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  1. While catching the last half of Trumps noon (EST) news conference,
    it made me wonder about something. With the republicans in our
    state pushing religious issues into our legislation process, would all
    you republicans “be proud” to had that exact news conference in your
    own congregational packed church? Be honest!

    • First, I didn’t catch his speech.

      Second, if you are calling protecting religious protection pushing religious issues then we have a different understanding of religious freedom.

      Third, I am not voting on Trump to be, pastor, alter-boy, or Sunday school teacher. If he came to speak on his vision for America I would hope he and Hillary would be provided a forum.

      The simple truth is that I feel my conservative values will fair best under Trump.

      So now your turn, would you “be proud” to have Hillary speak at your church? Be honest.

      • …..Indiana Enoch, this need you have to elevate religious issues in the Presidential election above ALL OTHER ISSUES including embracing Trump’s incompetent and unstable ideas about unleashing – RUSSIA for God’s sake! – is disconcerting and revealing about your true nature as a voter.
        Religious zealotry is horrible…albeit a protected first amendment right, and I am not advocating you can’t vote for whoever you want…..but it is disgusting. And I am happy the majority of Americans agree.

        • Don’t pretend you and Pressanykey haven’t been excusing your would be president fool, Trump, as Trump coddles a clear and certain threat to the free world, Vladmir Putin, over the last few weeks.

          Set aside that Trump invited Russia to interfere in the democratic process of US Citizens electing their next President, but that you would defend Trump’s willingness to consider recognizing Russia’s right to seize and steal neighboring countries State territory – the Crimea from Ukraine – and I-E, you sit here and write that you are willing to overlook Trump’s foolish incompetence on Russian thuggery.

          • There is no State sponsored religion in this country, and there has not been one since its founding. Just as there would be no country without religion.

            John Adams claimed that statesmen “may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.”

            “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

            I am not telling anyone anything they do not already know, your rights come from your Divine Creator and are unalienable. No politicians or governments can take them from you.

            But give it your best shot Wayne, I have always had guidance in dealing with you and others like you:
            2 Corinthians 11:19 although I have to admit being glad about it is sometimes very challenging.

          • Who are you talking to Pressanykey?
            (blabbing on about the need for state religions…?)

        • This “need” I have our founders secured as a constitutions right. In fact, it is the first one they secured in the bill of rights.

          I am not wasting my time knocking down your straw-man arguments.

          • ….there is no defense I-E. You’ve elevated your religious tests above everything else in the election. You’re willing to even have Trump embrace Russia and Putin to achieve your political religious goals.

          • You’re right. I have nothing to defend myself about to you.

            Your values are going to be lost in Johnson, mine are going to fair best With Trump. Either Hillary or Trump will be our next president, and either way you will be the loser.

          • Well it is firmly established…..Indiana Enoch, you and Pressanykey….elevating religious issues in the Presidential election above ALL OTHER ISSUES including embracing Trump’s incompetent and unstable ideas about allowing a global menace, RUSSIA to expand and take other countries for God’s sake! – it is totally revealing, it is disconcerting and it lays clear your true nature as a voters.

          • Trump promised me that he will replace the Constitution with the ten commandments and every textbook with the Bible. Amen brother Trump

        • Might as well go all the way I-E. Whole list of laws, offenses and remedies in Deuteronomy….it looks quite similar to another religious zealot state – ISIS.

      • First, his speech(news conference), was name calling ,and put downs
        which belongs in the back alleys of the bad parts of town!

        Second, it was the tie for, republicans-religion-Trump!

        Third, you never answered if you would be a proud religious person
        having Trump (running for president)in your church pulpit, spewing his
        name calling and put downs in front of your congregation. Are we not a
        reflection of who we associate with? Your posts on this site, it appears
        Trump does no wrong! As far as I’m concerned, nobody outside of my
        Armstrong Township office holders would I welcomed!

        Lastly, I do respect your opinion on who you think is best for you!
        As for me, there is some good from both sides. But boy, there is a lot to be desired
        from both sides!

        • I did answer your question but not in the way you loaded it. I would not want Trump to be our pastor or Sunday, School teacher and I am not voting for him in either position. If it was up to me and he spoke in our church I would ask him to refrain form the name calling as I try to avoid it. S

          I am also not sure where you get your “Trump does no wrong according to you” accusation from “my values will fair best under Trump” statements. Perhaps it is because I am much more concerned about what Hillary did than what the Russians did. You should be also.

          I am not enamored with Trump, but I see nothing of value from Hillary. If I thought my value would fair best under Johnson I would consider him, but he does not hold my values on abortion, immigration, and religious protection. I honestly would not likely support a candidate who would want to fight gay marriage again. We now have to deal with the damage it has and will cause not fight that battle again.

  2. Does anyone need any more evidence Trump is unstable, and a dangerous fool….FAR to dangerous to consider him for President of the United States?
    1. Stunning all of US Congress, all of the US Military serving in the Pentagon’s high command, all US current and former soldiers and military personnel dedicated to protecting the United States from Russian war-mongering, Donald Trump said “he was considering recognizing Russia’s right to keep Crimea and recognize it now as Russian territory.”
    2. Just to remind you – Russia invaded the Ukraine, a sovereign country – and sovereign means like France, Poland, Austria, Great Britain and the United States, and militarily seized the entire Crimean Peninsula from neighboring country Ukraine. Is this new? No. Russia invaded other neighboring countries…14 of them, including Lithuania, Georgia, Estonia, Belarus and of course the Ukraine. Russia immediately began importing Russian citizens into those countries stealing the new territories.

    THIS is why NATO exists. To prepare to repel the Russian armed forces from seizing Europe. As Paul Ryan said yesterday, “Russia is a global menace and Vladmir Putin a devious thug.”

    Yet….here we are. Donald Trump, the dangerous, unprepared fool trying to convince us he is capable of being the Commander in Chief of the United States. Wake up people.

    • My neighbor retired early Becker. I figured up one day that he may have paid $50,000 dollars into Medicare during his employment. He’s had 2 operations, one costing $60,000 and the other $80,000. His wife is on Medicare Medicaid disability he calls it. Without Medicare and Social Security they would be flopping around in a ditch like a fish out of water.

      A few years ago I was at their house talking to them and his wife said they were going to have to run me off because Glenn Beck was coming on and they never missed it. I said I had watched him a couple times on CNN and didn’t get anything out of it so I quit but that I was going to go home and watch him on FOX that day.

      That day, Glenn Beck said, “Social Security and Medicare is the ruination of this country.” As soon as his show ended I called my neighbor and asked him if he heard Beck say that. Honest to God Becker, he mumbled something I couldn’t understand so I just hung up to keep harmony in the neighborhood.

      Which consists of only me and my neighbor.

      Naturally my neighbor was wearing a brand new red hat saying Make America Great Again when I was over there the other day and I started to ask him what the nuclear triad was but even though his eyes were wide open, I realized when it came to this election he was sound asleep.


      Scary stuff man and I don’t know if you heard or not but Mop Head likes the 12th article in the Constitution the best he says….

      • Totally believable story, Regulator. The right HATES gubmint…. unless they’re directly taking advantage of the numerous programs set in place by the gubmint or are direct recipients of gubmint largesse, in which case it’s their gawd given right and don’t you dare end that program!

        • My neighbor doesn’t have much time left on this Earth Delta.

          I believe he is voting for Trump so he can take the rest of us with him….

        • Yep. I know someone who had every opportunity to succeed in life and ignored them all. She chose to indulge in all the “pleasures” in this world and so did her siblings. The family business failed due to bad management, and at 70 she is a big Trump fan, because “he will help people like me, who deserve it” ( aka white people). She goes on to rant about how “Obama took away my free dental care and medical transportation.” When I pointed out that her Social Security went up when an ex-husband of hers died and it was increased income, not the President, that made her ineligible, her reply was that I could believe that if I wanted to but black people get more than white people. She is currently bellyaching that the Section 8 house she lives in isn’t as “nice as the ones the blacks get.”

          • To be fair, LKB, it ain’t just whitey who grouses about the quality and quantity of their gubmint bennies.

      • Do you think it is any different with Hillary or Sander’s supporters?

        What has occurred from the Johnson era is we have created a dependent class.

        • No, it’s really no different, IE, shouldn’t have implied that it was, honestly. The ‘dependent class’ crosses all socioeconomic lines in this country. For every ‘poor’ person who takes advantage of SNAP, medicaid, Section 8 vouchers, etc., there is a fat cat who wallows in gubmint funded favors in the form of preferential infrastructure improvement, laser targeted tax breaks, closed bid contracts (wink, wink), etc.

          I’m just as annoyed by the folks who are ungrateful for the benefits they are using as I am by the folks who pretend they are ‘self-made’ and don’t need no gubmint.

          • The EFD awards at the Red Cross? Nope, but I know all the guys who did. Really good group, and a nice ceremony from what I understand.

          • Sure sounded like it by the article. I know one fairly well and knew two of their dads. Good to see them get some recognition.

          • Definitely. There is certainly a culture of ‘I don’t need an award, I was just doing my job’ on the EFD (and most public safety agencies, honestly), but it’s great that they got a formal attaboy. I’m continually impressed by the hard work, technical skill and professionalism of the guys and gals I get to call my friends and co-workers on the EFD.

    • Bidet,
      Obama gave a great speech last night, complete with a big hug for your next president, Hillary Clinton. I’d guess you missed it, busy categorizing your Dead Breitbart links for easier access. You got a two-fer with that one, a knock on gay people and another thrilling trip to Dead Breitbart’s site. I’m sure glad Dimbart didn’t take it with him when he expired. A lot of great information there.

      • JOE BIDEN….this is how out of control this Trump advertising site Breitbart has become. What the Trump voters are embracing…is stunning.
        This is the Editor of Breitbart News….Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart:
        “Why I Hired A 6 ft 6 Black Porn Star To Protect Me At A Video Game Meetup”
        (he goes on to brag, that while he is a racist, it’s not really true, cause he prefers black men when he gives blowjobs.) The link:

        That is some kind of site you read JoeBiden. A great place to get news on the Presidential Election.

      • Last night was so full of great speeches that it is hard to pick between them. Of course our President was great, even by his high standards. Joe Biden was at his best, leading an exuberant pep rally for America, and Leon Panetta spoke with authority about national security, The speech that will make Trump come out with something even more insane than yesterday was Michael Bloomberg’s, I think. Bloomberg, who is conservatively estimated to be 100 times as rich as Trump, began his speech by commenting that he did NOT start his first business with a “million-dollar loan from my Dad.” He went on to comment that he hoped Trump would not try to run this country like he does his businesses, leaving six bankruptcies, lawsuits, and unpaid bills in the wake. Having his much richer fellow rich guy criticize him is going to hurt his little feelings and make him even more insane.

      • Bidet is on top of all the ‘happening sites”. I’ve seen him post things from the Blaze and World Nut Daily too. If he ever jumps into InfoWars, he may have to be hospitalized.

      • The hug reminded me of a Spy vs Spy cartoon with both holding a knife to one another.

        • Most hugs have that blade component right under the surface except the ones early on in a relationship. They are often upped to serve as cheap atonement. Like in lieu of a dinner.

    • It appears that you fall into the third and largest category of Chumps for Trump, the virulent racists. The other two are the uneducated, bitter failures in life, and the fanatically religious.

    Eliot Cohen and Nicholas Burns, both of whom served Republican administrations under Condoleeza Rice say that the controversial news conference Trump gave earlier Wednesday —when he said he might simply let Russia keep annexed Crimea, and even called on Moscow to launch another cyber-invasion of the U.S., only confirmed the national security experts’ worst expectations.
    Donald Trump doesn’t understand every major American national security fundamental since Truman, the view held by every President of both parties, in particular the Republicans, that we are going to protect our power, we’re going to be the guardian at the gate.
    The Crimea quote today! Russia! He’s turning President Ronald Reagan on his head! This guy comes along with no experience, no historical memory, no understanding of the stakes involved, and he carelessly just gives it all up. Shameful. Shameful.

  4. When one is outside of their group of friends and out in public, one needs to watch what they say.
    You do not say fire, bomb, this is a hold up, etc. out in public, even if your kidding!
    Trump could had misspoke in his news conference yesterday, but did he not confirm that in his tweets?
    “A joke” of this nature is not for public figures to say. Jokes/kidding could lead to international

    • Cyber warfare is just that arms, it is actually war.

      It could lead to nuclear war and both Parties have been trying to explain that but for some God forsaken reason it just isn’t sinking in.

      Think I’ll go over and see what my neighbor thinks about it.

      Wish me luck, he has more guns than Rajo’s….

      • ….of course. Trump was asked repeatedly in the press conference if it was a serious comment, and he wouldn’t deny it.
        But that was not the worst. United States policy is to contain Russian expansion, Ronald Reagan helping to finish the job. Trump is willing to give Russia Ukraine’s Crimea state…
        The entire Pentagon lost any trust in Donald Trump yesterday. Sensible voters too.

      • Yes he did, he spit out everything he intended to. He’s ordered Scowlin’ Mad Pence out to try to clean it up this morning. There might be a violation of the Logan Act here. Won’t matter if there is for the election though:
        1) Nothing matters to his supporters, nothing at all and
        2) The FBI won’t hardly get involved in something like this that could influence an election.

        • Interesting about that “Logan Act”. Likely would not stick if they do a “mental
          evaluation” on him. Worked for Hinkley!

          • Hope nobody tells Hinkley that Trump’s seeing Jodie Foster.
            (If you can file back all those years, I think that’s what set him off).

          • I don’t think the constitutionality of the Logan Act has been tested in court yet. Trump would be a good test case because he has plenty of money and his attorneys would give the act itself a rigorous trial. Then, if it passes through the federal appellate process intact, they could also use it on a human.

  5. Eric Trump yesterday speaking to the Scranton PA working class attendees, “I love Pennsylvania. My parents sent me to boarding school in Pennsylvania, and it was much nicer than I thought. There are so many trees, I was really surprised by that. And people pump there own gas here. It’s kinda cool.”

  6. Mr. Trump is playing 4d chess while the msm and the barry hussein radical libtards are playing checkers ……….bobble head crooked hillary and her deleted 30000 emails front and center………Mr Trump Law and Order 2016…………..and beyond……………

    • Hey AL…..you know, there is no such thing as 4-D chess…and I agree, that is what Trump is playing.

      • Don google 4d chess it is currently above your pay grade………….after Mr.Trump is President most libtards and the msm will not realize they have been played………..but the semi smart libtards will realize the obvious……..Don you will get it……….

        • Trump is “playing somebody” alright.
          ….what kind of fool believes Donald Trump cares about workers.
          Trump is a survivor, and he will survive this one too. While he won’t win the White House, it’s gonna be pure Trump business as usual. After all of the carnage is done, after he loses like he has six times in bankruptcy….Trump will be surrounded by all kinds of trash heaps and dead bodies of those who worked for him.
          Trump was never in it to win it…he is playing you to build his brand.

    • ……FYI: Trump joked that he was gonna give the biggest tax cut in history to the top earners in America, and joked that he was gonna spend more on new infrastructure than anyone in history, and then he joked that he was gonna pay for all of that using debt, cause you know, he is the King of Debt…..and actually told the truth on this one: That he was gonna pile on more debt in four years than anyone in history. Cause, well you know, he is the King of Debt.

      And when he adds all that Trump debt? Trump King of Debt Interest Rates are gonna go back to 19%.

      You can forget home ownership when that happens Al Sharpie. Cause, you know your guy, he’s the King of Debt.

    • This kind of smarky comment from you PAK holds NO water, and is comical considering your endorsement of capitulation to global menace Russia led by tbe thug Putin.
      Who’da commie now Press? Who’da commie now!!!

    • Press….you are right to be insecure about Trump’s Russian problem. You show it by needing to dig up old stuff like this when Ted Kennedy lost his campaign.
      Savage self-inflicted, lack-of-trust and character showing mistake by Trump – he lost the entire US Military Command’s trust.
      So….you are correct to be insecure about Trump’s Russian problem alright.

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