Dear City County Observer Readers;

In just over a year, the citizens of Indiana will vote for their next governor.

I’m counting on the support of voters like you on Election Day, but I’m also going to need the help of strong allies across the state.

Mike Pence already has a major ally in Evansville. Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has donated over $100,000 to Mike Pence and Republican leadership.

Mike Pence needs Lloyd Winnecke in Evansville, and I need Gail Riecken.

Evansville is in financial trouble. They have diminishing revenue, rising spending, and a mayor who refuses to admit a problem exists.

Evansville is also important to my election, plain and simple. As they say, “As goes Vanderburgh County, so goes Southern Indiana.”

Three years ago, we lost Vanderburgh County by only 3,600 votes. But with Gail’s help, we can make up the difference.

Not only does Evansville need Gail Riecken as their next mayor, I need Gail Riecken.

I need an ally in Southern Indiana. An ally who has fought Mike Pence in the Statehouse and won. An ally who isn’t afraid of standing up and stating what she believes in.  An ally who knows we need real change in the Governor’s office.

I’m proud to support Gail Riecken for Mayor of Evansville.

Will you support Gail too?

In solidarity,

John Gregg

Democratic Candidate For Governor of Indiana


    • Sorry to hear that BP,–Winnecke is a leadership disaster, and with his record is not deserving of another term, if Gail (warts and all) doesn’t measure up, then she too can be a one term Mayor,—Evansville will never improve by putting Winnecke in again. I urge you to reconsider the consequences of another term for the Worm,–Sincerely, Crash

        • And coupled with the Motel 6, the Taxpayers in Evansville are on the hook for about 80Million +interest (with NO equity) I’ not going to call that smart, no matter the pie in the sky predictions that flow like Bee Slough Crap water from the Winnecke administration.

  1. I already support Gail Riecken. In addition I would vote for anyone running against Mike Pence, a sad head of our state, who does not understand what many of its citizens believe in and stand for. He basically listens to the money heads in Indianapolis (see the contributors on Winnecke’s list).

    • What, exactly, does Pence not understand about the beliefs of many of Indiana’s citizens? Are you speaking of the majority of citizens or just many? And who are the money heads you refer to? Please give us more details so we can correctly assess you post, please.

  2. Evansville is lucky to have an opportunity to elect Gail Riecken this November. Her and Rick Davis are the two best mayoral candidates the voters have been treated to in recent years. Her election, in addition to being a good thing for Evansville, would be a fitting way to honor Rick Davis’ legacy. Sneaky Lloyd Winnecke snuck into the mayor’s office under the most offensive circumstances. His incompentence and dishonesty must not be rewarded with another term. He is an accidental mayor, we are obliged to show him that we learned from our mistake.

    Mike Pence brought much worldwide shame on Indiana with his backward take on gay rights. He must be punished for his knuckledragging by being ousted from the governor’s job. He is an embarrassment to Indiana much as Winnecke has shamed Evansville. Cashier them both in the coming election.

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