“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming MONDAY.

Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you feel that Councilman Dan McGinn has done a creditable job as Finance Chairman of City Council?

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  1. ‘Do you feel that Councilman Dan McGinn has done a creditable job as Finance Chairman of City Council?’

    No. The city can’t come up with a realatively small amount, just over what Winnecke gave free and clear to the conman Haney, to raze those burnt buildings downtown. The city has overspent mightily despite the lies from the administration and its lackeys on the city council.

    Send Butterfly McGinn back to the zoo and put him on the Monkey Ship. Sell peanuts and slingshots at a kiosk nearby.

  2. That might be a way to raise the money to raze the burnt buildings. I’d surely put out a few bucks for that entertainment.
    I just wonder why, after he botched the finances at the Zoo so badly, he would be entrusted with the chairmanship of the finance committee.

    • C&P had a article past week or so, about that Main Street fire.
      No insurance on these properties?
      City may be going after one of the owners because the property was not set up in a LLC?
      Should all owners set up their properties in a LLC, drop insurance, and let local government
      bail us out with their “food stamp” type give away?

      Or is that only for “business people” that can receive these “food stamp” type government handouts?

      • I’ve wondered about that, too. A lot of downtown businesses have gotten money through DMD. Does DMD not verify that they carry something as basic as fire insurance? Is there no vetting of the applicants for funding for a downtown business? Did EarthCare teach us nothing?

        • Every time I bought real estate I had to prove I had insurance on it. I could have lost the property to the bank if I didn’t keep the insurance up. Either the people that owned those buildings and businesses didn’t owe anything on them and were too dumb to keep insurance, or the banks were real sloppy about their business.

    • Now City Controller Little Russ, when Mayor, appointed Butterfly as Director of Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden after he fired the existing administrator (Ron Young) and attempted to gain control of the Friends of Mesker Park Zoo’s endowmwnt (rumored to be in the million $ + range – baby Russ wanted the money added to the City’s General Fund). Baby Russ and Butterfly go back a long distance.

      • I used to think Butterfly had something on somebody, but now I’m starting to believe somebody has something on Butterfly. Maybe something his tenure at the zoo makes him Russie’s puppet. Idk, just sayin’…

    • This caught my eye;

      Congressional Job Approval Gallup Approve 13, Disapprove 83 Disapprove +70


      Scratch that – SAD….

      • If that doesn’t get most of the incumbents tossed out, it is a reflection on everyone who doesn’t show up to throw the bums out.

      • Actually it was Trey Gowdy who called her a liar Joe.

        Gowdy said no where in the report does it say Hillary lied. He said the military failed by not having forces positioned properly to provide help.

        The grieving mother has a right to say what she pleases and everyone else can decide from that what they please. But for the sick SOB’s who have used Benghazi for political purposes only, like Kevin McCarthy said they were doing, I doubt they even have the God given sense to realize they have been urinating on those 4 American’s graves the entire time they’ve brought it up.

        Don’t forget Joe, Gaddafi murdered close to 200 Americans and we lost 4.

        And with no no-bid contracts involved….

          • No, he’s dead. His head liar James O’Keefe is one of many of his “reporters” to go to jail. The early death of Andrew Breitbart belies the old adage that “the good die young.”

    • I don’t have a college degree. I made my living with my hands instead of my head. I should be a Trump backer, but I’m not stupid. He lost me when he asked the Russians to hack other Americans and after what he said about the Muslim parents of a dead soldier, he slammed the door on me. He’s got three months left to screw up more so you wish the election was over but its not.

      • Time is NOT on her side. Each new day brings her closer to disaster. The latest poop says that the FBI had “ALL” of her emails and could have accessed them at any time. Things are just getting interesting with NSA whistleblowers coming forward.

        • Pressanykey……..writes material that sounds like Baghad Bob.
          Preposterous. Comical. Infantile. Nakedly self-damaging.

          • Pork Chop:
            100% agree with you on Trump’s insane support for Russia and Putin to expand the evil empire…..Putin has made it clear…..he will go to war to take new countries. Trump is supporting that idea. I can’t believe it. 100% Un-American to even think that.
            Trump is no doubt, NO doubt…a dangerous fool.

    • I wonder if you just repost headlines you like without reading the story. The last line admits that the majority of arrests were for immigration violations. Now rape is always bad (unless it results in pregnancy, then R’s think it’s a gift from God), and of the “hundreds” arrested, only 2 were for the crime of rape. But if you compare the percentage of perpetrators of rape overall, white straight men are still number #1 in the UK (and in the U.S.) for committing that crime and they often go unpunished.
      The Sun is a tabloid just like the Enquirer. Would you accept the Enquirer as a respected valid news source?

      • Probably. He posts from Breitbart and the Blaze. Trump’s buddy edits the Enquirer, so JB would believe it, I’m sure.

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