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  1. I had amusement catching bits and pieces of the DNC this week, by
    switching between PBS, CNN, FOX News, and other stations every 5-10
    minutes. The wide range of reporting (per network owners agenda) was
    eye opening.

    Big surprise was I had watched Lou Dobbs some, back 6-10 years ago when he was CNN.
    He was then a balance fact finding newsman. Have not seen him since, until this week.
    When did he trade his big boy pants in for a skirt and a pair of pom-poms?
    It was embarrassing to watch what was once a good newsman, to stoop so low
    to do a networks political party bidding!

    • Here we go.
      Press is already starting to make excuses. Trump is gonna lose and:
      “It’s not his fault! It the MSM!!”
      (by the way, for non-Kenya conspiracy people, that means ‘main street media'”)

        • Really? Running kind of loss spewing racist accusation to be supporting the most crooked candidate that the pro-slavery, and anti civil rights party, whose patron saints are KKK Byrd and “I didn’t mean to drown her” misogynist Kennedy. But I don’t hold your reptilian comments against you. After all, what choice did you ever have but to vote for the candidate your party told you you would support. So be a good girl and fight hard to give us the one candidate who might have been less qualified, more crooked, and worse character than Obama because she might be the first female president. She will make us long for the good old days under Obama.

          Now cut your lawn because I believe your Hillary sign will arrive shortly. If your candidate can’t look good then at least your yard should.

          With love from Russia.

          • There are no apples in your apple pie Indiana Enoch.
            Your response to LKB is so vacant-headed that you have no choice but to bring up this 100-year old complaint about the Civil War era Democrat party?
            What a post. Surely there’s SOME apples left in your bin.
            You might as well say “give.”

    • Hillary has a LOT of Republicans “in her tank.” She also has a lot of military leaders. Don’t forget Bloomberg, who has 100 x the wealth of Trump. This election is going to boil down to a battle between the bitter and ignorant, and everyone else.
      How did you like what John Allen and Wesley Clark had to say, Mr.”America First”? This speech was one of the most moving of the convention, but you may not have seen it, because Fox played a Benghazi commercial instead of it. http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/07/29/dnc-convention-khizr-khan-father-of-us-muslim-soldier-entire-speech-sot.cnn

  2. Looks like they’re going to sanitize the information they give Drumpf in his intelligence briefings, assuming President Obama doesn’t deny him the reports altogether. They are now all realizing he is nuts and dangerous. A delusional conman.

    • Literally…….Trump’s infantile comments about unleashing Russia and Putin over the last several days….including he’s willing to let Russia seize new land from neighboring countries…..Literally – Trump lost the confidence of the entire Pentagon and US Military Leadership.
      The Pentagon has only one conclusion after Trump’s savage, self-inflicted Russia and Putin mistakes: Trump is a dangerous fool.

  3. Watching Trump’s last three events, it is clear he is only interested in continuing to cultivate “angry white men” fans (to be converted into a Trump media channel after he loses the election apparently):
    1. Hispanics? (No, are you kidding me. BTW, they will grow to 15% of the electorate this time, up from 11%)
    2. African-Americans? (Who? Oh, they want to destroy America! We need to make America great again!)
    3. Women voters? (“I love women.” Ugh…Women will decide the next Commander in Chief, not angry white men. Largest voting bloc. Electors of Presidents. They may not love the other candidates, but Trump lost their actual vote long ago.)
    4. Ethnic groups? ANY ethnic groups? (Uh, no. And that second question you repeated? That’s a NO too.)

    Gonna be tough. Trump’s only choice is to beat the crap out of his audience, scare them to death, make them feel weak and without any options in life…except him. Tune in to his “Trump Events”…it is all variations of this: “You pieces of shit need to be scared! You have no choice you weaklings. You need me. You pathetic pieces of crap, its Trump or nothing.”
    Gonna be tough. He’s already got his sheep audience’s votes. That’s not enough to win.

    • That slice of racist old white men with the shared tooth has felt the lash. They have glided seamlessly into full throated submission, an unhelathy variation of the Stockholm syndrome.

      • I just hope that after their loss, they don’t decide to “fight back, becuz we was robbed.” They will be sure that the Dems cheated. It won’t be safe to get breakfast at McDonald’s or to show up at Golden Corral before 7 pm.

        • Golden Corral – before 4 p.m.; that’s when you still get the Senior discounted lunch price with drink included and the restaurant changes over to the dinner foods. The restaurant is full of those aged 65 and older.
          Sheesh LLB, don’t you know nothin’? You might even find your next husband/sugar daddy dining there.

          • I’m not big on buffets. I’m sure I won’t find my next husband/sugar daddy dining there, as I am only interested in extremely wealthy men who are paralyzed from the neck down. That is to balance out the ones who were paralyzed from the neck up! I’ve got to go now. I’m on my way to look for candidates at the retirement home!

          • I believe the deaf dumb blind association is elbees only shot for a sugar daddy…………just saying……………..

      • Bandana – “full throated submission”? I thought that was a Clinton perogative? a.k.a., Give me a Monica.

        • She was sort of the elephant in the room. If Hillary wins, I wonder what her instructions to the Secret Service regarding (possible) warning shots will be if Monica breaches the perimeter.

    • (….This is how Trump fans present opposing views……..with CCO Tweets.
      Keep’em coming Press. Send us some more CCO Tweets…!)

      • Hurts doesn’t it? Better get used to it, a lot more to come. I really do not need to do any of it since Donald Trump is headed for a landslide victory. I just like setting the record straight after your propaganda dumps on here.

        Did you see the crowd when Trump was here? That would tell most people with a brain which way this election is headed. I respect your right to your fantasy though.

        • Oh, yes! Some of the least educated residents of a poorly-educated state showed up for your guy. That’s proof that the whole country is voting for him.

          • Were you referring to the “Feel the Bern” freeloader boys and girls who showed up at the Old National Events Plaza?

          • @PCD: I was referring to Trump supporters. If you knew much of anything, you’d know how much Trump loves his “poorly-educated voters.”

        • He’s got a good shot at keeping his losing streak going. Susan Hale and Eric Holcomb are the best gifts Gregg has gotten. Suzanne Couch will get Holcomb some votes from this area and some donations, I think, but that’s about it.

    • agenda, not avenda and speech, not soeech. Really need to push for an Edit feature on this site. Even Facebook has one.

      • Clad to see NotSoClassyEvilPolitico is still waiting for puberty to catch up with him.

      • Huffington Post? I’d put that in the same category as The Drudge Report, CNN, MSNBC, The View, Rosie O’Donnell, Rush Limbaugh, FOX, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Extra, TMZ, the Kardouchians, David Letterman, and a ton of other “unbiased” sources and opinionators. All with their own “unbiased” slant on the world around us.
        Now, on the otherhand, we had Andy Rooney and still have Ben Stein…

  4. OK, now that tbe Republican and Democatic National Conventions are over, can someone explain exactly why they were even held? Were they held just for tradition? Everyone knew who was going to be nominated. That was predetermined by the primary votes which had been diligently monitored, reported, and analysed by the national media. Even the Vice Presidential running mates had been announced prior to the “conventions”. There were no real fights for delegates votes. There were no “real” controversies save Trump’s horrendus rhetoric and the Hillary/DNC eMail faux pas (seriously Hillary, after your eMail server screw up you still don’t have a clue?).
    These were nothing but a huge expenditure of money (individual, city, state, political party, and Federal) for what were really nothing more than family love fests, Dr. Feelgood dog-and-pony shows, and a bunch of stump speech making BS rhetoric. And a ton of BS analysis by the talking head media “political experts” trying to tell us what we should believe and what the candidates were “actually saying” – both pro and con for both political parties (Sheesh, do you guys have any idea what the term “unbiased” means?).

    Enough already. Get on to the campaigning and the debates. Cut the BS and let us, the voters, hear the 3 candidates (Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian) go head-to-head on an open unbiased (which will be difficult given the state of today’s mainstream media) platform.

  5. They were held in accordance with each party’s by-laws, genius. That is how the nominations are certified.

    • I’m well aware of how they were held, Not-So-Genius. The once notable process has dissolved to nothing but an expensive dog-and-pony show.
      Almost as bad as the Super Bowl, NASCAR, and “Professional” Wrestling.
      It certainly didn’t require that excess to certify these losers.

    • Time for you to head back to the nursing home circuit to continue your search for a dead-below-the-neck, overtly rich sugar daddy. I’d suggest NotSoClassyEvilPolitico. Wait, that won’t work; he’s dead above the neck and still living in his parent’s basement.

  6. Rumor has it Bill Clinton wanted Philadelphia native Bill Cosby for the voiceover and announcing work at the DNC. Hillary didn’t think that would be such a great idea as it would appear as a “good ‘ole boy” favor from Bill Clinton to his idol Bill Cosby. Hillary thought the voiceover/announcing should have a more feminine tone and was hoping to snare Caitlin Jenner. But Elizabeth Warren pointed out to Hillary that Brucie was actually a Republican and still anatomically intact. Indian Liz suggested Rosie O’Donnell but Hillary said she hadn’t used a guy for oration for several years. Other names considered were Jesse Jackson, but he was ruled out as the Democratic Party didn’t want to end up supporting another love child, and Al Sharpton, but the committee didn’t want to see an IRS lien served while he was delivering his litany. The final compromise was the whitest black guy they could find, Morgan Freeman (James Earl Jones was busy); and all he had to do was reprise his President Tom Beck speech from the movie “Deep Impact”.

    The Republican National Convention background/voiceover speaker was just as hard to select. THE Donald first suggested Arnold Schwartzengubenator but Arnald declined as he didn’t want to hear Trump utter “You’re fired” and Maria told him if he wanted to even try to get back into her good graces (and any place else) he’d better not consider showing up at Cleveland unless it was to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Trump’s next thought was Charlton Heston or Ronald Reagan until his daughter Ivanka reminded him they were both dead and would only appeal to dead white guys. No one will admit it but it’s been alluded that Bob Knight ended up handling the announcing chores from the control booth as the committee wanted to keep him off the floor and away from folding chairs and the Kentucky delegation.

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