IS IT TRUE: Tuesday October 26, 2010


Tuesday October 26, 2010

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners have taken the discussion about the $18 Million ball fields off of today’s agenda?…..that the City County Observer poll with the question “Do you approve of spending $18 Million on 8 ball fields at Robert’s Stadium Property”? has attracted 133 NO VOTES and only 21 YES VOTES as of 8:00AM this morning?…..that is roughly a 6 to 1 ratio rejecting the proposal to spend $18 Million on 8 ball fields?……that we have searched the country for $2 Million little league ball fields in a sports complex and have not found any?…..that the deferral of this discussion by the Vanderburgh County Commissioners will also defer the consideration of Vanderburgh County as a Recovery Zone?….that the 9th Ward of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina is a real Recovery Zone?….that Vanderburgh County contains Johnson Place, Brentwood, Tall Timbers, Old Plantation, Carrolton Court, the Oaks, and Windsor Woods look more like Beverly Hills than they look like a RECOVERY ZONE? …..that voters would be shocked and amazed to discover who suggested declaring the entire county a RECOVERY ZONE?….that tomorrow’s scheduled meetings of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and the Evansville Redevelopment Authority regarding the $18 Million ball fields HAVE BEEN CANCELLED?

IS IT TRUE that the readers of the City County Observer have rejected media endorsements as relevant to their decision on who to vote for?…..that if a person does not have the interest to research the candidates and the good sense to choose one in each race, then that person should just stay home and not vote?….that the results of the polls that our readers have responded to will be posted to the City County Observer website on Wednesday October 27th along with the consensus of the prediction of NINE (9) MOLES (3 Republicans, 3 Democrats, and 3 Independents)?……that our MOLES each are trying to topple MOLE #3 as Nostradamus of Local Politics by demonstrating a 100% accurate prediction?…..that our MOLES have some disagreements with our readers?….that the MOLES were stating their expectation of who will win and not their personal preferences?


  1. The Vanderburgh County Commissioners are COWARDS! To hide their shameful weakness until after the election.

    Vote them out.
    Vote out all who have betrayed us AND those to weak to oppose them.

    I would rather elect an honest incompetent, with a mind of his own, than suffer under the bunch of mindless toadies and sycophants pandering to “Dear Leader’s” every whim. …

    This: In My Opinion

  2. Monday night I saw John Kish in his corner office in of EVSC Administration Bldg.. He had his chin on his chest, a serious frown on his face and was pacing from outside the door, in a path around the outer perimeters of the office and back out the door, over and over.

    Perhaps he was trying to figure out to sugar coat a description of declaring the entire county as a Recovery Zone, or how to explain the cancellation of the Redevelopment Authority and Redevelopment Commissions’ meetings regarding the $18 million, gold-plated baseball complex?

    Surely he was happy to hear of the County Commissioners’ decision to pull the Recovery Zone item off the agenda, at least until after the elections. It appears there is panic among the funding planners for the mayor’s arena and downtown improvement planless.

    Commissioners, it is time to listen to the people that you work for. Between the high tax rates, the low academic performance of local schools, enough businesses will not consider locating here. Add on a “Recovery Zone” designation and they will run, not walk, to Kentucky, Illinois or Ohio in a heartbeat. What are the mayor and his flunkies thinking?,

    Just say “NO” to him and his hair-brained schemes. You won’t live to see the current debt paid off. Your kids may not either.

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