Keep Evansville Beautiful Creates Partnership To Remove Litter From State Roads


Keep Evansville Beautiful is partnering with Indiana Department of Correction, the Indiana Department of Transportation, and the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office to remove litter from state roads located within Vanderburgh County.

This partnership is the first of its kind for Keep Evansville Beautiful and the Indiana Department of Correction. Keep Evansville Beautiful, a not-for-profit funded by donations from the public, is organizing and overseeing the project. Offenders from Branchville Correctional Facility and Wabash Valley Correctional Facility will be transported to Vanderburgh County to pick up and bag litter along most major state maintained thoroughfares. INDOT will provide all safety equipment, funding for waste disposal, and needed signage to inform motorists of any traffic changes. Vanderburgh County Community Correction’s offenders, under the supervision of the Vanderburgh County Sherriff’s Office, will then collect and dispose of all waste bags.

All IDOC offenders assigned to the work detail are offenders who have been cleared by the facilities to work off prison grounds and will be supervised by Indiana Department of Correction staff. Off ground work crews routinely pick up trash along interstates and work in Indiana parks throughout the state.

“This partnership is not only a great deal for Indiana taxpayers and Vanderburgh County but it provides an opportunity for offenders to give back to the communities from which they have often taken so much,” Indiana Department of Correction Commissioner Bruce Lemmon said.

“Keep Evansville Beautiful is delighted to partner with the Indiana Department of Correction, Indiana Department of Transportation, and the Vanderburgh County Sheriff to clean litter from our state roads. This partnership will create a better environment and encourage economic development in the area,” Keep Evansville Beautiful President Cheryl Musgrave said.


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