.

      • And you are going to whine at every intersection where I remind you what you have done to you grand children’s future. 🙂

        • I really can not understand how with the recent revelation of pay to play, inciting violence at trump rally’s, lying under oath, and notorious dishonesty that you see her as not being catastrophic. What attracts you to her?

    • ……look, that is your right as a citizen……but voting for Trump is placing a dangerous fool, proven to be incapable of keeping his cool……and I, and many others would never do that to their children and grandchildren.

      We can survive 4 years of Hillary.

      Trump….wise people don’t gamble those things MAINSTREET.

      • I could not have said it better Don. This is my thoughts about Trump vs Hillary. Trump’s temper scares the hell out of me. If he were to be the President and have the codes to launch nuclear missiles they would be going off left and right after Trump gets his felling hurt.

        Trump has no idea what he is doing and doesn’t understand what’s going on in the world.

    • Morning Scotch? That’s impressive. I can remember having breakfast at the Civic Center Inn with Frank Lightfoot and he would drink Scotch and milk with breakfast. It always amazed me, but I was young and impressionable. Last night’s “debate” makes me want a drink this morning
      I think I’ll mix up a mild Bloody Mary.

      • I knew Frank well. Saw him knock out those milk & Scotches many times. I’d suggest an unqualified Bloody Mary for you this a.m.

    • Rough night Sailor? I drink before the debate not after the debate. Well unless the election goes way wrong and some how Trump rigs the vote for himself and he wins? Then I think I’ll start drinking Scotch in the Morning too.

  2. In regard to your link, I’m wondering if Trumpy did or did not apologize to Melania for the “locker room talk.” She says he did in her damage control interviews, but last night he said he had not apologized to her because he hadn’t actually done anything wrong. I can’t imagine how Ivanka must feel. Yesterday was her first public appearance in awhile, and she spent most of it distancing herself from political involvement.

    • He likely feels Melania is bought and paid for and deserving of no explanation for his philandering. Ivanka wisely ducked when she saw it going south several weeks ago. She is now concerned about that goofy lout sullying her ‘brand’. She did what she could for him, gave a decent speech, took a fatherly grope and motored.

  3. Even Trump knows he lost the debate last night. He’s tweeting that Hillary had the questions in advance and the debate was rigged. That’s really a bad reflection on the CCO poll which shows the readers saying he won.

    • Can anyone tell who is losing and is behind in the election?

      As Laura points out……even Trump knows he’s losing. Lots of whining from Trump, and I am stunned he lashed out at the debate moderator Chris Wallace so fast. Indicative of the strength of the loser’s anxiety.

      (Is Bandana really drinking Scotch this morning? Did I read that correctly? I was really pleased watching Trump fail last night, and perhaps I should toast w/ Scotch to the failure too.)

      • One celebratory double with coffee to ease into the morning. My wife did a little tsk tsk w/semi-smile when she saw my breakfast prep.

  4. Looks like Evan Bayh is still on track to take his senate seat back.

    The holed up rapist Assange had better kick up the rate of his stolen email drops, he seems to be about all Rump’s got. Orange Flambé is dragging bad candidates like Todd Young right down into the mire with him. That is as it should be. Last night Putin said Trump has offered to personally house one of their new Topol-M ICBMs.

    • Topol-M ICBM now that made me think back about 53 years ago when we were being instructed to hide under or school desks in case of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. Even we kids knew that was fruitless and stilly. But we did as we were instructed by the teachers. I wondered where the Teachers were going to hide. Some of them were way too big to fit under those little student desks. Thinking about you Mr. Graves.

  5. When the executive level of our federal government deteriorates to the point that the Justice Department, The FBI, and the IRS have all been compromised, and now operate as partisan surrogates of the Chief Executive, the whole system of government is at stake. With no justice department to enforce existing statute we are left by default with a virtual monarch in control of out country.


    If the Clintons are put in charge it will get even worse. Some people understand what is at stake. My fear is that others might have to find out the hard way, and it will be anything but pleasant if that happens.

    • Sorry Press but the FBI has not been compromised. The Justice Department has not been compromised. And the IRS should go after Trump for not paying his taxes.

      Trump’s been compromised by the Russians.

    • …you know, it’s been a while since the claims “that Obama thinks he is a Monarch.” He’s leaving office, peacefully in January, by the way. But that won’t stop a “drunken OJ Juror” from making ignorant, infantile comments.

      “That OJ. He talks so nice, and he was so fast! My wife loves his commercials too. No way he did it. I mean, that smile. No way. Not guilty.”

  6. How long ’til Pressanykey begins coating the walls in here w/ his desperation CCO Tweets?

    I mean, his trash can for that material, the Drudgereport and Breitbart, they are loaded to bear.

    Alas. Nothing, and I mean nothing….is more amusing than Pressanykey pasting links over and over when he sees Trump’s continued slide towards a massive electoral loss.


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    2015 Excess of Expenses Over Revenue $ (593,195)

    2015 Contributions Received From County $ 738,254

    Accumulated Operating Deficit (since opening) $ (10,256,903)

  8. No matter the result of the upcoming Presidential election, Trump is toast. Trump’s “Brand” (whatever that is) is toast. No one will want to be associated with him in tbe future. No legitimate banks will touch him with a 10′ pole for a loan (which means, coming soon, near to you, Trump Fidelity Savings & Loan “Where we only touch it for a little bit.”). And Hillary? Well, win or lose, she’ll still have her Clinton Family Foundation to fund her forays and power trips.
    Heaven help us all, whichever of these deviates is elected.
    The best we can hope for after the election is we suffer through the next 4 years or until the “annointed one” is indicted or impeached and replaced by the V.P.
    Oh, wait a minute, that’s not such a great option either…
    Well, maybe in 3 or 4 years the Democrats and the Republicans can reflect upon the injury and disgrace they have inflicted upon this great nation and decide they need to offer a competent, capable candidate for our consideration.

    • …..you should run for Mayor PCD. You’d get my vote. And donor support. And the support of all of my friends in the MSM. Even a spot on “Between Two Ferns.” I control the levers of power, you know. (That’s what the little silver handle is on the corner of the toilet, right?)

  9. Most memorable part of last night’s debate:


    Nope, you’re the puppet


    So now we know there are two puppets running so who is the puppet master?

  10. BTW, Patrick Kennedy is paid for his services at the State Department by you and I. So just who’s interest was he protecting by trying to get the FBI to downgrade the security classification on a Hillary Clinton email about the terrorist attack on our embassy in Benghazi? I think we all know the answer to that one. Another person who had dealings with a Clinton, and came away with shit all over them. When will they learn?

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