Seemingly every time we turn around we read or hear someone trashing members of our local law enforcement by accusing them of being inept and abusing their powers. We are getting sick and tired of this type of treatment towards the very people who protect us and our family on a daily base from the bad people running around in our community.We acknowledge that every now and then that some individuals in law enforcement make mistakes but the the overwhelming majority do a professional job.
The stress level that members of law enforcement experience on a daily basis is unreal.  We are aware every time an officer makes a routine traffic stop it could turn deadly at a blink of an eye. We believe members of our local law enforcement are underpaid considering their job responsibilities. We also feel that the Evansville Police Department and the Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office are underfunded and understaffed. Many of our law enforcement professionals feel unappreciated.
The days of our local elected officials giving long and flowery speeches in support of our local law enforcement professionals has long past. It’s time that the elected officials and citizens alike of this community acknowledge that we have a major crime problem in this community.
Its time that our elected officials take this issue head-on and immediately take the necessary steps to give our local law enforcement professionals the resources they need to combat this serious wave of violent crime.
We understand that some people feel that spending millions of dollars on feel-good projects (Penguins, Hippo, bird exhibits, a Carousel ride at the Zoo and spending $18 million dollar bike path on North Main) are important to our community and give us a sense of community pride. Â Its time that our elected officials turn their attention to the real matter at hand. The issue of public safety is the order of the day. The time for empty promises and meanness speeches concerning the subject of law and order has passed.
We commend Chief Bolin, Sheriff Wedding and Mayor Winnecke for making some pro-active statements on ways to correct the major increases violent crimes and murder in our community at a recent news conference. However, the ideas thrown out at this press conference should only be considered a starting point in correcting our serious wave of violent crimes. It’s obvious that it going to take more than realigning our crime-fighting units to achieve immediate success in compacting the current wave of violent crime. Bottom line is that our elected officials need to bit the bullet and invest additional money in putting more “boots on the ground” and “acquiring more up-to-date crime-fighting equipment” if they expect to make a measurable dent in correcting the serious crime problem in Evansville/Vanderburgh County.
Finally, we also appreciate the outstanding work that the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s office, our Judges, Vanderburgh County Sheriffs Office and the Evansville Police Department do on our behalf!
It’s time to take a public stand in support our law enforcement professionals!
Excellent editorial. The socialist liberals and especially Obama blamed the law enforcement officers first for political gain from their base anytime there was a high profile arrest or shooting. The race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton fostered and promoted the narrative of civil rights suppression by our LEOs. They promoted the Ferguson and related riots. Now is the time for real Americans to stand with our LEOs. Now is the time for our African Americans in Evansville to help the LEOs make their neighborhoods safe, which means cooperating with law enforcement and not refusing to testify to known criminal activity. Remember, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Add Colin Kaepernick, who wore socks depicting police as pigs and said they (police) killed blacks for sport. And add the NFL and most team owners for allowing him the forum.
“Top law enforcement leaders say they have had no bigger advocate this year than President Trump, and they are hopeful he has set the stage for fewer dangerous confrontations between officers and the public, better-equipped departments and, ultimately, reductions in crime.
Early signs are encouraging. Line-of-duty deaths, including fatal shootings of police officers, are down this year. Preliminary reports from major cities indicate that crime increases reported in the past two years are subsiding.
The Justice Department’s new focus on policing results has also toned down tensions between the federal government and local agencies. Meanwhile, racially tinged standoffs between police and the public have dissipated.”
This is a terrific article. Its 100% appropriate.
People who take pot shots at their law enforcement professionals, Cops, Policemen, FBI…people who question their loyalty and call them crooks and liars? Who does that? We all know who has always done that. People who law enforcement is investigating, people who just got indicted or about to be indicted, that’s who. You know. Crooks. Thieves. White collar thieves. Criminals. Of course they hate they hate law enforcement professionals! They’re criminals!
But where does this come from today? People who post here blast law enforcement like the FBI every week! It is wrong. Like this article says….Suddenly everyone feels its ok to ” someone trashing members of our local law enforcement by accusing them of being inept and abusing their powers.”
Because the damn President, Donald Trump is doing it. That’s who. He has decided it’s ok to question the honor, character, loyalty to the country of our very own FBI. It is disgusting.
But THAT is where its coming from. Some piece of trash is likely to swoop in here and claim the FBI is different than local law enforcement…and you know what? They can cram it. They are cops, plain and simple. They deserve your respect. Support your Law Enforcement Professionals.
It’s wasted effort if we don’t demand judges do their jobs and quit pampering this trash.
Also a wasted effort if we have those openly refusing to follow the laws, Obama’s catch and release program for illegals and now the Democratically controlled so called “Sanctuary Cities”:
“A man accused of an “unprovoked and brutal stabbing†at a market in California last month is an illegal immigrant with a criminal record who had been previously deported seven times, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman told Fox News.”
“The illegal immigrant and seven-time felon who was acquitted of murder and assault in the 2015 San Francisco fatal shooting of 32-year old Kate Steinle was sentenced to three years in prison on Friday.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who has been in custody since shortly after the shooting, was credited for time served. He will be on parole for 48 months and will remain in custody to face federal charges. The case sparked national debate over immigration reform and so-called Sanctuary Cities that shield illegals from deportation, of which San Francisco is one.”
People need to stop criticizing the police. They should really be free to arrest who they think might be a threat, and if some innocent folks get roughed up along the way, that’s their problem.
Hold on there, pardner.Like most dems you are confused. Donald John Trump praises police and firefighters at every opportunity, and there are valid reasons for his ( and all thinking persons) criticism of FBI leadership and their politicization of the organization. The president you have in mind was Barack Hussein Obama who, at any altercation between blacks and police roundly condemmed the police and dispatched his race bloodhound Eric Holder to rein in the police.
….there he is.
THE guy who this article was written about. DannCoulter, support your law enforcement professionals, or leave our country.
Tell that to your hero Barack Hussien Obama.
As for me I have criticized local law enforcement one time. that was in the Milan house raid And not so much for the raid itself but for their treatment of the Milans afterward by the department.
You’re still confused, Toby.
Another DACA dreamer the dems want to shut down government for?
Off topic, but the EVSC should be embarrassed. Closing again when districts like Warrick are on a 2 hour delay. Look at the surrounding districts and tell us why the 3rd largest city in Indiana and Vanderburgh County can’t have school in session. We really have become a city/county of wusses.
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