

  1. The toon’s a hoot, what they don’t know is both those logistical supply chains have some “real easy solutions” to the standing environmental problems,both present.
    That cartoon shows the nations pathway offerings and the overwhelming misguidance through an under informed leadership on the issues forward. The wrong pathways in the sought balances of their combined sustainability* aspects seem to somehow be the whole of the presentation as perceived.

  2. +1! I’m a fan of the Cowboy and Indian Alliance. I’m on the list of old women who have volunteered to be arrested if POTUS approves this travesty, so I really don’t want it to happen.

  3. IIT the Canadian Ambassador to the US threatened to ship the dirty oil by rail and/or truck resulting in even more environmental hazards and even more greehouse gases being pumped into the atomosphere just as the cartoon depicts?

    IIT that this plan B must be stopped at all costs.

    IIT the Koch brothers own or lease nearly 2/3rd to 3/4’s of all the land in Alberta near the tar sands?

    IIT true that AFP commercials supporting the pipeline tell Americans that the oil will be shipped to Texas leaving out the part that the oil will be refined in TX and then shipped out to the
    overseas markets and Americans will not see one drop of gasoline from this hideous project but will we get all the benzene, sulpher dioxide and mercury pollution not to mention more CO2 pumped into our atmosphere.

    IIT that Canada and the Koch bros will get the money, China will get the oil and petroleum products and the US will get all the environmental risks with this godforsaken project?

    IIT that even a dog knows not to p!ss and sh!t in its own water and food bowl but that if a few thousand jobs are dangled in front of politicians and the American public that we can be pursuaded to drink the flavor aid?

    IIT true that President Obama gets to have his cake and eat it too since he gets act like an environmentalist while at the same time getting the $100M pledge by Billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer for Democratic candidates that support tough action on climate change and reductions in the use of fossil fuels?

    • IIT that Koch Bros. and Tom Steyer are different breeds of poisonous snakes that feed on different brands of politicians. IIT Koch’s suck red blood and Steyer sucks blue blood but both are self interested blood suckers who make puppets of our leaders. IIT the puppet in the white house only gets to eat the cake his puppet master lets him eat. The pipeline deal should have been put to rest period. IIT the puppet in the white house has neither the balls or the authority from his puppet master to do so.

      • 100% Agree.

        Tell that to the five idiotic corrupt SCOTUS justices who sold our democracy out to the highest bidder via Citizens United and McCutcheon

        IIT Chief Justice Roberty sat with a smirk on his face during the whole McCutcheon oral arguments and that he brushed aside every attempt at reasoning with the money isn’t speech argument?

        IIT that you really have to either corrupt or dead from the neck up to believe/think that corporations are people and that money is speech and that corporations have the same rights as American citizens.

        IIT that the corrupt greedy passive aggressive snake in the grass Mitch McConnell was behind the McCutcheon case?

        IIT that when Mr. McCutheon went on the cable news programs to defend his suit he could barely put a noun and verb together to form a complete sentence and mentioned the word “freedom” about 15-20 times.

        • Agreed! The Kochs and Steyer are different colors of the same breed of dog. We don’t need Keystone, nor do we need Citizens United. If one doesn’t destroy us, the other will.

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