Home Uncategorized “IS IT TRUE” SEPTEMBER 12, 2023



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IS IT TRUE that we have been told that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has developed a list of priorities for Evansville? …that The Priorities List for 2023 are: Fifth & Main Street ï‚· Karges Work Force Housing ï‚· Activate the Riverfront ï‚· Jacobsville Master Plan Update ï‚· Design Review Guidelines Refinement ï‚· Bond Street Property / Evansville “Front Door” “?  …we wonder where they are getting the money to pay for these proposed projects?   …that is important to point out that some of the above projects have begun?

IS IT TRUE that the additional Evansville Redevelopment Commission’s “Potential Projects Lists” for 2023 and beyond are: • 4th and Main Park and new Affordable Housing Developments • Riverside Drive Pedestrian and Transportation Improvements • Historic Lighting – continued in Arts District • Development of Bond Street property – new Affordable Housing Project • Assist with potential READI Grant Projects • Burkhardt Road TIF area infrastructure development?  …that we wonder where the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is going to get the money for these proposed projects?

IS IT TRUE that several people find it extremely interesting that Robert’s Park isn’t mentioned on either of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission’s proposed project lists?

IS IT TRUE that many people are beginning to feel that the appointed members Evansville Redevelopment Commission have more political influence and financial authority than current elected members of the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that we are told by a couple of political movers and shakers that we may be seeing a couple of new faces on the 2024 Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that we are told the voters all over America are in the mindset to get rid of the tax and spend politicians?

IS IT TRUE that the Government shouldn’t do for people that they can do for themselves?

IS IT TRUE that we find the campaign style of the outspoken Libertarian Mayoral candidate Michael Daughty to be conservative, sometimes politically unorthodox, idealistic, sometimes lacking a little tack, refreshing honest, and direct?  …that we get a kick of a rumor that Micheal is a bone-fide redneck with little education?  …that the real fact is that Mr. Daughety has a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and an MBA in Business from Purdue?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s “LETTER TO THE CCO  EDITOR” by Michael  Daughty was a political bombshell?  …that when Mr. Daughty announced that he has a strong belief that many politicians are FOR SALE? … he further stated that Corporations, PAC Committees, Lobbyists have caused politicians to make bad political decisions based on benefits to their political contributors?  …that Michael Daugherty also announced that will not be taking any money from Corporations, PAC Committees, Lobbyists, Governmental Vendors to fund his Mayoral campaign?

IS IT TRUE that several local Republicans are hosting an event for mayoral candidate Stephanie Terry (D) soon?… this event titled “REPUBLICANS FOR TERRY” will be held at a downtown eatery on Sep 20th.  …that this type of “bipartisan support” event is reminiscent of when several prominent Democrats hosted a similar event for Lloyd Winnecke (R) in 2015  …that we wonder if any local Democrats will host a “Democrats for Rascher” fundraising event for Mayoral candidate Natalie Rascher (R) in the near future?

IS IT TRUE that we can guarantee that the City Controllers who worked for Mayors Jonathon Wienzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. ensured that the City officials lived within their budget restraints?
IS IT TRUE that former Evansville Mayors Jonathon Weinzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. not only lived within their budget restraints but when they left office they had comfortable cash balances in the “Rainey Day” fund to pass on to their successors?
IS IT TRUE that we recently pointed out that Evansville Fire Department Hosehouse #17 allowed a political sign to be displayed inside their building? …that this act directly violates the state and local election laws of Indiana? ….if we are informed about similar violations of the local election laws we shall publicize them for all to read?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder when the President of the Evansville City Council will require that a couple of members of the Council stop blatantly misusing Skype in lieu of physically attending City Council meetings?
IS IT TRUE that the CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER will be announcing next week our first speaker for our monthly “Speaker Forum” luncheon to be held at Bally’s
IS IT TRUE we congratulate State Representative, Tim O’Brien (R) for recently being appointed Chairmen of the Indiana Land Use Committee
IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is: HOW DO YOU RATE PUBLIC SAFETY IN EVANSVILLE?
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  1. Best Is It True ever!! Ashame the city is so broke! I’ve heard there are several Democrats supporting Daugherty!

  2. Weinzaphel left office with a “comfortable cash balance” in the “Rain(e)y Day Fund”? And now they’re selling street naming rights to maintain his Ford Folly? Perhaps we’ll see a Weining Way?

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