Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE SEPTEMBER 7, 2018



We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we predict that the Mayor will stack the City Council Chambers this coming Monday evening with supporters of the proposed $28 million dollars Aquatic Center at Garvin Park?  …when the Mayor makes his public pitch to City Council to build the Aqua Center we hope they will ask him to give them a detailed breakdown on how much of our tax dollars has he spent on projects since he been in office?  …we hear that total the projects costs he presents to City Council will be mind-boggling?

IS IT TRUE on Monday we predicted that Garvin Park across from the entrance of Bosse Field will be the proposed site for the new $28 million dollars Aquatic Center? …its now being reported by other media outlets that the new Garvin Park Aquatic Center will accommodate the needs of competitive swimmers of as well as recreational swimmer?. …the proposed Garvin Park Aquatic Center will also have designated areas for diving, competitive swimming, as well as swimming lessons if the Evansville City Council approves this $28 million dollars project?

IS IT TRUE we still stand by our prediction that once the $28 million Aquatic Center is finished that the Mayor will sign a contract with the local YMCA to manage the new Aquatic Center?  …that the local downtown YMCA is currently building a new state-of-the facility next to their current location?  …since the city is going to sign a long-term contract with YMCA to manage the new Aquatic Center we wonder why the Mayor didn’t suggest to the YMCA Board of Directors that they make the new Aquatic Center part of the new downtown YMCA facility? … it’s obvious that the blending of the new YMCA facility and the proposed Garvin Park Aquatic Center into an adjoining facility would not only save a bunch of money but also would be the crowning jewel for development of downtown?

IS IT TRUE  Mayor Winnecke told the Courier and Press that “he’s really disappointed by the decision to reduce the security force at the Evansville Regional Airport?” …Winnecke also told the Courier and Press that “I’ve expressed that opinion to Mr. Joest multiple times over the last 12 months?”  …the Mayor makes 3 out of 5 appointments to the Evansville Regional Airport Authority?  …it’s common knowledge that the Mayor has a major influence on the decisions on board that he makes the majority appointments to?  …many of our readers feel that its time that the Mayor puts political pressure on the current Airport board members by asking them to enhance public safety at the Evansville Regional Airport Authority Board?

IS IT TRUE  several years ago we remember when the “Jacobsville Join In” office was officially opened on North Main Street?  …that a large group of people observed the Mayor, officials from Echo Housing and the Evansville DMD officially cutting the ribbon to opening the office?  …at the official opening, the dignitaries in attendance told us how “Jacobsville Join In” is going to make major positive changes in the North Main Street corridor? …recently without fanfare “Jacobsville Join In” group abruptly vacated their office located on North Main Street?  …that “Jacobsville Join In” was sponsored by ECHO Housing and allegedly received their operating funds from the Evansville DMD?  …we hope the reason for the abrupt closing of “Jacobsville Join In” office on North Main Street didn’t have anything to do with the current “Forensic Audit” being conducted at ECHO Housing Corporation?

IS IT TRUE that after all said and done last week Evansville showed that it could put on a controversial event without looking like fools?… Ford Center set a record for attendance at any event ever held or ever will be held with approximately 11,500 people jammed inside to show support for President Donald Trump?…the Evansville Police Department estimated that an additional 2,000 were outside wanting to get in but were denied entry due to the limited capacity of the venue to safely hold more than 11,500 people?…the recording capacity at Roberts Stadium was just over 14,000 that drove from miles around for a KISS concert in the mid 1970s when the Gotham rockers were the rage of the teenage nation and the kings of the nighttime world?…we do wonder if President Trump could have broken the record that KISS set if the capacity to hold more people was in place?

IS IT TRUE there were resistance members who held a rally far over by The Centre whose numbers have been estimated around a 1,000 people? …except for three solitary incidents both crowds were well behaved toward one another and that is a reason for all of the Tri-State to be proud?…one of those three instances was a disturbed person who shook a knife and a middle finger at a helicopter that was circling the Ford Center for some undisclosed official purpose?… Evansville showed better behavior that big American cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York when President Trump showed up?…in these other cities violence and destruction of property are commonplace when President Trump comes to town and that says very bad things about the people and cities where such things occur unopposed?

IS IT TRUE that the real head-scratcher of the day was the fact that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke seemly invented a reason to be out of town for a presidential visit that makes most Mayors gleeful with civic pride? …what really puzzled us is why didn’t the Mayor allow Deputy Mayor Steve Schaefer to publicly welcomed the President to Evansville? …we hear that President Trump was cordial about the fact that no one from the Winnecke Administration was available to welcome him to Evansville since he held off on making up names for the cast of characters who normally would have been at the front of the receiving line?

IS IT TRUE we were told that Steve Hammer give some of his 70 VIP tickets to the “Trump and Braun” political rally at the Ford Center to the some of the following well known local Republicans? …they were; Steve Schaefer, Richard Martin, Hobart Scales, Nicholas Hermann, Michael Duckworth, Christine Keck, Gary Schutte, Jr., Alfonso Vidal, David Clark, Marsha Abell Barnhart, Aulden Nance, Brenda Goff, Jeff Knight,  Michelle and Frank Peterlin, Chad Howard,  Dottie Thomas, Aaron Wilson, and Danny Koester to name a few?  …we were told that they really enjoyed themselves?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the new owners of Ellis Park are going to invest the money to make the track and casino more upscale and customer friendly?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, Channel 44 News, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, Hot Jobs” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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  1. The President of the United States is scheduled to be in Evansville for an historic event and our Mayor and his DMD head Kelly Coures drive to Northern Kentucky for something do with the N. Main Street project. Couldn’t the Mayor drive to Northern Kentucky the day before or after the President’s visit? The money saving bridge is usually open 24-7.

  2. The City should hire the 3 laid off EVV security officers to help guard the $28 million
    “Aqua Center” if built in Garvin Park. Visualize the recreational swimming enthusiasts that frequent the ONB water park on the Riverfront and then multiply by 100.

  3. Time for all left wing socialist snowflakes to find their safe place! Dr. Loudon is right. The leftist socialists with Obama at the wheel have been taking our Country in a radical direction, and now it’s finally starting to go in the right direction.

    “Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House Ever”

    “Dr. Gina Loudon, PhD has written a new book titled, “Mad Politics,” in which she posits, “what if Trump isn’t the crazy man that the media pretends he is? What if he’s actually the cure for a country who’s been going mad for years?”


  4. More good news for America. Record high employment and record low unemployment. This is what happens after the Country replaced a liberal Community Organizer with a real Businessman.

    “The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced its August jobs report this morning. Unemployment is down to 3.9%, while more people are employed in the US than at any time in history. But the big news is that this century, since the year 2000, more than 20% of all job increases have occurred during the Trump years….

    This means that more than one third of the increase in jobs over the past 12 years have occurred under President Trump. Also, since the year 2000, more than 20% of the increase in jobs have been added during President Trump’s economy.

    By comparison, both Presidents GW Bush and Obama incurred net decreases in jobs in there first 19 months on the job. GW Bush incurred a net decrease in jobs of (2.1) million while Obama lost a net (4.4) million jobs in his first 19 months on the job.

    This means that more than one third of the increase in jobs over the past 12 years have occurred under President Trump. Also, since the year 2000, more than 20% of the increase in jobs have been added during President Trump’s economy.

    With the economy booming, GDP going up and damaging trade deals being addressed, the number of new jobs in the US will only continue to go up. This is what President Trump promised and this is what he is doing.”….


    • Only russiatoday.com financed sites like Gateway Pundit and Breitbart
      would forget to include these facts, JoeBiden, oh, and of course you
      would too:

      1. The Obama Administration, benefited by a US Chamber of Commerce led
      GOP House and GOP Senate, began the record jobs expansion adding jobs
      to payrolls for 75 straight months.
      2. The Trump Administration added jobs to payrolls for 20 months.
      3. The United States has been adding jobs since well before Mr. Trump
      took office. And the rate of job growth during Mr. Trump’s first 20
      months in office (194,000 jobs per month) is less than the rate at
      which jobs were added during Mr. Obama’s final 19 months (205,000 per
      4. Put that in your pipe and smoke it…..instead of pot, JoeBiden

  5. Why wasn’t Winnecke there to meet Trump?

    1. Trump would not be welcome at any American Family Supper Table that included young women in nearly 100% of U.S. homes.
    2. Trump would not be welcome at Church Family Social Events at nearly 100% of American Churches.
    3. Trump is immoral, it is common knowledge he carouses with and pays Prostitutes and Pornstars for sex, is under investigation for fraud, corruption and possible conspiracy with the Communist Russian government by the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA.

    Trump is a abject disgrace. It common sense why Winnecke wasn’t there to greet him.

    • Russia, Russia, Russia. Let’s talk Russian corruption and collusion. Here is a proven abject disgrace that was disbarred for perjury and later received millions of dollars for their “foundation” from Russians after Hillary approved the sale of Uranium 1 to the Russians:
      “He has committed perjury (at least) in the Jones case,” Mr. Kavanaugh wrote, referring to the sexual harassment case brought by Paula Jones, an Arkansas state worker who said Mr. Clinton had made lewd advances toward her in a hotel room when he was governor.

      “He has lied to his aides,” Mr. Kavanaugh wrote. “He has lied to the American people. He has tried to disgrace you” — meaning Mr. Starr — “and this office with a sustained propaganda campaign that would make Nixon blush.”

      “It may not be our job to impose sanctions on him, but it is our job to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear — piece by painful piece,” Mr. Kavanaugh wrote. “Aren’t we failing to fulfill our duty to the American people if we willingly ‘conspire’ with the president in an effort to conceal the true nature of his acts?”


      Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodman Clinton.

      As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well….

      …But the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors….

      Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Mr. Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.

      The $500,000 fee — among Mr. Clinton’s highest — was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin ….


      • 4/5-ths of that post were about Trump being a sexual predator Joe.

        You missed that, Joe.

        Here it is again:

        1. Trump would not be welcome at any American Family Supper Table that included young women in nearly 100% of U.S. homes.
        2. Trump would not be welcome at Church Family Social Events at nearly 100% of American Churches.
        3. Trump is immoral, it is common knowledge he carouses with and pays Prostitutes and Pornstars for sex…

        • joebiden dont care if his president, trump, is judas, manson or even a liberal working commie pornstar who moonlights as a mobster

          thats not exaggerating

          if he is a white nationalist, he gets joes vote

          fringe crazies, no morals

  6. Is It True that the Warrick County School System has decided NOT to fix a construction defect of the H/VAC system at the natatorium of Castle High School? This defect in the H/VAC has caused the electronic control systems in the system to burn out and has lead to rusting of metal surfaces within the natatorium.

  7. Not a surprise the WCSC would let a problem go unrepaired. It seems ALL government entities in our area are all for spending big bucks for shiny new objects, but damned if we are going to worry about upkeep. Let’s see, Lloyd Pool comes to mind as well as other pools. Think the new 28 million dollar boondoggle will get any maintenance? Funny we can lay off 3 EVV security personnel, but when Joest was asked about his replacement getting a salary cut, he balks. Makes you wonder what this good old boy replacement is going to rake in. Hope he can fight fires, be an EMT and run a snow plow in the winter!!!! Good gravy, glad it is TGIF.

  8. I just read yesterdays is it true,and i could not believe H. Dan Adams MD was laughing at a retarded joke what a disgrace.I have raised a special needs child my whole life and if this was the real Doc Adams then he is a phony piece of shit. A phony, A disgrace.

  9. barry hussein crying he gets no respect for MAGAS ECONOMY although he said jobs was never coming back………..barry”them jobs never coming back what does TRUMP have a magic wand or something”…………….yep the little african queen wants a real man MAGA TRUMPS big wand……………..

  10. Biggest joke was Obummer getting an award at U of I today for “government ethics”. Means about as much as his Nobel! Say what you want about Trump, no bigger crooks than the Obummer administration and Billary. Despite your politics, you have to admit, we are in a world of hurt. The divide is wide and deep on both sides of the aisle. Time for term limits for house and Senate.

  11. pretty sure trump couldn’t of cared less that he didn’t receive a “proper greeting” from the Mayor or Deputy Mayor.

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