IURC Nominating Committee Accepting Applications for Commission



Indianapolis – The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Nominating Committee is soliciting applications from persons interested in filling one current vacancy on the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) created by the retirement of Commissioner Carol Stephan.


Applications will be accepted today through close of business on Thursday, January 5, 2017.  Applications must be received in the Governor’s Office by close of business on Thursday, January 5, 2017.  After the close of the application period, the Nominating Committee will schedule and conduct a public meeting to interview applicants on a date to be determined. Following Governor-elect Eric Holcomb’s inauguration, the Nominating Committee will present then-Governor Eric Holcomb with a list of three qualified candidates from which he will select an individual to fill the remainder of Commissioner Stephan’s term.  Commissioner Stephan’s term expires January 31, 2020.


Applicants are encouraged to review the Party Affiliation Resolution posted here. This Resolution identifies how the Nominating Committee will determine an applicant’s party affiliation.


Members of the Nominating Committee are Committee Chair Allen Paul, Eric Scroggins, John Blevins, Larry Buell, Win Moses, Michael Evans, and Michael Mullett.


Applications for the position may be obtained by emailing boardsandcommissions@gov.in.gov, by calling 317-232-4567, by hard copy in Statehouse, Room 206, or from www.in.gov/gov/2682.htm.  Completed applications must be returned to:  Allen Paul, Chair, IURC Nominating Committee, c/o Office of the Governor, Statehouse, Room 206, Indianapolis, IN  46204.  To be considered timely, applications must be received in the Governor’s Office and not simply postmarked by close of business on Thursday, January 5, 2017.