Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” JUNE 7, 2020


Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” June 7, 2020

“Right Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have a couple of commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum”columns concerning National or International issues.
The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give our more opinionated readers exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and Middle Jab and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “MIDDLE JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view, “MIDDLE JAB” is the libertarian view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments in this column is free to do so.


  1. Never to be reported in the mainstream media:

    Muslim Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ Stabs NYPD Cop in the Neck: The Leftist/Jihadist Alliance in Action

    The riots in New York City have now given us two examples of the Leftist/jihadist alliance: Urooj Rahman, a Muslim lawyer and activist for the Palestinian jihad, threw a Molotov cocktail into a police cruiser, and last Wednesday night in Brooklyn, a Muslim migrant from Bosnia named Dzenan Camovic stabbed a NYPD officer, Yayonfrant Jean Pierre, in the neck while screaming “Allahu akbar.”…..


  2. Left coast lunacy flashback:

    First they released 1,700 inmates. Then the LA Sheriff shut down all the gun stores, saying they were not essential services…. Now LA Dem Mayor Garcetti announces he will shut down water and electricity for anyone who attempts to defy his stay at home edicts….


  3. Dem LA Mayor Garcetti: ‘Your decision to not physically distance yourself may kill someone’


    Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D), who has been the target of sharp criticism by activists for his handling of protests in the city against police brutality, knelt with protesters on Tuesday as demonstrators urged him to defund the city’s police department….


    • More proof liberalism is a serious mental disorder:

      WATCH: White #BlackLivesMatter Protesters Attack Black Police Officer

      …The video shows a group of white protesters at the capitol surrounding and assaulting a black police officer, trying to grab a backpack that he was carrying. The scuffle concludes with the officer walking away with the backpack as the protesters hurled invectives at him. One shouted, “get out of here n*gga!”…

      For the far left, this story just provided an opportunity to virtue signal and pursue their Marxist agenda under the guise of caring about black lives. Their allies in the corporate media are aiding their efforts by refusing to draw attention to their antics…..


  4. Truer words never spoken:

    Australian Lawmaker Calls Mass Protesters ‘Incredibly Self-Indulgent’

    A senior member of Australia’s parliament has taken protesters to task for massing on city streets across the country, saying their defiance of public health rules endangered the lives of others by being “reckless” and “irresponsible” at a time of a pandemic.

    Senator Mathias Cormann, finance minister in the conservative coalition government, said those who took to the streets in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Hobart and other regional centers over the weekend risked a second outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus.

    “I think it is incredibly selfish,” Cormann told local outlet Sky News. “It’s incredibly self-indulgent.”..

    “But we are going to have a mass gathering of tens of thousands of people in complete breach of the rules that apply to everyone else, it is absolutely reckless and irresponsible,” he said….


  5. It Looks Like the 180-Degree Turn on COVID Lockdowns Just Became a Huge In-Kind Contribution to Trump’s Re-election

    …Protests were held across the country, and many devolved into full-blown riots. There should be outrage. In fact, the country was united in anger, but that breaks down when looting, vandalism, and mayhem become rampant, and that has happened in our cities. Oh right, the lockdowns, yes—they’re over. Given how the medical community now says that racism is just as dangerous as COVID, the expert class has been exposed as true pod people. We’ve gone from stay home and be a hero and help medical staff to get out there and protest, or you’re supporting white supremacy. That’s quite the 180-degree turn. Academia is infested with liberal bias, but as the woke legions graduate and continue to spread their cancer into other institutions, this is what you get. Pseudo-scientific nonsense and decisions based on bashing Trump.

    It’s outright madness. The chair of the NYC health committee actually said if there is a spike in COVID cases in the Big Apple, blame racism, not the rioters….


    • Health Experts’ Letter Okaying Crowds to Protest Infuriates the Internet, Especially People Who Have Already Lost So Much

      It’s pretty hard to say how disgusting it is that “health experts” who were willing to keep us all locked up forever or until a vaccine came, who were behind the imposition of all kinds of random rules that grievously harmed people and the economy are now just completely thrown that all under the bus with the embrace of the protests….


  6. Can’t We Just Say It? This Wuhan Panic Was a Fraud Driven by Politics and for the Aggrandizement of Power

    I think we’re at the point where it is safe to say that the entire Wuhan virus scare was nothing more or less than a massive fraud perpetrated upon the American people by ‘experts’ who were determined to fundamentally change the way the country lives and is organized and governed.

    Not long ago, just a couple of months back, we were promised that Chinese Lung Aids would kill over a million Americans. We were told that it was highly infectious. We were told that our hospitals would be overwhelmed. We were told that hundreds of thousands of ventilators would be needed. None of this, not a single projection has turned out to be true. We were forced to wear face masks to guard against…f***, I don’t even know what they guard against because they are exactly as effective against a virus as a chain-link fence is against a mosquito. And we were informed that we were very, very bad people if we didn’t wear them. Even people on the right hopped on the virtue-signaling bandwagon; they advocated a complete shutdown of economic activity and hectored us about how it was important to get with the face mask fetish because it made some other people ‘feel safer.’ When the worst-case scenarios didn’t pan out, health departments have seemingly made a sport of coding homicides, heroin overdoses, and basically any non-hospital death from natural causes as Wuhan-related….


  7. New York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals and the Riots Began

    Free the criminals. Organize riots. Watch cities burn. Repeat.

    New York City released over 2,650 criminals from prison to protect them from the pandemic. But they didn’t stay home or wash their hands. They went back to their old jobs and 100 of them accounted for 190 arrests for crimes like burglary and robbery. A rapist was released and he went back to raping…

    Los Angeles County released about 5,000 criminals accounting for around a third of imprisoned criminals. And with no bail, arrested criminals were set loose and then arrested again. In the first 30 days of the experiment, 213 criminals were rearrested again after being put back on the street….


  8. WH Press Beclown Themselves, Claim Close Seating Put Lives in ‘Jeopardy,’ But Not Protests

    The White House press corps (and like-minded individuals) made a fool out of themselves on Friday, flipping out over how their lives were “put in jeopardy” by being seated closer than six feet apart for President Trump’s Rose Garden remarks while, on the other hand, eagerly promoting massive, nationwide protests for Black Lives Matter….


    • right on right on………………..our black brothers and sisters are seeing the light…………………..if even close to 40% vote for MAGA TRUMP it will be a landslide for TRUMP and AMERICA……….TRUMP economy roarrrrrrring back while the demoncrat commies kneel………….no real man kneels unless it is before GOD in CHURCH…………#obabamagate………….free war hero MICHAEL FLYNN…………….

  9. Furious Americans Surrendered Freedoms to “Flatten the Curve”…Now Told Huge Protests are “Vital”

    Public Health Advocates are playing Americans for fools and have ruined any credibility they ever had. Americans who gave up all of their freedom because they were constantly told to “flatten the curve” and stay inside are furious at the scenes today of huge crowds gathering…

    Loved one who passed away during this time never had a proper funeral. Family couldn’t say goodbye to the sick and dying…

    These health officials really stepped in it because Americans will not listen to them anymre.


  10. Just Like That, Gun Control Support and COVID-19 Died This Week

    After watching hundreds (including Michigan Governor Whitmer and other political figures who placed the rest of us in lockdowns) marching, screaming shouting — without social distancing and often without masks — it’s going to be hard to persuade us that even normal social contact will infect us and those around us with COVID-19. After watching the police hamstrung by these same politicians as their cities were looted and burned and they and civilians were severely injured and killed, gun sales are soaring. Without law and order it’s each man for himself. With our biggest cities boarded up and devastated, flight out to red states, where people understand that without respect for law life is too brutal to endure, will snowball….


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