Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” June 5, 2020


Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” June 5, 2020

“Right Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have a couple of commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give our more opinionated readers exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and Middle Jab and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “MIDDLE JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view, “MIDDLE JAB” is the libertarian view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments in this column is free to do so.


  1. Breaking:

    “The Trump Presidency is Crumbling”

    1. For the first time in US History, the White House has been forced to build siege walls around its perimeter.

    2. Trump is isolated from his own military leaders who are now abandoning him.

    3. Unable to stem job losses, UNEMPLOYMENT has grown to 20%.

    4. The Daily Presidential Tracking Poll has TRUMP as the WORST DISAPPROVAL % OF ANY PRESIDENT EVER.

    5. Trump hasn’t been seen in public for days. He only twits.

  2. Just another peaceful Molotov cocktail tossing lawyer:

    ‘Best Friend’ of NYPD Bomber Was Obama Intel Aid With Ties to CAIR and Soros

    …Perhaps you’ll recall the news story of two well-to-do lawyers caught supplying leftist rioters with Molotov cocktails Saturday night. They were later seen tossing the bombs inside a police car, according to authorities…

    Rizvi, who bailed out her “best friend,” is a former Obama White House intelligence analyst who reportedly worked for the NSA, the State Department, and the Pentagon. She was an Islamic outreach coordinator for the Obama Administration. Her college was paid for by Paul Soros, George’s brother, and by the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) through the Islamic Scholarship Fund…..


    • Andrew Cuomo Complains That Looters Are Getting Out Of Jail — His Bail Reform Opened The Door

      Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing for looters to be charged with bail-eligible crimes — after his sweeping bail reforms made that all but impossible.

      New York’s bail reforms, which took effect January 1 of this year, removed the option of cash bail for a number of misdemeanors and non-violent felonies — which included stealing from stores or looting, which is classified as “burglary in the third degree.”..


  3. Woke liberal attacks women for using their ‘white privilege’ to clean Black Lives Matter graffiti off federal building

    As racial riots continue to spread like wildfire throughout the country, liberals like the “Karen” filming this are becoming increasingly angry with Americans who refuse to bow to their radical demands.


    • BREAKING: Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas

      Today Natural News has learned that Antifa operatives are organizing a plan to bus large numbers of Antifa terrorists to the vicinity of Sparta, Illinois, where they will be directed to target rural white Americans by burning farm houses and killing livestock. The purpose of the attack, according to sources, is so that Antifa can send a message to white America that “not even rural whites are safe” from the reach of Antifa, and that if their radical left-wing demands are not yet, all of America will burn (not just the cities)…

      Note it is possible that Antifa may alter its planned routes of destruction based on the appearance of this report. Although our sources are highly reliable individuals, the information / disinformation warfare tactics of Antifa are incredibly advanced, and part of the Art of War is to make your enemy think you’re in one place while you’re actually attacking another….


  4. NEVER to be reported in the main stream media:

    Majority Of Americans Support Use Of Military To Quell Riots – Poll

    … New polling shows that a majority of Americans, including nearly half of Democrats, support calling in the military to assist local police in handling the nationwide unrest that has accompanied peaceful demonstrations commemorating George Floyd, who died last week in Minneapolis police custody.

    Morning Consult conducted the survey from May 31 to June 1 and found that 58 percent of voters support using the military to deal with protests and demonstrations across the country, alongside the police. Just 30 percent of respondents said they’d oppose such a measure.

    Furthermore, 33 percent (one-third) of respondents said they “strongly” support sending in the military, while an additional 25 percent (one-quarter) said they “somewhat” support the move. Only 19 percent of voters “strongly” opposed deploying the military, while 11 percent “somewhat” opposed it. The survey’s margin of error was plus or minus 2 percentage points.

    Republicans were more likely to support the proposal, with 77 percent in favor of sending in military troops. Among Democrats, 48 percent said they’d support deploying troops to cities rocked by protests. And 52 percent of independents also backed such action….


  5. I see Joe is in PANIC mode again today.


    Read the news….Trump’s failures continue to mount!!
    OH MY GOD!


    • The SIEGE WALLS built around the White House for the first time ever????

      Christ! It is UNBELIEVABLE.

      The disintegration of the Trump Presidency. Under siege. Abandoned by his military.


  6. More Than 10,000 Leftists, Looters, Thugs and Vandals Arrested at “Peaceful” George Floyd Protests

    …The Associated Press went through the records of arrests at protests around the country and determined that more than 10,000 people have already been arrested on charges ranging from curfew violations and failures to disperse to looting. Most of the arrests occurred in Los Angeles (where there have been more than 3,000), New York, Dallas, and Philadelphia. ….


    ONE MILLION Unhinged Leftists Expected to Attend Protests in DC This Weekend — And Crackpot Mayor Just Evicted ALL National Guard Units

    …There are reports that One Million leftists will converge on Washington DC this weekend to resume their protests over the death of George Floyd….


  7. It’s the ECONOMY stupid.

    If you ain’t talking about the ECONOMY,

    then you’re SCARED to talk about the ECONOMY.

    Scccccaaaaaaaarrrrrreeeeeddd Joe !!!!!

  8. So it begins:

    Black Lives Matter plans armed ‘peace officers’ in war on police, NY leader says

    The Black Lives Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called war on police, according to one of its leaders…

    The move is reminiscent of the Black Panthers Party, which created “peace officers” who open-carried firearms while patrolling black communities in order to deter police brutality. Newsome confirmed that the BLM “peace officers” would also be armed and open carry guns in states that allow it.

    “We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,” Newsome explained. “We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.”…

    The “blueprint” for the way forward will be unveiled in Times Square in New York on Sunday at 12 p.m. and delivered to communities across the country.


  9. DC Mayor doing all she can to paint a rioting bull’s eye on the White House. She’ll let her city be burned and looted if it will make Trump look bad.

    BREAKING: One Million Protesters Expected To Converge On DC This Weekend…DC Mayor Evicts National Guard From All DC Hotels, Wants Fencing Around White House Taken Down, Renames Street In Front Of White House, “Black Lives Matter Plz”

    Last week, Democrat Mayors, governors and members of Congress, disgustingly used George Floyd’s death as an excuse to accuse President Trump, without a shred of evidence, of racism. While thousands of angry protesters surrounded the White House, starting fires and breaching barriers put in place by the U.S. Secret Service to protect President Trump and his family, Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser refused to do anything to help secure the White House…

    Mayor Muriel Bowser also criticized White House Secret Service for erecting a new fence around the White House

    Daily Mail – ‘It’s a sad commentary that the [White] House and its inhabitants have to be walled off,’ Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser told reporters at a press conference on Thursday.

    ‘We should want the White House to be opened up.’…

    It’s almost like Democrat leaders don’t want to see President Trump and his family protected from violent protesters. Imagine the outrage if Republican lawmakers wanted a fence surrounding the White House, protecting him and his family from harm, taken down during President Obama’s reign as President.


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