Jobs Plan of the City of Seattle: Where is Evansville’s Jobs Plan??


A Fine Example of a Written Jobs Plan from a Progressive and Prosperous City

The City of Seattle, Washington has been transparent enough to post their JOBS PLAN that was developed to respond to the recent recession online for all to see. The City County Observer has reviewed this plan and is pleased to make it easily available to our readers.

As a reminder back in the day when Evansville was growing it was larger than Seattle. In the 1890 census Evansville was the 56th largest city in America with 50,700 residents while Seattle ranked 70th with a population of 42,800 souls. Flash forward to the 2010 census and Seattle has risen to be the home of 608,000 people and experienced 8% population growth during the first decade of the new century. The Seattle Metropolitan area is now home to 3.7 Million people.

This is a real JOBS PLAN from a growing progressive city that has a high number of manufacturing jobs but that has also been successful in attracting, growing, and nurturing a private high technology industry. We realize that all cities are different and do not advocate that Evansville just change the name at the top of the page and call it a JOBS PLAN. We do however hope that the candidates for Mayor of Evansville and the current powers that be take the time to read this document and adopt any elements that are applicable to this economy.

Seattle Jobs Plan