John Edwards Indicted by Federal Grand Jury


Former Candidate for President will have to answer charges of Violations of Campaign Finance Laws

A federal grand jury indicted two-time presidential candidate John Edwards following a two-year investigation into money used to cover up an extramarital affair during the 2008 election.

Below is a link to the WSJ article with more details and below that is an absolutely hilarious video of then candidate Edwards primping his hair to the Julie Andrews song “I Feel Pretty”.


  1. This little pretty boy, frat rat, out-the-side-of-his-mouth talkin’, 200-dollar hairdo wearin’, slick dressing, ambulance chasing, dirtbag sleeze has it comin’ to him.

    • Well you didn’t leave any room for a misty eyed reconciliation with Rial Hunter’s love toy did you? Wonder if he will primp like that for his future cell mate?

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