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Ivy Tech’s Vice Chancellor For Student Success Receives Innovation Award From NASPA


The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) has selected Deborah Anderson, vice chancellor for student success at Ivy Tech Community College Evansville, as the 2020 innovation award recipient for Technology Research, Assessment and Evaluation.

The award criteria states, “This award will recognize high quality research that has aimed to shine a light on understanding technology in higher education and student affairs, as well as painting a clearer picture for effective practices.”

The research she submitted came from her 2019 dissertation and was titled, Institutional Factors of Characteristics Leading to Successful Implementation of Analytic Technology within Higher Education. Anderson’s study presents results from a multiple-case study on factors leading to successful analytic technology implementation within higher education.

She said that in the past decade, the higher education landscape has widely shifted to welcome analytic technology as a key resource to impact student success, yet there is not much research or writings on the subject and its impact. “Analytic and predictive technologies are sought as a potential strategy to improve academic learning and student engagement,” Anderson noted in her Abstract. “Successful technology innovations impact students’ experiences in the classroom, engagement with the institution, and personal development.”