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  1. WALL STREET JOURNAL, June 14, 2017
    “Southern Baptists Condemn Alt-Right Movement”
    PHOENIX – The Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant Christian denomination, denounced the “alt-right” movement and white supremacy on Wednesday.

    With thousands gathered here for the conservative denomination’s annual meeting, Southern Baptists denounced the alt-right, a political term popular with many Donald Trump supporters and short for “alternative right”, that embraces tenets of white supremacy.

    A resolution condemning “the anti-Christian gospel of alt-right white supremacy” was overwhelmingly approved on the convention floor on Wednesday. “Please know we don’t share your particularly vicious form of racism that has manifested itself in the alt-right movement,” said Barrett Duke, chair of the Southern Baptist Committee on Resolutions.

    Last year, the convention called on Christians to stop displaying the confederate flag. Many Southern Baptists here—especially younger ones—worried that taking no action would be seen by fringe outsiders as an endorsement of white nationalist groups.

    • Becker4Hillary = Putin bla bla alt right bla bla Trump bla bla Russians bla bla 1% bla bla confederate flag bla bla Brietbrat News bla bla, repeat MSNBC talking points

  2. So Mr. Showboat gathers all of his minions together in the Rose Garden to high five and celebrate the greatest health care plan ever devised by man.

    Then the mentally questionable commander-in-chief calls the same utopia piece of legislation, “mean, mean, mean and not generous enough” in between telling the Australian Prime Minister that his health care system is far better than ours.

    Australia has Medicare for all.

    And McConnell is hiding his version even from his fellow Republicans. They say this is how our system works, like sausage making.

    We need to start importing Australian made sausage….

    • Australia has only 24.5 Million people (same as 6 counties in Southern CA) and about as much diversity as Jasper. I like sausages, but I would rather have a small sample of kangaroo and dingo laced sausage before committing to a 100 pound box of it. It doesn’t look like the life expectancy or the public health outcomes are any better than they are here. They do consume lots of beer and shrimp though.

        • $3800 per person per year. We are at roughly $11k. We could easily afford $3800.

          • My greatest fear before Mop Head was elected was the national debt Wallace. Now it’s a myriad of things.

            But health care costs are the greatest driver of our national debt and along with the interest on the debt which is getting ready to spiral, will consume us before we even realize we’re being chewed on.

            It’s such a shame after WWll that our leaders didn’t have the vision to make our health care system free of employer involvement, economical enough that any individual could afford to start a business and not be strangled by unaffordable health care cost and along with that, businesses would not have to carry workman’s comp insurance making our companies more competitive and not so willing to want to move.

            But contrary to popular belief, health care inflation didn’t start when Big O showed up on the scene but has inflated over the years to the point it is BEYOND sustainable.

            I know the answer, but from what I am seeing up in LaLa land, I might as well keep it to myself.

            By the way, check out this Redneck mouse and rat trap;


            You must admit, our deplorable’s ideas will beat Australia’s deplorable’s ideas everyday of the week.

            Believe me….

        • California senate just passed a free healthcare for all bill with no funding mechanism. It is estimated to cost $400B pew year which is $11k for every resident. If this passes the assembly and gets signed by the governor we are bracing for every person of moderate means or less that is sick to move on out. It may just force some of the high earners to consider moving out.

  3. To my buddy Al Sharpie.After President Trump’s eight yrs is over,the only legacy Hussein Obama will have left will be a couple of old worn out prayer rugs and big Mike.

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