We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”
IS IT TRUE we are told that the search for the next Chamber Of Commerce President has been narrowed down to two (2) finalists?  …we hear that one of the two finalists is from Evansville proper?

IS IT TRUE that speculation has now reached a less than fever pitch with respect to the upcoming announcement from former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel that he is planning to seek the Democrat nomination for the US House of Representative?  …several people in the political know feel that Weinzapfel late entry in the race will cause a serious split in the Democratic party?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Mr. Weinzapfel may announce his attention to run for the US Congress via social media in a couple of days?  …we are told if Mr. Weinzapzel decides to do so he will also send his announcement to area media via social media?

IS IT TRUE that Weinzapfel Democrat challenger is a well respected Terre Haute attorney with a good political following throughout the 8th Congressional District?  …it’s been alleged that a couple of Weinzapfel supporters approached Tanoos and asked him to withdraw from 8th District Congressional primary race?  …Tanoos response was heck no?  …we hear that Mr. Tanoos resolve to win the 8th District Congressional primary race is now stronger than ever?  …all we can say is let the political dogfight begin?

IS IT TRUE ..we predict the Republican primary be extremely interesting to watch?  …Congressman Bucshon is the establishment candidate that is seemly well liked by most Republicans in the 8th District? …you can rest assured that Governor Holcomb and Vice President Pence will do everything they can to help Congressmen Bucshon to win the primary race?

IS IT TRUE that 8th District Congressman Larry Bucshon has a serious opponent in the Republican primary? …we expect conservative Dr. Richard Moss of Jasper to call Mr. Bucshon out on some of the votes he casts over the years?  …we expect that Dr. Moss will be dogging Bucshon about his legal resident’s status?   …that Dr. Bucshon has to convince the people of the 8th District that he and his family live here and not in Washinton, DC?  ..Dr. Moss conservative position papers have gotten some attention from area Republicans?  … we respectfully suggest that Congressmen Bucshon better not take Dr. Moss primary candidacy for granted?

IS IT TRUE the political establishment in Indy better beware of the non-establishment candidate and successful businessmen Mike Braum from Jasper?  …his TV commercials are well done and sends a well thought out conservative message to the voters of the 8th District?  …that Mr. Braum must believe in what he doing because he put up $4 million dollars of his own money to fund his primary campaign?

IS IT TRUE after all said and done we expect that race for the 8th District Congressional seat in 2018 will be the most costly and in your face political battle we have seen in a long time?
IS IT TRUE we predict that the upcoming 2018 Primary and General elections are going to extremely competitive? …that Federal, State and County offices are on the ballot? …we expect these elections will draw a big voter turnout?
IS IT TRUE we are told that any candidate running for re-election that has wasted our tax dollars on questionable capital projects or voted on tax increases may have a hard time of being re-elected in 2018?
IS IT TRUE that the “FUN AND GAMES” crowd is at it again?  …that the Mayor Winnecke and City Councilwoman Mercer are trying to convince the public to fund a multi-million capital project at the vacant property at Robert’s Park?  …they are promoting the idea that a private-public partnership will make this project a reality?  …we were told by a couple of people who attended the this “Fun And Game” project presentation conducted by an outside consultant was boring?  … we wonder when some of our elected officials will realize that the City Of Evansville is currently experiencing a major financial crisis?
 Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the Democratic primary election for the 8th District US Congressman was held today who would you vote for?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Like that dumbass Bayh, Larry Bucshon doesn’t even have a home in Indiana, does he?

  2. According to the most resent audited financial statement, the Park & Rec Fund was over drawn 9 out of 12 months. Maybe some council members will soon realize that Winnecke needs project after project to float his boat. . .why . .because the bond funds are in the same bank account which houses the General Fund which was over drawn 10 out of 12 months. Maybe the term “Ponzi” should be considered???

  3. Seeing as how the road crews got mother nature to clear the snow on the side roads, are they going to let her fill the potholes too?

    • HA! Good one, Username. Weinbach looks like it has been subjected to an Axis bombing campaign, as does Alvord Blvd, and many other roads in my neck of the woods. The likelihood of snapping an ankle on a cluttered, cracked sidewalk or a pothole filled, rubble strewn street is about equal when it comes to walking the dogs this time of year…

  4. Update from Democrat Governor Moonbeam’s left wing socialist utopia known as the Peoples Republic of California:

    “Calderon, the Democratic majority leader in California’s lower house, has introduced a bill to stop sit-down restaurants from offering customers straws with their beverages unless they specifically request one. Under Calderon’s law, a waiter who serves a drink with an unrequested straw in it would face up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.”

  5. Weinzapfel is like Trump in many ways. He is full of himself and prefers to use the word I to the word we when something works but casts blame indiscriminately when he screws something up. He has that gravel voice that matches Trump’s hair for silliness. He is where the parallels end because Trump has actually made some money without using taxpayer dollars to do so.

  6. RE 2018 elections, I may be sitting this one out again. I’m not interested in voting for a far right nutjob, nor a foaming at the mouth liberal – – and there is literally no scenario where I would support Weinzapfel for ANY job in the public sector.

    Is anybody running who might be considered, god forbid, a person with moderate views?

    • Is Weiney a Democrat? Is it true, he is the one that prompted the vice chair of the dems to support the pub mayor in the last election?

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