Join us for Virtual Platform Meeting

Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Central Committee

Edie Hardcastle, Chair;
Nick Iaccarino, Vice Chair
Alex Burton, Political Director
Cheryl Schultz, Treasurer
Melissa Moore, Secretary

220 N.W. 4th St.
Evansville, IN

We welcome volunteers!
Call 812-453-8949

🔗 Join us for a Virtual Platform Hearing with the Indiana State Democratic Party this Wednesday April 8 at 5pm. This is a REGIONAL event. Everyone is welcome to attend and is not limited to Vanderburgh County.
Open. Inclusive. Collaborative. Help shape the direction of our Party. Join our virtual platform hearing and bring your top policy issues to be included in the Party’s 2020 platform.
❗Please register for the event beforehand using the virtual meeting link below. You do not need a Zoom account to join.

ℹ️ Register in advance for this virtual meeting:

**After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.