“IT IS TRUE” JULY 27, 2023 draft draft

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IS IT TRUE that every four years the United States of America holds an inauguration ceremony where the duly elected President of the United States swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States and is sworn in as our President?…this ceremony is all about honoring the traditions associated with the Office of the Presidency and not the human being who is being sworn in?…the Presidency itself is and always has been bigger than the person who is elected to the job?…it is the hope of the City-County Observer that person who is fairly and duly elected by the people of the United States of America according to the rules established by our founders, will put all personal issues aside and uphold our Constitution while making the best decisions that can be made for the next for years?…it is furthermore hoping to see all members of the legislative and judicial branches of our government honor the Office of the Presidency whether they like or dislike the person being sworn in?
IS IT TRUE that Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and Asst. IDACS Coordinator for the Evansville Police Department is doing a credible job in providing us with the daily EPD Activity Report in a timely manner?

IS IT TRUE that the long-awaited election of 2023 is finally upon us and mercifully we will be able to stop being bombarded with empty promises and negative smears put forth by nearly every campaign from dog catcher to President of the United States, Governor and City Council??  … that the City-County Observer encourages everyone to vote and hopes for a quick and accurate outcome that is accepted by whichever side loses?…the time for resistance, derangement, and violence in the streets like a third grader throwing a tantrum are over and hopefully such disrespectful and destructive things will end for good on November 4th?…the last four years have been a period of embarrassment for things the have happened both inside and outside of the halls of government?…the last four years have exposed quite a lot of adults as spoiled children and they come in both blue and red?…whoever prevails will hopefully be recognized as the lawful winner and will be treated as such?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Chief Deputy Treasurer Dottie Thomas is not only extremely professional but she knows her stuff?  …we need more people like her working at the Civic Center?  …the way she conducts the people business is the reason why is she running unopposed for the Vanderburgh County Treasurer position?
IS IT TRUE that the Honorable Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Les Shively has proven to be an outstanding judge and public servant? …he’s extremely outgoing and likable? …that Judge Shively is listed on the November 3, 2020 election ballot as an unopposed non-partisan candidate?  …we strongly urge you to give him a vote of confidence in order to let him know how you appreciate the outstanding job he does in ensuring that justice is well served in his court?
IS IT TRUE that the Honorable Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Les Shively has proven to be an outstanding judge and public servant? …he’s extremely outgoing and likable?


IS IT TRUE that the second Living Outside the Box speaker series event was held Wednesday, June 26, 2019 in Evansville, Indiana and the attendance was oversubscribed by nearly 100%?…this was the second such speaking event in the newly established series that is named after former City County Observer editor Joe Wallace’s book?… Joe’s book debuted as the #1 best seller on Amazon in the Green Business category and was also the #1 New Release in 3 other categories?…it also rose to the #2 Best Seller in the Intergovernmental Policy category?… Wallace was the first speaker in this newly established series that is sure to bring more high-impact people to Evansville in hopes of teaching the lessons of the book to the movers and shakers of the Tri-State.

IS IT TRUE that people along the Evansville waterfront on Monday were treated to a performance by a log riding ax-wielding man that was obviously inspired to do something quite off the wall?…this dude decided for whatever reason to swim out into the river and mount a log while carrying an ax that he promptly used to chop at the log like he was trying to get ready to build a fire with the wood?…stranger things have happened and this one sort of takes the cake for something so unexpected yet legal and strange that it merited some attention?…it has been 10 years since a would-be Santa Claus got stuck in a chimney and had to be busted out by the Evansville Fire Department?…this sort of thing make you think that meth is making a comeback in River City?
IS IT TRUE that the Romp Bluegrass Music Festival that is now beyond its 10th year in Owensboro is getting so popular that it is causing traffic jams?…in the first year the crowds came out to watch Saturday Night Live veteran Steve Martin pick a banjo and sing bluegrass music?…the success of this festival goes to show how much interest there is in something that is both native and entertaining?…this probably would have worked in Evansville if there was not an obsession for boat racing that has now been eliminated again?


IS IT TRUE everyday members of our local law enforcement work many scenes of shootings several times every week? …they also chase and apprehend suspects fleeing the scene of the shootings? …we are proud of our men and women in blue for helping keep our community safe from bad people? …our law enforcement has an extremely stressful and dangerous job?  …the next time you see our first responders please give them a “thumbs up” for doing a great job in protecting us?

IS IT TRUE that Ellen Horan has just resigned as the Executive Director to take a job in Texas?  …we wouldn’t be surprised if this “E For Everyone” group will pay big bucks to hire an out town agency to find an out-of-towner to replace Ms. Horan?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the avoidance of being held accountable sometimes causes politicians to decide not to run for re-election? …for a few politicians, the intoxicating elixir of power is too great to resist even if the lash of accountability is coming unless, of course, they need the small stipend of service to make ends meet?
IS IT TRUE that over the years the City-County Observer has studied and published articles that examine the economic expectations and realities of proposed capital projects within Vanderburgh County proper? …our conclusion is that a lack of planning has created an unavoidable last-minute quagmire that leaves our county in the unenviable position of needing to provide significant incentives to secure a binding and enforceable agreement to entice a developer to build profitable projects?
IS IT TRUE that every four years the United States of America holds an inauguration ceremony where the duly elected President of the United States swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States and is sworn in as our President?…this ceremony is all about honoring the traditions associated with the Office of the Presidency and not the human being who is being sworn in?…the Presidency itself is and always has been bigger than the person who is elected to the job?…it is the hope of the City-County Observer that the person who is fairly and duly elected in the future by the people of the United States of America according to the rules established by our founders, will put all personal issues aside and uphold our Constitution while making the best decisions that can be made for the next four years?…furthermore hoping to see all members of the legislative and judicial branches of our government honor the Office of the Presidency whether they like or dislike the person being sworn in?


IS IT TRUE that we wonder why liberal judges who say we don’t need to stand up when the Nation Anthem is played expect us to stand up when he enters the room? …we wonder what would happen when a liberal Judge enters the courtroom if everyone would go down on their knees?
IS IT TRUE that after the transfer of Bally’s future income advance of $12,500,000 from the Riverboat fund to deposit into the City of Evansville General Fund? …this transaction is a case of mortgaging the future to cover the perceived need to fund fun and games initiatives of today?…the legacy of buying a new car on credit while letting the toilet leak inside the trailer with a hole in the roof has caught up with the City Of Evansville City Council of 2023?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.


IS IT TRUE in the spirit of “SNEGAL” (sneaky but legal) still alive in Evansville?  that after the unauthorized transfer of Bally’s future income advance of $12,500,000 from the Riverboat funds was deposited into the City of Evansville General Fund? …this transaction is a case of mortgaging the future to cover the perceived need to fund fun and games initiatives of today?…the legacy of buying a new car on credit while letting the toilet leak inside the trailer with a hole in the roof has caught up with the City Of Evansville 2023?


IS IT TRUE that downtown Evansville for the first time in many years has fewer buildings with “available” signs in the windows? …growth has been a long time coming to Downtown Evansville and many millions of taxpayer dollars have been used to incentivize this growth spurt but the jury is still out on whether or not this really sticks this time or not?

IS IT TRUE if present and past City Council members made the appropriate allocations of local tax dollars to cover our contractual obligations during the last decade, the urgency of today would not be an urgency at all?…the same mindset that sits back and allows the infrastructure to decay while spending freely on fun and games was hard at work in deferring these legitimate expenses?

IS IT TRUEt that many people feel that the 2023 edition of the Evansville City Council is extremely controversial?  …where was Curt John and Connie Robinson when we need them?

IS IT TRUE it has been aptly pointed out that when former President Trump says “America First”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that other countries are last?…what this means is that our duly elected president has expressed an intention to make the best deals possible for the people of the United States?…we have no problem with taking care of the home folks first as the catatonic growth of the last decade has eroded the lifestyles of rank and file Americans to the point that our charity needs to begin at home?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Council persons Missy Mosby, Jonathan Weaver, and Ron Beans are the only elected City officials that push for a major improvement in our parks?

IS IT TRUE there are fences and guard shacks at the U S and Mexican border crosses? … that the fences located away from border crossings are not much more sophisticated than the ones around a residence?…that it’s projected that a halfway competent construction team should be able to build a wall for $6 Billion or less?…that would include trenching under it to make digging under difficult and a state of the art surveillance system?…from a pure construction perspective, a wall should be simple and the cost should be way less than the numbers being tossed about in the media?

IS IT TRUE that Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and Asst. IDACS Coordinator for the Evansville Police Department is doing a credible job in providing us with the daily EPD Activity Report in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE that the time for empty political promises and an empty dialog will come to an end tomorrow evening?


IS IT TRUE it has been aptly pointed out that when former President Trump says “America First”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that other countries are last?…what this means is that the former president has expressed an intention to make the best deals possible for the people of the United States?…we have no problem with taking care of the home folks first as the catatonic growth of the last decade has eroded the lifestyles of rank and file Americans to the point that our charity needs to begin at home?

IS IT TRUE that today the City-County Observer is posting a link to the Indiana State Boards Of Accounts audit of 2016 for the City Of Evansville?. ..we encourage our readers to analyze the attached link to the Indiana State Board of Accounts audit and tell us what they found out?  …here is the link to the Indiana State Boards Of Accounts audit for the City Of Evansville for 2016?  …here’s a copy of the audit reports

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any readers comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers 


FOOTNOTE:  STOPPED posting on NOVEMBER 2, 2020