Last Chance GOTV Phone Bank!!

Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Central Committee
Edie Hardcastle, Chair;
Nick Iaccarino, Vice Chair
Alex Burton, Political Director
Cheryl Schultz, Treasurer
Melissa Moore, Secretary
Help Us Get Out the VOTE: Donate Now

There are TWO shifts of Phone Banking on Monday to Vanderburgh County voters. The first is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m to call voters 65 and older. The second is from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. to call voters younger than 65.  You DO NOT HAVE TO CALL THE ENTIRE SHIFT — you can phone bank for as little as ONE HOUR. We are only calling DEMOCRATS who we know have not yet cast a vote. You will need a cell phone or computer to log into the virtual phone bank and have a copy of the 22 vote centers to be prepared to answer questions from voters about where to vote that day.
We know that phone banking isn’t everyone’s favorite thing to do. But this is our very last opportunity to push to voters to do the right thing and participate in the most important election of our lives. Thank you.

Use the link HERE to schedule your shift.