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  1. CIA investigates Trump Campaign Manafort over Russian Ties:
    At conclusion of both parties national conventions, commencement of national intelligence briefings for candidate Donald Trump have been complicated by a Central Intelligence Agency review of Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort’s close relationship to former pro-Russian contacts with close relationships with Vladmir Putin. “Given Manafort’s dubious foreign connections, it’s fair to assume that many in the military intelligence and national security community would be extremely wary of him handling or receiving material at even the lowest level of classification,” said Adam Blickstein, aide to former Bush White House appointee US Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Manafort may be best known for managing the 2010 campaign of Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian politician whose ouster as president prompted a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Manafort’s Russian experience also includes executing complex deals for an oligarch with close ties to Putin.

    • Do not recall this engineer, but the thought of “political donations” makes me glad I didn’t! (no matter which political party)

      • While I was on the Council, he always kept me informed about issues in the 5th Ward which was appreciated. He was a concerned citizen always striving to make Evansville second to none. We can only hope that more would be like Wally. May his family find comfort knowing that he is with the Lord. His community will miss him!

  2. In Japan, a “assault” knife with “rapid jab” capacity has killed 19, injured many others!

    In the USA, a “runner up” candidate, endorses the winner.

    In Evansville, homestead credit under attack.

    In Armstrong Township, all is “peachy”

  3. Candidates get intelligence briefings between the conventions and the election. Trump cannot be trusted with this sensitive information. He not only wouldn’t understand it, he’d see it as just another commodity to be sold or given to Putin, who by his own admission he so admires. That email hack job on the DNC servers wasn’t free. The US will pay a steep price for Putin’s meddling in American politics on behalf of the would-be tyrant Drumpf. Putin is inexorably taking ownership of Drumpf. Manafort is up to his bad dye job in international intrique. We’ll see where the FBI investigation of the email hack leads.

    The Tangerine insults America but does Indiana a favor by putting Scowlin’ Mad Pence on as his running mate. It works, the bigots flock to them. Won’t get any better for these poor, toothless folks, never does. They are stupid. Do they really think Drumpf is going to put some money in their empty pockets?

    Mini Führer Drumpf is the closest thing to Hitler the world has seen since 1945. This guy makes the Hildebeast look as clean as the Pope in Rome. It’ll be a pleasure to vote for her.

    • Intelligence briefings should begin “after” there is a confirmed winner in November! 2 1/2 months should be enough time to get the elected up to speed! A heated campaign can leak out damaging intelligence that would
      make “email” issue, child’s (GOP) play

        • …Indiana Enoch expressing comfort with Putin is the best example of desperation I have seen here. He gives a weak defense saying he has no choice. But desperate is the right word.

          • The only desperate person is you DB. You’re believing ghost stories about Trump, so you want to roast smores with Johnson and show him pictures of your grandchildren.

            Hillary is going to eat your grandchildren DB.

          • Well now…I-E, you actually posted the words “Hillary is going to eat my grandchildren.”
            ….validation of your desperation, in your own words, Sir.

          • (…Trump wants the people to be angry, resentful….”You pieces of shit need to be scared, and I’m the only one who can help you!!” Congrats I-E, your strength is officially gone.)

          • M head is clear and my strength is fine, but it looks like your nap didn’t help you much. You are fighting to ruin your grandchildren’s future, and I hope you lose.

          • I-E….angry social values voters are not gonna decide this election. And YOU are voting for Trump out of resentment over having lost the respect of the majority of the voters in the US. The middle will decide, as it always decides Presidential elections – women voters nationally. Bill Clinton won them. George W Bush won them. Obama won them. Trump will not win the woman vote. You’re being predictable as a social conservative…(ironically voting for a guy who isn’t indeed born again or a regular reader of two-Corinthians)…….but you won’t decide the Election I-E.
            Women will. (They ain’t votin’ for Trump.)
            Who knew? LKB – The Decider.

          • I’m not angry either DB. Clear headed and calm. You’re the one running for shelter and leaving the kids outside while it’s raining democrats and Hillarys.

            I’m not voting for a savior, pope, or alter boy. Only one of two are going to win, Hillary, or Trump. I am voting for the one with whom my values and your values will fair best, Trump. I suspect I will be in the majority of Americans. You should suck up your pride and do the same.

        • Trump is running for the President of the USA ,,,your boy Sanders was the one running as a dictator,Sanders wanted to let everyone have free school and free medical ,,,only problem is hard working taxpayers are gonna foot the bill
          Sanders claimed he was a socialist democrat ,,,,were a republic , ain’t nothing in life free ,,,

        • Oh the drama LKB. That’s why we have a constitution…if you progressives haven’t damaged it beyond repair.

  4. Watched the DNC on TV last night. Three things stood out:
    1.) Elizabeth Warren is an angry white woman. A raving lunatic.
    2.) Bernie is pissed and expecting to still be nominated.
    3.) Bernie filled in some of the blanks on how he would fund his welfare state. Yep, that’s right; rib Peter to pay Paul. And “free college education for,all at all public schools”? Only if combined family income is less than $100,000/year. Yep, that leaves out a huge chunk of the general population.

    And I loved Bernie’s thoughts about minimum wage. “It should be raised from $7.75/hr to $10.50/hr so the bottom enders can have a decent standard of living. I guess Bernie doesn’t realize that means a.) minimum wage paying employers will raise their prices to offset their increased expenses, and b.) everyone one else in the food change will also want a 35% increase in their compensation since if the bottom feedersxare wirth a 35% increase, so am I! Bernie doesn’t get it, socialism is a failed experiment. It doesn’t work. Money doesn’t grow on trees and someone has to pay the bills. It’s a free market economy and any attempt to level the compensation between the bottom feeders and qualified, productive individuals just results in an increase in product costs.
    Betnie, Trump, Hillary – all losers. This country deserves better and the two major political parties should be ashamed of the product tbey are offering.

    • PCD, anything we purchase is paying for “over compensating” CEO’s, Stock holders who does
      not produce anything, etc. The monies go to the top, but not much gets to the workers these days!
      What is the right answer? I’m not sure. Maybe one needs to look back 40-50 years, and see what has
      changed to cause the crème(money) float to that fine upper line?

      I am not on board with a few agenda’s they have. You mention “free college”. I have a son that teaches
      (free)public high school in Louisville. It is a waste! Incoming freshman reading/learning skills are subpar
      to his girlfriends “second grade” class that is a private school! The kids/parents know that that they
      will be passed to the next grade without any effort on their part. Is this what we want our colleges to

  5. I have an honest question… Why didn’t the Democrats push any of the major issues Mrs. Warren brought up through while they controlled the House, Senate and White House a few years back?

    • Because the GOP Senator’s filibustered the Demos and played the Stall game anytime the Dems had the majority in the Senate or House. You see there are rules that you need a 2/3 or 3/4 majority vote to get things passed and to stop a filibuster. The GOP Stall tactics keep the Dems from getting their programs passed. That is why we are not moving faster to fix the mess that Bush left us in.

        • “Rigged system”…….L-U actually posted this having never spoken these words before in his life prior to the last month when Donald Trump used those words.
          Sheep. Trump is effective with mindless sheep.
          Checkout line too long in the grocery? Rigged system.
          Overdrew the checking account? Rigged system.
          Got fired? Rigged system.
          Are you accountable for anything? No, it’s easier to say “rigged system.”
          Mindless sheep can’t figure out anything for themselves? “Rigged system’s fault.”

  6. This morning I read where Kevin Blackistone is complaining that Michael Jordan has donated money to both tbe NAACP and the National Association of Police Chiefs to fund resolution of conflict between police officers and the local communities instead of donating to “Black Lives Matter”. Sorry Kevin, you’re just another racist in the mold of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Kevin doesn’t get it; all lives matter. He’s just another entitlement seeking prig looking to play his “race card”.

      • Trump wants to back off support of NATO countries in Europe. NATO exists only to stem Putin’s history of invading European countries with his armies.
        So…Putin prefers Trump, cause Trump inexplicably wants to weaken NATO.
        This is gonna be a bigger, and bigger and BIGGER issue. Get used to it.

        • NATO wants to weaken us. I was in favor of letting NATO go the way of the league of nations long before Trump.

  7. It’s no wonder that Trump is going ballistic because no mention was made of Isis at the DNC last night. He’s frantic to draw attention away from his cozy relationship with the Russians.
    Why the hell SHOULD any mention been made of them by anyone who spoke last night?

    • What?
      POLITICO’s poll today…..not that it means much…..this is 105 days away……but even post-Trump Convention, Clinton was ahead of Trump. W/ Johnson and w/out Johnson.
      And it was a big poll 12,000 polled.
      Press…….That should be shocking to you…..Trump NOT winning a poll right after his Convention.

    • Just a heads up Press;

      RT, originally Russia Today, is a Russian government-funded[citation needed] television network that runs cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russia as well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

      No big deal, I just thought you should know….

  8. Women are gonna decide the winner of the next Election folks.
    Not white men. (Press, I-E, Hoyt, Joe…sorry fellas)
    Not angry social values voters either (deceived by Trump).
    Women will decide who the next President will be.

    Trump continues to be nasty and angry cause he knows the non-college white men eat that crap up.
    He won’t change his tune over the next 105 days either, or he will lose their votes if he becomes a feline.
    And women…? Trump lost that national vote a long time ago.
    LKB…….she’s The Decider this Fall.

  9. Thank you. I choose Hillary because she isn’t Donald Trump. Many of the younger women, especially college-educated ones, were Bernie backers who are already starting to come around to deal with reality. Hillary will get the vast majority of women’s votes, minorities’ votes, and young people of both genders’ votes. Trump will win with older people, especially the uneducated, and women who have a low feeling of self-worth.

    • Trump’s votes will come from the angry middle class (both men and women, both educated and uneducated), those with upper class entitlements, Social Security recipients, those who believe “Professional” wrestling is real, and those who are fans of reality TV shows like Jersey Shore, Survivor, and Housewives of….
      Hillary ‘s votes will come from lower class and recent immigrants (both legal and illegal), those who feel disenfranchised, minimum wage earners, those who feel the easiest way to wealth and success is to be a professional athlete, those who believe Rosie O’Donell is a great actress, and those who are fans of reality TV shows like the Kardashian sagas.

    • As far as reality TV shows go, both Hilwhore and Bozo shod be on “The Biggest Loser”. But we all know that would end up in a tie.

  10. I’d look for Eddie Munster to invite Putin to address congress on Drumpf’s behalf, like Boehner invited Netanyahu to try to scuttle Obama’s attempt to negotiate an end to the Iranian nuclear crisis.

  11. Netanyahu made more sense than Obama, Putin won’t make more sense than Trump. I don’t know what Putin’s interest is, if he has any interest or was involved in Hillary gate. I suspect he might be bored and looking for a more worthwhile adversary. If he really wanted to cause us harm he has better weapons than Hillary’s EMails.

      • As they scramble after signing on to that bigoted tangerine it will get worse. They can’t bail now, in for a penny in for a pound.

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