Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” MAY 26, 2020


Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” MAY 26, 2020

“Right Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have a couple of commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give our more opinionated readers exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and Middle Jab and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “MIDDLE JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view, “MIDDLE JAB” is the libertarian view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments in this column is free to do so.


  1. Why is Trump panicked?
    Why is he choosing a Friday night before leaving for golf again, to say things HE THINKS Christians want to hear?



    “Cory Lewandowski said the Trump campaign is panicked and described an April, 2020 survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, which showed a double-digit decline in Trump’s favorability among white evangelicals (Fell 11%), white Catholics (Fell 12%) and white mainline protestants (Fell 18%) from the previous month, as “death-knell concerning.”

  2. “Back of the Line!” – Karma Hits After Dem Gov Gretchen Whitmer’s Husband Tries to Cut in Line Before Michigan Boaters After His Wife Banned Motor Boating for Weeks!

    Michigan Dem Governor Gretchen Whitmer is famous for her tyrannical rule, her blind ambition, her audacious behavior and her ignorance…

    In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from Coronavirus. Then she continued to send coronavirus patients to nursing homes. This is still happening in May!..

    To summarize, the Michigan’s Democrat governor has placed the entire state of Michigan under lockdown for several weeks. On the same day that she announced she would be reopening businesses in certain areas of northern Michigan, which includes the area where her vacation home is located, her husband’s vehicle is seen parked in their driveway. Two days later, when businesses that have been shut down for months are allowed to reopen, Governor Whitmer’s husband calls North Shore Dock company and asks to take cuts in front of common Michiganders, because he’s the husband of the woman who shut down their business in the first place….


  3. CNN Poll: Overwhelming Majority Wants Investigation into Obama DOJ Spying on Trump

    …But the most interesting part of the is that “69% think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76% of Democrats, 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans.” In other words, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the Obama Justice Department’s actions in 2016 should be investigated. The American people want answers about the Steele dossier, the FISA court approval of the wiretap, everything. What did Obama know, and when did he know it? Why did the Obama administration not do more to prevent or stop Russian cyber attacks?


  4. When liberals are in charge:

    Ignoring Warnings, Mich. Dem AG Sued to RAISE Lake Level Ahead of Dam Break—to Protect Mussels

    …However, it wasn’t the dam company that was trying to save a few clams—it was Whitmer’s radical attorney general, Dana Nessel.

    Nessel was suing the dam company to raise the lake level three feet in order to save mussels—both endangered and common—and in their response, the dam company cited safety as a reason for not doing so….


  5. Dem Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Defies President Trump as “Foolish” After Announcement to Reopen Churches

    Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashed out at President Trump on Friday as “foolish” after he deemed all churches and synagogues and places of worship as “essential.”

    Lightfoot says President Trump has no power to override her local lockdown on churches and businesses….


    Trump Was Right to Open Churches…New Report Says You’re 80X More Likely to Catch Virus Inside Grocery Store vs Churches


    • Dumb and dumbest. It’s OK for Dems to shut them down, but to challenge their power:

      MSNBC’s Velshi: Trump Deeming Churches ‘Essential’ Could Violate ‘Church and State’

      This has got to be one of the most dumbfounding [we’re tempted to drop the “founding”] statements made by a member of the liberal media regarding the coronavirus.

      On his MSNBC show this morning, Ali Velshi suggested that by deeming houses of worship “essential,” thus qualifying them to reopen, President Trump could be in violation of the “separation of church and state.” Or as Velshi put it:

      “Regardless of how that plays with separation of church and state, and even if the president has no authority to issue such a decree, Trump’s insistence on a rushed reopening flies in the face of what public health experts continue to advise: that this is not a time to become complacent.”…

      The Founders’ intent has been clearly understood as prohibiting the establishment of an official state religion, as in the Church of England. President Trump’s classification of houses of worship as essential did the very opposite of that. From far establishing one state religion, he said that his order was applicable to all “houses of worship,” explicitly including “churches, synagogues, and mosques.”

      Now let’s consider the second part of that portion of the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. This is where Velshi’s statement takes us into Alice in Wonderland territory.

      If anyone has been prohibiting the “free exercise” of religion, it’s been the governors who have shut houses of worship. Trump’s order, to the contrary, had the express intent of permitting those shuttered houses of worship to reopen! It is in the very best spirit of the First Amendment!…


  6. Red Wave Coming? GOP Sweeps Election in Virginia Democratic Stronghold

    With the November general election less than six months away, results of local and special elections are giving an eye-opening preview of possible voter behavior. While recent polls still show Democratic hopefuls, including presumed presidential nominee Joe Biden, edging out their Republican counterparts in competitive parts of the country, actual ballots are telling a very different story.

    Special congressional elections in California and Wisconsin this month both yielded Republican victors after Democrats launched strong campaigns in both races. In California, Republican Mike Garcia beat Democrat Christy Smith by almost 10 points after receiving 10,000 fewer votes in the primary election just two months earlier. Garcia replaced Democrat Katie Hill, who resigned at the end of 2019, flipping a California House seat from blue to red for the first time in more than 20 years.

    As stunning as Garcia’s resounding victory for Republicans in California was, however, a shocking GOP blowout in the Staunton, Virginia city council election this week has given Democrats a reason to be alarmed…

    Following the 2019 ‘Blue Wave’ in Virginia legislature elections, however, residents of Staunton, which is supported in large part by private liberal arts college Mary Baldwin, came out in droves to support Republicans this week. Three Democratic council members lost to their Republican challengers in an unprecedented sweep by the GOP with a voter turn out that smashed previous election cycles.

    More than 17,000 votes were cast in the in the election in which all four council members were vying to protect their seats. The last Staunton election for all four members was in 2016 in which fewer than 7,000 votes were cast. One Virginia political analyst, Chris Graham, of the Augusta Free Press described the results as “stunning almost beyond words.”….


  7. More when nursing home disaster Cuomo is in charge:

    New York State Makes it a Felony For Law Enforcement to Share DMV Info With DHS or ICE

    As people have been distracted with the coronavirus shutdown, Governor Andrew Cuomo quietly passed the 2020 budget which contained an amendment that makes it a felony for law enforcement to share DMV information with the Department of Homeland Security or Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    The Green Light Law has essentially criminalized police work….


  8. Liberals what high death totals to lock you down:

    Washington State Counting Gunshot Victims Among Its Coronavirus Deaths

    On Thursday, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) confirmed a report by the Freedom Foundation that they have included those who tested positive for COVID-19 but died of other causes, including gunshot injuries, in their coronavirus death totals. This calls into serious question the state’s calculations of residents who have actually died of the CCP pandemic….


    • More insane liberal madness from Washington State:

      Insanity: Wash. State Came One Vote Away From Releasing Green River Serial Killer So He Wouldn’t Get Wuhan Virus

      …But nothing is more, what’s the word for it? Ah, yes – INSANE – than what Washington State prison reformers nearly succeeded in doing last week.

      The man we now know as the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, was sent to prison for more than 500 years. He was convicted of 49 murders of prostitutes, girls on the streets and vulnerable runaways, but he was suspected of committing 71 murders in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s.

      He would take the women and girls, have sex with them, and then strangle them, watching the light go out of their eyes as he squeezed the life out of them. Sometimes he’d use a rope and sometimes he’d use his bare hands. He’d pose their bodies and sometimes come back and have sex with the corpses. His first victims were found in the Green River, giving the monster his moniker.

      He was arrested in the ’80s but let go for lack of evidence. A task force was formed to track down the serial killer and in 2001 – decades and multiple victims later – Gary Ridgeway was busted again and confessed to 71 murders…

      A legal activist group, Columbia Legal Services, began agitating for inmates over 50 years old to be set free to save them from the virus. Ridgeway is 71 years old.

      Q13 News reports prosecutors argued in court that “The Petitioners [Columbia Legal Services] demand that 2/3 of the prison population be released into the community, a number which includes serial killers and capital murderers.”

      Among the killers to possibly be released, besides the Green River Killer, was Isaac Zamora, a multiple murderer who went on a shooting rampage and killed five people. He’s serving a life sentence, whatever that means anymore…

      On Thursday, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that those “really bad people,” including The Green River Killer, would face the coronavirus locked up like everyone else in the country.

      The vote was 5-4. That means four of the Washington State Supreme Court were ready to empty the state prisons of 2/3 of the prisoners, including Gary Ridgeway.

      We note that Columbia Legal Services has just welcomed a new member of the Washington State Supreme Court to the bench, Justice G. Helen Whitener….


  9. Of course he will and the media will cover for him:

    Cuomo blames Trump for his own order forcing nursing homes to take COVID patients

    …Cuomo issued an order on March 25 stating, “No resident shall be ­denied readmission or admission to NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.” He then failed to reverse the directive for six weeks as deaths mounted….


  10. How Susan Rice’s Role in the Rwandan Genocide Predicted Obamagate

    A woman who can turn her back on genocide would hardly blink at spying on Republicans.

    … Rice’s involvement in genocide had been linked to the same quality that had entangled her in Benghazi.

    “If we use the word genocide and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November election?” Samantha Power, who would later become Obama’s UN Ambassador, quoted Rice as saying during the Rwandan Genocide. Rice has claimed that she does not remember ever saying that.

    The genocide of black people mattered less to Rice than her southern white boss winning an election.

    Rice’s calculus, whether it was the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Africans or four Americans in Libya, was how it would affect the upcoming elections for Bill Clinton or Barack Obama…..


    • Back to the MSM:

      Appearing as a panelist on Sunday’s edition of Meet the Press, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell acted more as a Democratic strategist than a journalist. She did her best to do damage control for beleaguered presidential candidate Joe Biden, who stepped in it by telling radio host Charlamagne tha God that “you ain’t black” if you consider voting for President Trump. Mitchell quickly changed the subject by contrasting Trump’s “awful” record on race relations with Biden’s…

      Biden’s gaffe and Charlamagne tha God’s line of questioning that preceded it illustrate the real possibility that enough African-Americans could either stay home or vote for Trump rather than voting for Biden to enable the President to win a second term. Fortunately for Biden, he can always count on Mitchell and the rest of the media to act as his spokespeople to help him increase his support among this critical group of voters….


  11. The 100,000th American will die soon of Covid-19, yet Trump spent the weekend bemoaning everything but that…

    In the next few days, the 100,000th American will succumb to Covid-19 in a pandemic that President Donald Trump once predicted would just “miraculously” disappear.

    Yet despite, and perhaps because of, his earlier cavalier attitude, Trump spent the long holiday weekend bemoaning everything but the tragic roll call of death — while also finding time to claim he got “great reviews” for handling the crisis.

    This years presidential election will be a referendum on Trump. We shall see if the majority believe he failed at handling the crisis. It won’t be pretty.

  12. 4 Killed, 19 Shot in St. Louis Over Memorial Day Weekend but StL Dem Mayor Goes on MSNBC to Gripe About a Party at Lake of the Ozarks Instead!

    Four people were killed and 19 were shot in St. Louis City over the Memorial Day Weekend including a 16-year-old boy who was killed and a 14-year-old girl who was shot.

    But rather than focusing on the violent weekend back home in St. Louis Dem Mayor Lyda Krewson went on MSNBC to gripe about some kids at a pool party in Lake of the Ozarks.

    Krewson was upset that the kids were not social distancing or wearing masks in a pool…

    For the record, healthy teens and 20-year-olds have about a 0.0% chance of dying from the coronavirus.


  13. This explains why Gen Flynn’s Judge lawyered up:

    Judge Emmett Sullivan, from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000

    …But at the same time as the challenges with tuition for many of Howard’s students, Judge Sullivan worked with President Frederick to get Jim Comey as a guest speaker for a $100,000 fee…

    Not a bad deal, $100,000 for 12 minutes of work….


  14. Trump’s war on reality just got a lot more dangerous…

    Coronavirus deaths in the United States are rapidly closing in on 100,000. The economic depression is stretching out ahead of us as far as the eye can see. Joe Biden is holding a steady lead in polls.

    So President Trump has decided he has only one real chance at reelection: to deceive and gamble on his magical ability to create the illusion that we’re rapidly returning to normalcy, rather than taking the difficult concrete steps that would make that more likely to happen.

    Trump is prioritizing the weaving of an illusory return to normalcy over taking steps within his power to make that actually happen. That’s actively dangerous. It will lead to substantially more lost lives.

  15. Slipping Joe update (Video). Sadly he is failing in front of our eyes and reading the teleprompter is a huge challenge. A debate between Tump and Biden will be like watching a re-run of the Larry Holes-Tex Cobb fight:

    People suffering from dementia often have a certain distinct walk

    This is what it looks like:


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