Are you aware when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny! When the Government fear the people we have Liberty! Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

It’s obvious it time that the “Masses Assemble” to demand that our elected officials begin to practice “Good Public Policy”.?

Would like to see it a “Good Ole Fashion” political gathering at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum that encourges our elected officials to begin practice ‘Good Public Policy”?

Commander Mark Acker of the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County announced today that the Council will host a “Call to Assemble” on September 23, 2015 beginning at 5:00 PM, at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

The “Call to Assemble” will be a non-partisan gathering of area political candidates and the general public to encourage “Good Public Policy” decisions by our elected officials. The “CALL TO ASSEMBLE” will be a peaceful, positive and hopeful event that is planned to encourage honest, open governance, with transparency and will bring better accountability to our beloved City.

State Representative and Mayoral Candidate Gail Reicken (D), Steven Wozniak an Independent and current Mayor Lloyd Winnecke (R) are being invited to participate in a Lincoln-Douglas style question/answer session, featuring randomly selected written questions from the audience, that are drawn from a barrel. Current officeholders and political candidates with their supporters, Tea Party Representatives, CORE Group, a contingency from the Libertarian Party, 2nd Amendment Patriots, Independents, Republicans and Democrats and the General public are invited to join in.

Food and drink will be available. The doors will open at 5:00 pm. Dress is casual, however Military

Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms. VIP tables are available to groups and organization for a minimal fee. General admission is free. All proceeds will go to the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County to help defray the costs of the maintenance of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

For additional information to purchase a VIP table, to become a sponsor of this event or to pledge a donation to the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County please contact the Event Coordinator Denise Shane-Cheaney at 812.909.1900 or by emailing

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