IS IT TRUE we hearing around 15 to 17 members of the EPD are seriously thinking about taking early retirement because of the obvious mistreatment toward them by the city is shameful? ,,,if this inforntion is correct we feel that this is shameful?
IS IT TRUE that the Ford Motor Company announced yesterday that the $16 Billion plant that was planned over the last couple of years for construction in Mexico has been cancelled?…instead Ford will spend $700 Million to expand a plant in Michigan and will hire 700 American workers to meet their needs?…Ford will reportedly be hiring United Auto Workers to fill these jobs prompting UAW Vice President Jimmy Settles to state that “It’s evident today that Ford is rewarding us for our hard work.”?…there is no evidence to suggest that President Elect Donald Trump was involved in Ford’s decision to scuttle the Mexico plant and invest in the United States of America, but one would be naive to conclude that the looming tariffs spoken of by Mr Trump and the general disapproval of offshoring of American jobs did not have some influence in this decision?…this makes the second time that the fear of Mr. Trump’s reaction to an offshoring action has resulted in keeping a block of good paying jobs right here at home?
IS IT TRUE that a 15 year old boy was found dead on the campus of Evansville’s Central High School yesterday?…this young man was a former student who had voluntarily withdrawn from Central High only a short time ago?…the details surrounding this unfortunate situation are scarce at this time but the CCO understands that the other students at Central will be in need of mentoring, counseling, and goodwill for a long time to come to deal with the loss of their classmate?…it makes one wonder just how the heck a 15 year old can just quit school when most laws do not allow such a decision to be acted upon until after one has passed their 16th birthday?…our thoughts and prayers go out to the memory of this young man, his family, and the entire Central High School family?
IS IT TRUE the anticipation for the opening of the downtown Doubletree Hotel is peaking?…from the outside it looks nearly complete?…it has been a full 100 months (over 3,000 days) since the former Mayor of Evansville proclaimed that a Marriott would be built with NO PUBLIC INCENTIVE if and only if a new state of the art arena were built in downtown Evansville?…that was one delusional expectation but lots of people got on board in believing in the delusion?…it is truly going to be a day to celebrate when the first tourists check into the new Doubletree Hotel that cost way more than anticipated and took more TAXPAYER INCENTIVES that anyone every dreamed back in 2008 when the dreams were being hatched?
IS IT TRUE that the staff of the City County Observer is puzzled about how much of a difference there is in the quality of the roads in rural Illinois when contrasted with Kentucky but especially with the roads in Vanderburgh County and the City of Evansville?…there are potholes that need to be filled and we encourage our city and county officials to get behind making that happen this spring when the weather is more cooperative?
Central High School:
I was told this morning that the young man who took his own life was a victim of bullying by fellow students . . ..
Central has a major bullying problem. Parents are often road blocked from any action by Administrators in the building and downtown. They deny it happens and tell the parents to deal with it. I have heard this from several parents who pulled their students from there.
I see where the DMD is going to spend more money on the old CVS building at Main & Columbia to board up the windows because of vandalism. It would be interesting to know just how much money has been wasted on that building so for.
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