Job Creators Back GOP Senators’ Challenge To Biden Vaccine Mandate

WASHINGTON – Job creators and employee-rights organizations are coming out in support of GOP Senators’ challenge to President Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate for private businesses.

See quotes below for support from Republican Senators and groups representing American employees and employers, including:

·         National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW)

·         Plastics Pipe Institute

·         Concerned Women for America LAC

·         National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association

·         American Commitment

·         Associated General Contractors of America

·         National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA)

·         Distribution Contractors Association

·         Power and Communication Contractors Association (PCCA)

·         American Pipeline Contractors Association (APCA)

·         National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB)

·         National Retail Federation

The Congressional Review Act is the official process for Congress to eliminate an executive branch rule. The resolution has been received by the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP).

This move to overturn President Biden’s vaccine or test mandate for private employers is guaranteed a vote on the Senate floor. The rule was transmitted to the Senate on November 16th, with the disapproval resolution introduced on November 17th, setting up a Floor vote as soon as early December.


“Senate Republicans are challenging the overreach of federal power that is President Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate for private businesses, and I urge the Senate to vote in favor of this disapproval resolution when it comes to the Floor for a filibuster-proof, simple-majority vote as soon as early December. Republicans are united against President Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate for businesses, but this federal overreach is not a partisan issue, and the consequences of this mandate are affecting Americans in all 50 states.” - Senator Mike Braun.

“This rule is unconstitutional overreach by the President of the United States, pure and simple. Individual freedoms and the rule of law are too often an afterthought with this administration, while broken promises continue piling up. We all want to put this pandemic behind us, but the decision to vaccinate is an individual choice, and should not be mandated by the federal government. The federal government does not have the constitutional or statutory authority to take this action, and to make this clear we will be exercising our Congressional authority to overturn this rule with a Congressional Review Act Resolution.” – Senator Dan Sullivan

“At a time when businesses across the country are already suffering the crippling consequences of labor shortages, supply chain turmoil, and skyrocketing inflation, the last thing they need is another federal regulation making it even harder to find and retain workers. While I believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine, this is a personal decision for each American, in consultation with his or her doctor, not the federal government. Congress must protect Americans’ individual liberties and livelihoods by rejecting this unconstitutional overreach by President Biden.” –  Senator Bill Hagerty 

“President Biden’s vaccination decree is an all-out assault on private business, our civil liberties, and our entire constitutional system of limited government. The White House continues to ignore the Constitution as well as the science proving the benefits of natural immunity so they can justify an Executive Order that wipes out Americans’ control over their own healthcare options. Simply put, the Administration is overstepping its authority and we must hold them accountable with a formal challenge under the Congressional Review Act.  As a former physician who believes the vaccine has saved countless lives, I stand by my belief that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is a personal choice that should be made following a conversation with one’s doctor instead of being administered across the board by government decree.” – Senator Roger Marshall

“The President cannot rule by decree. President Biden’s mandate is the most egregious incursion on the medical rights of Americans in our nation’s history, and it clearly exceeds the President’s power. This resolution will allow Congress to protect the American people and the Constitution.” – Senator Mike Lee

“Amidst a labor shortage, a supply chain crisis, and on the brink of the holiday season, President Biden should be working to help private businesses rebound from the pandemic. Instead, he’s trying to force government into what should be a personal health decision between individuals and their doctors. A vaccine mandate on private businesses is frankly un-American, and I’m proud to join Senator Mike Braun to oppose it.” –Senator Cynthia Lummis

“Once again, President Biden is stretching the limit of his legal authority to mandate Americans and business owners into compliance. At a time when businesses are struggling to find workers and keep up with demand, the Administration is further shrinking the workforce by forcing Americans to choose between their job and their personal health care decisions. The Biden Administration does not have the constitutional authority to take this action, and our resolution seeks to protect personal liberty, our economy, and the Constitution.” – Senator Kevin Cramer 

“While I continue to advocate for folks who are eligible to get the safe and effective vaccine, I’m extremely opposed to President Biden’s government vaccine mandate on private businesses. Every business is unique. Right now, they’re facing a worker shortage crisis and a sluggish economy. They don’t need additional red tape on top of all that. Furthermore, every American should have the ability to make their own decision about the vaccine.” – Senator Chuck Grassley

“President Biden vowed last year that we would not impose a vaccine mandate, and today he went back on his word. Under the previous administration, three COVID-19 vaccines were developed, and I’ve consistently promoted their safety and effectiveness. But, the federal government should not be dictating to businesses that they must comply with a vaccine mandate or face fines, which will affect tens of millions of private sector employees. On behalf of every West Virginian who values their individual liberties, it’s appropriate for Congress to challenge and overrule this federal overreach through the Congressional Review Act.” – Senator Shelley Moore Capito

“President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates only further fuel his supply chain and inflation crises. It’s a gross overreach of power and forces Americans to make a choice: comply, quit their job or get fired.  I chose to get the vaccine and encourage others to speak with their doctor about the benefits about getting vaccinated. But, it’s something every American gets to decide for themselves and their families. The government’s role should be providing the best information to the people and letting them make their own decisions. I’m proud to join my colleagues in fighting to protect the freedoms of American workers and blocking Biden’s unconstitutional mandates.” – Senator Rick Scott

“President Biden’s vaccine mandate unfairly hits small businesses already struggling with staffing shortages. Congress should act immediately to nullify this mandate.” – Senator Tom Cotton

“President Biden’s vaccine mandate would force many Americans either to violate their consciences or lose their jobs. This overreach contradicts the president’s earlier promise that he wouldn’t impose such a mandate. I’m happy to partner with my colleagues to oppose this power grab.” – Senator John Kennedy

“I am proud to join my colleagues in challenging this mandate on behalf of the 29 million Texas who deserve to have their medical privacy rights respected by their employers and the federal government. While I support the vaccine and have received it, Americans have the right to exercise personal choice regarding their health. Getting the vaccine is a decision to be made in consultation with one’s doctor, not forced on Americans by the government. With this new, far-reaching COVID mandate, President Biden is once again putting politics over science, and with the stroke of a pen placing yet another cruel burden on American businesses as an inflation crisis continues to worsen.” – Senator Ted Cruz

“President Biden’s unconstitutional federal vaccine mandates are an extreme abuse of power that puts Americans’ livelihoods in the crosshairs. In addition, the mandate threatens to wreck the economy. A large percentage of American workers will simply leave the workforce rather than be told what to do by the federal government. This legislation would overturn the President’s mandate on private employers and protect millions of hardworking Americans from an intrusion on their personal liberty.” – Senator Roger Wicker

“In a free country, people have the right to make their own healthcare decisions. President Biden’s command that working Americans and private businesses submit to his mandate upon penalty of loss of livelihood is unconstitutional and a flagrant abuse of power. No president, regardless of political party should be allowed to implement such a brazen power grab, and the Congressional Review Act allows Congress to rightfully overturn President Biden’s anti-American dictate.”– Senator Rand Paul

“The United States is not China or some other tyrannical country.  President Biden exceeded his authority in his rush to force the vaccines on the American people. I believe the COVID-19 vaccines save lives, but I also trust the American people to make the best medical decisions for themselves and their families at this point in the pandemic.” – Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith

“President Biden’s vaccine mandate is government overreach. Our nation is already facing a workforce shortage, and this mandate will exacerbate this situation while also infringing on the rights of Americans.” – Senator John Hoeven

“The decision to get vaccinated should be left to each individual in consultation with doctors they trust. President Biden’s federal vaccine mandate is a clear overreach of executive authority that threatens to worsen the labor shortages faced by private businesses in Kansas and across the country. This administration’s abuse of power must be checked, and I support this resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act to overturn the federal vaccine mandate. – Senator Jerry Moran

“An individual’s decision to take – or not to take – the vaccine is their personal choice. President Biden’s authoritarian vaccine mandate has already created workforce shortages and wreaked havoc on our supply chains. The Constitutional rights of the American people do not simply vanish because the Biden administration thinks they know best, which is why I will continue to push back against this outrageous government overreach.” – Senator Tommy Tuberville

“As president-elect, Biden said on vaccines, ‘I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.’  Yet, now he has. We are already suffering severe worker shortages throughout our economy, especially in health care. Vaccine mandates will increase these shortages and degrade our health care system. I will continue to support and fight for those who believe in individual freedom, health autonomy and privacy, and oppose vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.” – Senator Ron Johnson

“This unconstitutional decision by President Biden to officially mandate the vaccine within the private sector is yet another example of intrusive government overreach that threatens the livelihoods of Oklahomans and jeopardizes the continued recovery of small businesses that are the backbone of our state. The individual decision to get the vaccine should not be mandated by Washington bureaucrats and I am proud to join Sen. Braun and many of my colleagues in introducing legislation to reverse this out-of-touch national mandate.” – Senator Jim Inhofe

“I have serious concerns about President Biden dictating arbitrary mandates to private businesses. While I feel strongly that vaccines are safe and help protect all of us, especially the immunocompromised, forcing private businesses to impose a vaccine mandate on their employees clearly exceeds the president’s authorities. Our legislation would reverse this decision and protect the personal freedom of millions of Americans.” – Senator Mike Rounds

“The formal challenge to President Biden’s vaccine mandates is a step in the right direction for the American people. Biden’s ultimatum exacerbates issues faced by hardworking Americans by forcing workers to get jabbed or be fired. Republicans are unified in our opposition to President Biden’s abuse of power, and the formal challenge we introduced today represents the national momentum against this federal overreach.” – Senator Marsha Blackburn

“President Biden’s overreaching vaccine mandate is Washington, DC at its worst. It will hurt Montana small businesses and workers at a time when we should be doing all we can to support them. While I will continue to encourage all Montanans to talk with their doctor about getting a safe and effective COVID vaccine, I will continue to fight back against these mandates.” –Senator Steve Daines

“The egregious federal overreach exhibited by President Biden’s vaccine mandate unfairly burdens our nation’s businesses and endangers our individual liberties. I encourage Idahoans to consult with their healthcare provider about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. However, getting vaccinated is a decision the federal government cannot make. Individuals must make this decision themselves.” – Senator Jim Risch

“President Biden is playing a game of chicken with Oklahomans’ lives and livelihoods. No one should have to choose between their job and their personal health care decisions. I have pushed hard against the vaccine mandates since they were first announced by introducing bills to repeal the mandate for federal employees and contractors and protect service members from dishonorable discharge and speaking directly to agency heads to share the real impacts these mandates are already having on Oklahomans. Now my colleagues and I are urging others to take a stand and vote in favor of our resolution to overturn Biden’s vaccine mandate on businesses and their employees. I will continue to fight/advocate to preserve our liberties and against Biden’s extreme overreach.” – Senator James Lankford

“Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a personal choice. I chose to get the vaccine, and I encourage others to as well, but a federal vaccine mandate is unnecessary and will significantly hurt workers and businesses in South Dakota. I thank my colleagues for joining me in standing up for individuals’ freedoms.” – Senator John Thune

“Vaccines have historically proven to be vital to the public health goal of disease prevention.  We had record vaccine development, thanks to American medical ingenuity and Operation Warp Speed.  However, a one-size-fits-all federal mandate on vaccines and private business practices is not a reasonable solution now–or ever.  Medical decisions are best left to patients and their doctors.  I will continue to fight to ensure the federal government stays within its authorities entrusted to it by the Constitution.” – Senator Mike Crapo

“Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate is an unconstitutional infringement on the fundamental rights of American citizens. More than that, it unlawfully bypasses established regulatory procedures. Congress, not the President, has the authority to make law. He is ignoring this basic principle by forcing employers to require their workers be vaccinated, undergo rigorous testing procedures, or be fired. It’s wrong, will make our nation’s economic challenges worse, and must not be allowed to go into effect.” – Senator Josh Hawley

“The federal government should not be making personal health decisions for American workers,” Rubio said. “I have always encouraged people to get vaccinated – I am vaccinated – but the Biden Administration and Democrats have gone way too far. This ridiculous, unlawful rule will only further divide our nation and make the ongoing labor shortage even worse. I will work with my colleagues to make sure President Biden does not continue punishing Americans and businesses by holding incomes of working families hostage for federal vaccine mandates.” –Senator Marco Rubio

“While I believe the vaccine is safe and effective, I also believe private sector companies should be allowed to make their own decisions. One-size-fits-all government mandates rarely work with the private sector and that is the case here as well. The government should leave the private sector alone and let businesses make decisions they feel are in the best interest of their employees.” –Senator Rob Portman

“Vaccines save lives and are the best defense against COVID-19, which is why I chose to get vaccinated, and I encourage everyone to make an informed decision to protect themselves and those around them. However, President Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses is a gross federal overreach. I support any individual business’s right to make a decision for themselves, and small and large businesses across the country should not have to comply with this added burden. Many businesses are already struggling to get back on their feet from COVID-19, and this mandate will only hurt them more.” –Senator Thom Tillis

“The Biden administration’s vaccine mandate is federal government overreach at its worst. The country is already facing massive worker shortages and a supply chain crisis. President Biden is only making it worse. This is why all Republican senators are challenging this unlawful mandate. As a doctor, I know vaccines against COVID-19 are safe and they work. The choice to be vaccinated should be made in consultation with your health care provider—not dictated by the federal government. The people of Wyoming shouldn’t be forced to choose between their job and their personal health care decisions.” –Senator John Barrasso

“The Biden administration’s mandate is an overreach that will hurt small and medium-size businesses. It couldn’t come at a worse time, and we need to reject it so our job creators and workforce don’t get crushed under this heavy-handed, counterproductive action,” – Senator John Boozman

“The COVID vaccines are safe, effective, and free. And I believe everyone who is eligible for a vaccine should get one. Since the Administration began rolling out vaccine requirements for federal employees and contractors, therapeutics have emerged which yield promising results in preventing hospitalization and death due to COVID. With therapeutics around the corner to treat COVID, the need for an emergency federal mandate is unnecessary.” –Senator Mitt Romney

“With his latest order, President Biden is attempting to weaponize the federal bureaucracy to force job creators to become the vaccination and testing police. At a time when we should be doing everything possible to get Americans back to work safely, this politically-driven mandate will unnecessarily stifle private sector job growth across the country.” - Congressman Fred Keller

“For more than a year and a half, retailers have taken extraordinary measures to keep their employees, customers and communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is unfortunate that now, at a time when retailers are already challenged by the global health crisis, ongoing supply chain disruptions and continued workforce shortages, the Administration has imposed a complex new federal vaccine mandate that will only exacerbate these difficulties. Moreover, the mandate was promulgated in a manner that exceeded OSHA’s statutory authority. NRF supports the resolution of disapproval and appreciates the leadership of Senator Braun to overturn this burdensome mandate.” – National Retail Federation (NRF)

“The small business economic recovery is fragile, and owners continue to manage several business challenges regarding staffing and supply chain disruptions. The OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard mandate increases those challenges and threatens to cause an enormous financial loss. Ultimately, the mandate restricts the freedom small business owners depend on to run their businesses and is a clear example of administrative overreach. NFIB thanks Senator Braun for recognizing these challenges and introducing a resolution of disapproval against the mandate.” – Kevin Kuhlman, Vice President of Federal Government Relations, National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB)

“Mandatory vaccination of a company’s workforce is a decision to be made by that company’s leadership, not the government. OSHA’s ETS carries many unintended consequences if it was implemented, and we appreciate any and all efforts to stop that from happening. APCA appreciates the leadership shown by Sen. Braun and Rep. Keller for introducing this important resolution.” –  Taylor Dacus, President, American Pipeline Contractors Association (APCA)

“The broadband and electric power construction industry is already facing formidable workforce capacity challenges without sweeping new vaccination mandates on employers. We appreciate the leadership shown by Sen. Braun and Rep. Keller in pursuing this remedy using the Congressional Review Act to overturn this ETS, which will carry disastrous consequences if the business community were subjected to it.” –  Tim Wagner, President and CEO, Power and Communication Contractors Association (PCCA)

“DCA applauds Sen. Braun and Rep. Keller for their leadership for introducing this joint resolution of disapproval of the Emergency Temporary Standard regarding the shortsighted vaccine mandate,” said Rob Darden, chief executive of DCA. “The Biden Administration obviously hasn’t thought this through, and the consequences of the ETS being implemented would be disastrous for the construction industry and American businesses in general.” –  Distribution Contractors Association (DCA)

“While NUCA is not opposed to voluntary COVID-19 vaccination programs, we strongly object to mandated vaccination requirements. In an industry facing a critical workforce shortage, the loss of any employees who resign or move to smaller companies because of the mandate could result in major delays or project shortfalls. Our industry has a robust safety culture and many of our job sites are outside, rendering this ETS unnecessary. NUCA thanks Sen. Braun and Rep. Keller for their leadership on this vital issue.” –  Robert Baylor, Director of Communications, National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA)

“We all want to see more people vaccinated and we are all doing our part to make that happen. But the path to ending the pandemic does not lie through confusion, coercion or conflicting mandates, which is why we strongly support this new legislation.”  – Stephen E. Sandherr, Chief Executive Officer, Associated General Contractors of America

“A backdoor national vaccine mandate via OSHA regulation is a massive abuse of power and usurpation of the legislative branch – precisely why the Congressional Review Act exists.  We strongly support the Braun Resolution and urge its passage.” – Phil Kerpen, President, American Commitment

“While the health and safety of our workforce remains a top priority, NLBMDA continues to have major concerns related to the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) including those related to the impact on labor, access to testing kits, the burden of implementation on small businesses, and the costs.  Considering the severe impact this ETS will have on businesses continuing to deal with pandemic recovery and supply chain challenges, we support the congressional review process to protect our dealers and our workforce.” – National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA)

“The Republican conference sends a clear message by unifying behind freedom-loving Americans concerned about the Biden Administration’s weaponization of public agencies, like OSHA, in overstepping its constitutional authority to impose unnecessary workplace vaccine mandates that will hurt employees. This should not be a partisan issue. We call on every senator, regardless of political affiliation,  to live up to the principles they swore to uphold when they were elected and stand against the Biden COVID vaccine mandate.” – Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America LAC

“PPI appreciates Sen. Braun and Rep. Kelley for their leadership on this important issue. The construction and manufacturing industry is already facing serious challenges in terms of workforce capacity and materials shortages. The last thing we need is new mandates that will push even more of our workforce out of the industry, and that will be the end result of this shortsighted mandate.” – David Fink, President and CEO, Plastics Pipe Institute

“NAW supports Senator Braun’s efforts to overturn the Administration’s misguided private sector vaccine mandate and urges all members to vote in favor of S.J.Res. 29. This government overreach will harm our member companies and result in layoffs and increased compliance costs. Wholesaler-distributors work tirelessly every day to keep their employees safe and do not need another burdensome mandate from Washington at a time of great economic uncertainty.” – National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW)

FOOTNOTE:  This article was sent to The City-County Observer by Senator Mike Braun office and posted without bias or editing.Â