It is now 7:36 p.m. Saturday, and I’m in my office awaiting the administration work product, i.e. banks rec’s through Dec 2012 as I requested this morning. As such, you may bring the all of the documentation, etc relative to the rec’s at the Monday Council meeting. In addition, please provide an index of those documents. We intend to have Mr. Garrett, Council consultant, in attendance to catalog the information. We request to have the information available at the start of the finance meeting. Upon Mr Garrett review, we will leave the miscellaneous portion of our meeting open for any questions about the documents presented. We anticipate 26 rec’s times seven months, excluding the investment accounts which will also require verification. Of course, as I mention previously, the we will expect the utility rec’s as well. Please don’t forget about the DMD arena fund rec.
Of course, the schedule requested is subject to Madam President Connie Robinson approval.
In addition, please give a detail explanations for all write-ups and write-downs.
John Friend, CPA, CVA
Finance Chairman
FOOT NOTE: We understand that Russ Lloyd, Jr. was out of town attending a funeral last couple of days. However we expect him to return sometime today. Mr. Lloyd has had about two weeks to respond to Councilmen, Friends e-mails concerning this matter. We trust Mr. Lloyd shall respsond to Mr. Friend request before tomorrow city council meeting. We shall keep you posted on this developing story.
This e-mail letter was given to the CCO by Mr. Friend upon on our request for him to do so. WE received this e-mail letter posted above from someone else then Mr. Friend himself. Thats why we asked Mr. Friend to verify this letter. We post this e-mailed letter without editing, opinion or bias.
John Friend has lost 99.9% of whatever credibility he had left by his public temper tantrums. What a joke. He was in the wrong by his misrepresentation (or maybe he just outright lied) of the “consultants” credentials, and now is is having the CCO carry his water to make up for his pathetic attempts. You can bet the voters will remember this fiasco. Maybe a no-confidence vote for the Finance Chair is the next step
Friend also needs to brush up on his use of the English language, including punctuation.
Friends recommendation for Garrett is a good recommendation. Dave is a class act and anyone who talks with him knows it.
Unfortunately it appears John Friend has lost it. A close friend needs to help cool him down.
Agree 100%…I am especially bothered that he is forwarding copies of his correspondence to the CCO.
Mr. Friend sent this same letter to the Courier and Press. If you knew the source of every piece of information sent to us with an ulterior motive you would be concerned 24/7. It is truly overwhelming to sift through what we are sent by people hoping to broadcast messages that serve their agendas.
The truth shall set you behind bars .
Ask for a truckload of documents Saturday morning, and pout when you don’t have them Saturday night. And yet he did not ask for them once under the Previous administration.
I trust Friend as much as I trust Obama. Neither has credibility.
This matter should have been settled LONG ago-the documentation should have been available from Day One. The entire mess should never have taken place-so here we are, years later, still not accountable, not reconciled?
Three separate entities have not gotten to the bottom of it, and we’ve spent $$$?
This is beyond silly.
I side with John on this one. I have been completely let down in Lloyd’s performance all around since he has been a part of the Winnecke administration.
I myself have filed several FOIAs to obtain financial documents to give to the CCO. It is unbelievable how big of a clustercrap the city’s finances are in. And it is nothing short of despicable how many hidden financial things you can find in just about every department’s finances.
If Friend would ever come clean and answer some questions about why he voted for the budget and against Roberts I’d say he’s actually a pretty good candidate to challenge Winnecke if Rick decides not to run again.
So let me get this straight… You don’t mind that he did it, you just want him to “answer some questions”…
Please, someone shoot me if I ever take such an ineffectual, unprincipled, limp-wristed approach to politics. Of all the issues, you’d think Jordan would at least stick to his guns on Roberts and call Friend out, but NOOOO.
Jordan, you are just like the 95% of other political peons. You think the enemy of your enemy is your, excuse the pun, “Friend”, even though he’s clearly also screwed you. This is why local politics will NEVER be cleaned up, right here. Too many glad hands and peons looking to score points instead of stand on truth and principle.
I have been calling him out every time I’ve had the opportunity to so I don’t know where you get the idea I’m letting him off the hook. I have consistently demanded he explain his position against Roberts and will continue to do so. When Ron mentions my name to him he goes eerily quiet so I have no idea where you got this idea that we’re some huge allies. I give credit where credit is due. Friend did a good job on this issue. I even gave Mosby credit when she temporarily voted against demolition.
I said he needs to come clean about his vote, he needs to explain why he thought naming rights was a great idea in the 90s but didn’t lift a finger to investigate the idea now, and he needs to explain why he claimed that the building would sit without doors, windows, etc,etc when they weren’t taken off until demolition whose funding he voted for was approved. If he would have simply done that he would indeed be a good candidate for the mayors position. I can find nothing else wrong with the positions he has taken. However, he has simply not done this easy task even though he has come on here numerous times to explain his other positions.
And I have no idea where you get the notion that you have some right to be an arm chair QB. You were asked by a cco editor to tour Oak Hill and Locust Hill Cemeteries, did you do that? You got everyone’s hopes up that you were going to start a petition to impeach Winnecke. Now, you’re claiming your own claims about impeaching being easy are false. You claimed renovating Roberts would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. But after I told you that the Innkeepers Tax is already being collected and can only be used on tourism, you started a tirade on this tax being too overburden on hotels. Nevermind the fact that even if the tax were stopped asap there would still be enough funds to renovate Roberts and never mind the fact the hotel industry supported Dunn’s ball fields project which was over 4 times the price tag for a more effecting Roberts renovation.
It just blows my mind that you can be such a joke when your uncle is so talented, so successful, and has a resume full of things he has gone out on his own to accomplish in a bipartisan way even if he has his own views on projects. It’s a shame you are 180 degrees off from what should be an inherited gene.
Every single one of your articles have been followed up with zero effort and zero updating. You simply stir the pot and then move on to something else to arm QB.
It’s very clear you just hold a grudge against me because I fought back against you. I know you’re going to try to turn this into a 40 post rant about something you’ve started that is completely stupid. Don’t waste your time, I’m done wasting any more time on you.
Hey, I never wanted to be your enemy. I still don’t consider you my enemy. I’d have to put a lot more stock in your positions to consider you that. At least you corrected yourself and admitted perhaps Friend wouldn’t be that great a candidate after all. That’s a start.
As for the removal of Mayor Winnecke, there was never to be a “petition” of any kind. I’m not sure how many more times or ways I can say that’s a misreading of everything I said. The proper way to do it would have hinged on him being derelict in his official duties as Mayor, in which case a formal complaint would have been filed with the Circuit Court. Everything that I said was quoted directly from existing law. Someone ELSE on this site was under the impression, and the rumor circulated widely, that there existed a law in the State of Indiana that required an Administration of a City to balance the books from month to month. That formed the entire basis of my approach. After extensive time and searching on my part and in spite of asking others for some help in finding this elusive law, I came to the conclusion it doesn’t exist, therefore there can be no filing of any complaints of dereliction of duty, at least not on this issue. I followed through as much as reality would allow. Not my fault on that one, and believe me, I have no problem admitting fault. Just ask my wife. I do it with her all the time. 😀
Not sure why you are attacking me with my familial relations now. That just seems low and petty, not to mention makes you sound like an obsequious sycophant. It was certainly far outside the acceptable bounds of gentlemanly discourse, especially considering you haven’t any idea who I am, what I’ve done, or of what I am capable.
The longer they stall and play around with this request the more time they have to cover up the things they don’t want the public to see. Get real people, have you been able to trust them in the past?????
Mr friend I am going to put you out of a job.
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