Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE WEEKEND-Cell Phone Censorship Follows Marsha Abell’s “Old People And...

IS IT TRUE WEEKEND-Cell Phone Censorship Follows Marsha Abell’s “Old People And Hi Tech Computer People” Remarks


UPDATE: April 26, 2014

IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County GOP Women club recently sponsored a Soup Dinner?…that we are stunned to hear that it was announced to those in attendence that all cell phones should be turned off when the candidates start speaking so no one can record any audio or videos of the speeches?…this request goes against the grain of true Republicans values of forcing censorship on the masses? …we were told by at least 7 people attending this event that they were extremely insulted by this request? …that our “GOP Moles” told us that this new censorship rule was imposed by the club leadership because someone recorded the speech made by Marsha Abell to that group earlier this the month and was forward the speech to the CCO?


Recently the City County Observer played the audio recording of County Commissioner Marsha Abell giving her opinions on the local economy at a recent GOP gathering. Among things expressed by Abell are opinions that “old people don’t pay enough taxes and Evansville can’t survive just with retired people living here”, and that “Hi Tech Computer People don’t produce one dime”.

Marsha even opines that this is the opinion of Mayor Winnecke.

Here is the link to the recording of Commissioner Abell stating that high tech computer people and seniors are net takers.


  1. Marsha ,Wayne and Lloyd W. are still dimmer then a burned out 20 watt light bulb

  2. On the fence but I now know I should vote for this Ungethiem fellow after reading this IIT.

  3. Don’t know if this meeting qualified as a “Hen Party”, but apparently there actually was some “Dumb Cluck” responsible for getting everyone “in line”.

  4. This is the second post we have taken down by WTF in last two days that were unfounded and insulting. We trust that henceforth WTF posts will be accurate and on message, if not we shall respond accordingly.

    CCO Editor

    • That surely looks like her polling isn’t good, and she needed a scapegoat. After all, it couldn’t be her fault!

  5. To ‘The Evansville 7’ who were offended by the turn off your phones mandate:

    Vote with your feet. Walk out of the speech ! Don’t be a pussy and listen to the speech and then complain afterward to the CCO–take action !

  6. This should pretty well cement Marsha’s retirement from public office. She apparently is incapable of learning from past mistakes, so she decided just to try and hide them.

  7. CCO’s focus on defeating Ms. Abell reminds me of the C&P’s 2006 over the top attempt to influence the election against John Hostettler.

        • Well, it makes sense to me, having a layman’s understanding of Climatology and Geophysical Science.

          Personally I’m tempted to vote against all incumbents in our local elections, because of the severe mismanagement of funds and utterly ignoring the problems that face the city and county as a whole, choosing instead to focus on bailing out their buddies, holding worthless property downtown with minimal economic gain for the city and county.

          The City gets slapped with a fine pretty much every time it rains, because of Combined Sewer Overflow, or CSO. In short, our sewer system cannot handle it’s normal load, and the influx of rainwater from the storm sewer inlets, causing untreated sewage to back up into our streets and waterways.

          So when you drive past a sewer grate and it smells like shit…it is. It’s a severe health and safety hazard, and detrimental to our environment. Instead of fixing the problems in a smart manner, they just raise EVERYONE’s water bill to cover it.

          As for the Assessor’s office. They need to start assessing property, instead of relying on a “Covered ground” Formula.

          My home was assessed this year, after I took a home and lot that had been neglected to the point of going feral, replaced the weeds with grass, solved a drainage problem that cause my yard, basement and my neighbor’s yard to flood when it rained, and ripped out a carport that was a prime example of “redneck engineering.”, I also tore out an overgrown gravel driveway and replaced it with green growing grass. Not to mention, I added a very attractive deck and reclaimed brick footpath and firepit.

          The result: Bill Fluty’s office not only raised my property taxes, they devalued my home by TWENTY THOUSAND dollars.

          My neighbors love what I’ve done with the place, and I’ve had several people comment positively on the landscaping, and one relative of a neighbor said it didn’t even look like the same house. But despite it’s curb appeal, tearing out that ugly ass driveway to the woodshed, and slipshod carport, I got dinged for 20 large on my investment.

          Of course, I don’t know why I’m explaining this to you, because you’ll likely call it “jibberish”

  8. Hey disaffected get it right. Marsha Abell is beating herself because of bulling people and running her big mouth.

  9. Any link for a sample ballot on-line? Checked County Clerks website on city county website, but her e-mail Iink on the site did not work.

  10. Meh. A request was made. I don’t remember reading that republican shock troops were stationed around the audience to drag off and beat people who did not comply and destroy their phones. I presume the ‘deeply offended 7’ could have surreptitiously placed their phones on their table and recorded anyway if they wanted to.

    Anybody with a phone or camera and free software can doctor or selectively edit a piece of audio or video to make it look bad and take things out of context. Very soon we won’t be able to believe anything we see or here that we didn’t witness first hand.

  11. Been off line for a while… catching up. Steve Blankenberger has been out of the business for 5 to 8 years. He has never been accused of anything other than honorable conduct. I’m sure Judy [his wife] concured on their donating to Bruce’s campain, betterment of government is not a “party issue”. I’m sure Chancellor has funneled big bucks to Wayne to dole out as he sees fit. Any thinking person knows something has to be done to the good ole boy 1 party system…. IT AIN’T WORKIN’.

  12. The CCO Readers Poll doesn’t look good for Marsha. Looks like we have some Democratic voters crossing over to vote for Bruce.

  13. Does anybody know the names of the people serving on Wayne Parke local GOP puppet Central Committee? Has any one of the members of the local GOP Central Committee ever won an elected office? If not , has any one of these individuals ever run for public office?

    • “Does anybody know the names of the people serving on Wayne Parke local GOP puppet Central Committee?”

      Larry, Moe & Curley come to mind.

  14. Well, Well, Censorship, I thought the Republican Party was, emphasis on was, the first amendment champions. If I was Wayne Park and had a commissioner like Marsha, I would most certainly demand censorship, knowing you never know what will come out of her mouth!

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