IS IT TRUE that our 2013 September prediction that then Vanderburgh County Superintendent Of Roads Mike Duckworth shall be given a political patronage job with the Winnenke Administration has came true? …we hear that Mr. Duckworth  has indeed left his county job to accept a newly funded and high paying  position with the City Of Evansville Water Works Department? …we hear that Mr. Duckworth may be making more than $20,000 that he was paid by the county in his new position with the city?
IS IT TRUE we hear that Kansas City Structural Steel recently mailed Old National Bank a $300,000 plus check to take care of a double payment  they received by mistake for steel they provided to the Ford Center project?  …we would like to thank City Attorney, Ted Ziemer for the outstanding work he did in forcing Kansas City Structural Steel to man up and  pay back the money they owed to the taxpayers of this city?
IS IT TRUE that the Victory Theater mat lose about $688,000  in 2013?
IS IT TRUE the Zoo may lose about $3.7 million in 2013?  …we hear that the Mayor is now encouraging City Council to approve a $25 million dollar bond issue to renovate Mesker Zoo in the 2015 city budget?
IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center could lose about $600,000 plus this year?
I presume that overseeing the $227.2 million budget of the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation is not enough to keep Mr. Duckworth’s mind occupied, as we now find added to that responsibility the job of Superintendent of The Evansville Water Department, and Adjunct Instructor at Ivy Tech Community College.
City of Evansville Seeks Water Rate Increase, Full Modernization Could Cost over $400 Million
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I think we need another resignation from the school board and the school corporation, through the board, can choose 2 new members of their liking who would serve until the next election.
I can not believe that there is not a single government oversight agency that has any interest in what goes on in this town.
BTW, Greg Jones garnered 16627 votes, or 24% of the District 2 school board race in the last election. If Sally Becker voluntarily steps down from her trustee position, why would it not go to the candidate with the next largest vote total? Jones, 65, is retired after a 41-year career in the local printing industry. He is an Army veteran.
Press, the answer is that they won’t be able to control Greg Jones.
The answer is actually that’s not what the Indiana Code says for replacing a vacated seat.
And more is the pity for it.
Why not renovate Mesker Amphitheater? It was ans still should be a superb out door concert/movie venue.
Taken down because post was off message.
It is time we stand up against political patronage hiring practices of the Mayor. Look at the people that lack qualifications to be in positions of department heads of this city. Now you know why we are having problems with city parks, water and sewer, fire department and etc.
is it true that disgraced sheriff mosby will end up with a political job also….
Has Duckworth had a decent job in the private sector? He’s is always doing something to stay on the taxpayers payroll.
It is time we retire him from his elected school board position.
Chris Ragsdale for school board disc 2
I know Chris Ragsdale and know he would do an outstanding job on the school board.
Never heard of Chris Ragsdale but I feel anybody will be better than the “Patronage King” Mike Duckworth of Vanderburgh County.
$25 million? Is that to renovate Mesker, or to tear it down and completely rebuild it?
Dave Rector said in May 2012 renovations would cost about $100,000. http://m.courierpress.com/news/2012/may/17/mesker-hed-herppppp/
Is it just me or does that number seem plucked from thin air? Mesker is not a very complex facility. Where is $25 million supposed to go? Does it strike anyone as odd that’s the exact figure the zoo was asking for? It’s like the go-to figure if you’re asking for a lot of public funds. Need something? Must cost $25 million.
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