Jackson Kelly Named Among Top Law Firms for Client Service


BTI Consulting Group has recognized Jackson Kelly PLLC for demonstrating superior client service for the fourth time by naming the Firm to the BTI Client Service A-Team 2015.

The BTI Client Service A-Team is limited solely to law firms considered by clients to deliver the absolute best levels of client service and is the only law firm ranking based solely on direct, unprompted feedback from corporate counsel. In-depth interviews with more than 300 corporate counsel reveal Jackson Kelly delivers better client service than over half of the law firms serving the world’s largest clients. The full results of this study are now available in BTI Consulting Group’s 14th annual report, The BTI Client Service A-Team 2015: The Survey of Law Firm Client Service Performance.

Client Focus, Industry Insight, National Reputation. Jackson Kelly PLLC is a national law firm with more than 200 attorneys located in twelve offices throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Colorado and the District of Columbia. With a focus on companies working in and around the energy industry, the Firm works with its clients to help resolve their operating challenges by teaming to develop and implement strategies that minimize risks, quickly and effectively. Focusing on clients’ industry-specific needs, the Firm serves a wide variety of corporate and public clients and enjoys a national reputation in business, labor and employment, litigation, government contracts, tax, safety and health, permitting, natural resource and environmental law. The Firm’s clients and peers recognize its commitment to providing superior client service as Jackson Kelly has repeatedly been selected as a Go-To Law Firm for the Top 500 Companies in the U.S. and is regularly named to BTI’s Client Service A-Team.