IS IT TRUE we are getting many positive reports concerning the outstanding  job that the Honorable Judge Les Shively is doing?  …he shall be up for re-election next year and don’t be surprised that he runs unopposed?
IS IT TRUE we hear that for that several years the Warrick County Council have spent more money then they took in?  …that they have been taking money from surplus and rainy days funds to make up for the financial shortfall?  …we are surprised by this news because the entire County Council makeup are Republicans?
IS IT TRUE we are happy to report that Ist Ward City Councilmen, Dan McGinn and At-Large City Councilmen, Dr. Dan Adams has visited business owners on North Burkhart Road to discuss the street light problems with them?  …we are disappointed to hear that At-Large City Council members Weaver and O’Daniel hasn’t talked with business owners located on North Burkhart Road about the street light problems?
IS IT TRUE we are hearing that State Representative Ron Bacon is really becoming well known as a “go to person” in Indy?  …we hear that once is gets focus on an issue he won’t back off until he gets some kind of positive results?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank the Director of Transportation with the City of Evansville for having his crew ready to attack bad weather problems?  …this is one reason why he is considered as one of the top department heads in the city because of his planning skills?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thanks City Council members John Friend, CPA and Al Lindsey for pushing to change the laws that regulate the placement of signs located at  businesses in Evansville?  …we are really surprised to read in the Courier that the Mayor in now trying to take credit for the proposed changes in the City sign ordinances rules?
IS IT TRUEÂ that City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr. is continually to reject the many requests of City Council Budget Chairmen, John Friend, CPA for financial data so he can review the status of money in area banks?
Informative and postive IS IT TRUE. I agree with your comments about Judge Shively.
Just look at those pageviews for the courier. Going down like the Titanic http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/courierpress.com
Just to be fair, these stats look no better
Actually, the CCO stats do look better. They show clear improvement where CP shows clear slipping. In global rank, CP has dropped about 30,000 places whereas CCO has gained about 300,000. The 39% rise in CP bounce rate is also telling, as opposed to the 26% fall in bounce rate for CCO.
Bounce rate is the measure of the percentage of visitors whose experience on the site consists of only one page. This means about 61% of CP visitors leave after seeing one page. Only 52% of CCO visitors do that. This shows a higher level of engagement among CCO visitors.
To put it into perspective, CNN.com, the 19th ranked site in the US, which does not charge for content, has a bounce rate of 49.5%. The New York Times’ site, nytimes.com, which charges for premium content like CP, has a bounce rate of 62%. Their takings have been slipping for some time, now down to #35 in the US.
At least the CCO can actually make a website work. That is more than the President of the US can do.
+ 1.0
I think you meant to say “Ron Bacon”, not “Ron Beacon”
Thanks. I just corrected problem.
Concerning your second about Warrick County Republicans spending too much: It doesn’t matter if the elected person has a R or a D, or any other letter by the name. We the people must always keep an eye on those who we hired to manage our money!
Does anyone know anything about what the city is trying to go to get the IU medical Center in the downtown? I can’t read the courier and press anymore and all the stories about the IU Medical center require a subscription to read them.
I would hope that 14 new and channel 25 and this news outlet would cover that topic more.
I’m glad that the Courier’s hits are going down. It serves them right. They gave us a free online newspaper for years and then suddenly pull it out from under our feet.
I noticed that they always have a few articles that people can read without having a subscription. I guess they do that just to keep the hits up. Ha ha. I’m glad its not working for them.
I bet that many people refused to buy a subscription as their paper is not worth as much as they want for their subscription. I’d pay 50 cents a day for a daily paper but not a dollar for the daily paper. That’s just too much money for what they put in their paper. Most of the time most of the stuff in their paper is not worth reading. But they do have a few articles that I’m interested in reading sometimes.
The city is waiting until MERP officially announces the RFP. As far as I can tell, this was supposed to be done already. I have not heard any reason for the delay. Also, you can have full access for as little as 10.99/mo with the Sunday subscription. They were running a promotion for three months with one month paid.
Most AP articles are on Yahoo 1 or 2 days before they hit the CP. Their editorial perspective is humorous at best. The political toadies lap up the CP kool-aid, without regard to facts. Eventually, hopefully next election, both parties chozen few will have to win office on their merit not patronage longevitity.
It’s not necessarily the news printed by C & P that I deplore. It’s the news they don’t cover – like not printing any news that would make Obama or his minions look bad.
Coyote: Your probably doing the right thing with respect to how you prefer your delivery of daily news information.
WiKipedia~ The environmental impact of paper products,and its clean up for recycling.
WiKipedia~ Also~ Environmental impact of newsprint ink.
News is news,no matter what the media in which its supplied thereof.
Choices,for individual responsibility in carbon sequestration efforts,one does or they don’t. As of now its still a choice,give that 15- 20 years probably “not so much”.
The pulp mills are constantly adding better equipment and processes with science and technology to the industry,however the less deforestation and the less carbon and methane out gassing the better for real balanced programs. Chemistry has clean up the ink incrementally. The fact that with I.T. you need none of any of that speaks volumes to the most effective solution.
More actual career fields development for those that chose that endeavor of career pathway will drive new growth. Pretty much a earth science job growth pathway in climate change carbon management applications into the next 50 years. Newspaper processes observed incrementally is a very good study model for that.
Think what its like up river at Deer Creek landing near Tell City where that discharges and you begin to see the overhead picture,and if you did read toxicity health related impacts from that. Considering the very good quality of the treated water supply in your town,somebodies managing the store very well at the ESWD,with that stuff as supplied.
there is no doubt that we are beginning an ice age cycle……the solution could be more carbon for the green house affect to off set the ice age……ice age real solution just as dumb as taxing carbon and destroying the energy sector……. http://www.climatedepot.com/2013/11/29/nearly-1000-record-low-temperatures-set-as-another-round-of-arctic-air-forecast-to-deep-freeze-the-u-s/
I’m sorry but your dead wrong and plain crazy. Ice age My sweet bottom side. You should not lie and stop listing to the idiots on Fixed News. The earth’s average global Temperature has been climbing since the industrial revolution took place.
Anyone with half a brain can see the increased temperatures and the ice melting.
I’ll listen to the scientist at NASA and other reliable scientific authorities rather than listing to the propaganda of the people who make huge profits off fossil fuels and will do anything (even lie though their teeth) to keep those profits coming in.
Sorry but you are dead wrong. The only ice age coming is in your dreams.
you are a ignorant obama commie destroy the middle class with health care cost and carbon tax…….one you cannot explain what caused the last ice age…….two the ice caps are growing……three a person cannot be so stupid to believe after thousands years of climate change all of a sudden humans in the last 100 years have altered the earth climate cycles…..but i guess you are that stupid……
You need to check your facts, as well as your English, usage before calling someone else stupid.
Yous tells them what next wees liberals are the brightest praises the Obama frees health cares for all what next.
IS IT TRUE that John Friend shall be the next President of City Council? …that Conor O’Daniel shall be the Chairmen of the Budget Committee? …that City Councilwoman Riley shall be elected Vice Chairperson of City Council?
Reverse the roles of Friend and O’Daniel and you’ve got a deal. We need all the expertise we can get on the finance committee. Unless Friend does not want the committee job any longer.
Taken down because post was off message.
Warrick County population growth
1980 41,474 48.3%
1990 44,920 8.3%
2000 52,383 16.6%
2010 59,689 13.9%
Vanderburgh county population growth
1980 167,515 −0.7%
1990 165,058 −1.5%
2000 171,922 4.2%
2010 179,703 4.5%
City of Evansville population growth
1980 130,496 −6.0%
1990 126,272 −3.2%
2000 121,582 −3.7%
2010 117,429 −3.4%
The Gateway/Deaconess complex in Warrick County seems to be a growing enterprise and is surly adding revenue to Warrick county.
With steady population growth and business growth one would think Warrick should be able handle their budget problems well in the future.
From 1980 to 2010 Warrick county population grew by over 30%. The city of Evansville lost 13,000 people in the same time period, and Vanderburgh county grew at about the same as the city’s loss, having the effect of just shifting people from the city to the county for no net gain overall.
BTW, Evansville has all the potential in the world. It is her politics that holds he back. When the people have finally had enough, and those same people make the necessary changes, Evansville will flourish again.
Is it true that Johnathan Weaver broke a court order to return items to his ex-wife but gave them to goodwill. Yes it is, the family has lost a part of their history a simple clock that was their late Grand mothers. This is the type of person he is, can not understand why anyone would vote for him and why ERA first advantage reality would keep such a person working for them. I would ask that ERA gets boycotted till they take care of this man ( man is used lightly) and 2nd think about the type of person you are electing.
Taken down because post was personal.
I heard that she did, in fact, took out a restraining order against him.
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