Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We are Stronger

by Wendy McNamara
Our state and the nation recognizes September as National Recovery Month to help raise awareness about drug addiction and celebrate those who have found help. This year’s theme – Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We are Stronger – highlights the need to share resources and build networks to support the many paths to recovery.

To continue Indiana’s fight against addiction, I supported a new law removing treatment barriers by allowing Hoosiers in need of addiction services to be admitted to an inpatient treatment facility, regardless of their sobriety. Before this law, a person who was not sober or in withdrawal could have been turned away from the help they needed.

Local treatment options are also important, that’s why I supported a law allowing community addiction treatment and related transportation assistance programs to receive grants in order to provide vital services.

We are making progress, with opioid prescriptions in Indiana decreasing by over 35 percent in the last five years. Still, too many are fighting addiction. If you or someone you know is ready to start the path to recovery, please reach out to Indiana’s Addiction Hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or click here. Join the voices for recovery, and remember, together WE ARE STRONGER.