IS IT TRUE the local Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) recently denied a $15,000 request for a newly formed transportation project called Trolley Evansville Districts (“TED”)?  …. the CVB deny this request without informing Amy WordSmith, President and Founder of the Franklin Street Events Association or Abby Elpers with GAGE? …the rejection of “TED” by CVB  is especially surprising considering that the “TED” will be traveling to various hotels, restaurants, bars and other civic events that generate tourism dollars?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and County Commissioner Ben Shoulders recently did a joint promotion in support of “TED”?  … GAGE also publicly supported this most worthy new project?

IS IT TRUE that Amy WordSmith and Abby Elpers presented their “Trolley Plan” to the Vanderburgh County Commissioners?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Commission voted 3-0 to approve the “TED” resolution?  … after the vote by the County Commission to support “TED” the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) denied the funding request for the “Trolley Evansville Districts” project (TED)?

IS IT TRUE the CVB recently committed a whopping $300,000 request ($100,000 per year for three year period) to help fund the E Is For Everyone” campaign?

IS IT TRUE all we can say is shame on the CVB for spending $300,000 of the local in-keepers tax dollars for a marketing campaign for “E IS FOR EVERYONE” but didn’t approve a mere $15,000 funding request for this much needed “TED” project?

IS IT TRUE we now understand why many people in the local food and bar and entrainment establishments are saying “its time to make some major changes in the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors position?

Today’s READERS POLL question is: Do you feel its time to change the direction of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors?
 Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Isn’t “TED” just running on Thursday through Saturday nights and on Saturday during daylight? The hours say it’s set up for mainly bar hopping when most visitors have left town for their homes where ever. While I think it’s probably worthwhile for the night spots, why do they need $15,000 from the CVB and for what is it intended to be spent on? A yearly pass is $25 and a single ride is $1 per, so is it to be spent on acquiring a trolley, which 15 grand can’t come close to paying for? I’m starting to think Ms. Smith is the victim de jour.

  2. Does anyone believe that CVB actions are devoid of Room 302 desires? Of course, room 302 wishes the best to Franklin Street economic activity . .but only if it does not detract from the millions upon millions of taxpayers’ dollars in the approximate 1.5 square miles out of 44 square miles called Evansville? So, Ms Smith, maybe those Franklin-nites are of need of economic education?

  3. Does anyone else remember the last time the CVB had to purge it’s board? It all started with a drunken Christmas feast where something like 14 drinks per person including multiple bottles of Opus One at over $200 per bottle. If the current embodiment is not pretending to be Roman elites on the taxpayer dime, things have improved.

  4. E for Everyone, is just plain swishy. A trolley around bars and restaurants is just plain smart. No wonder the CVB opposed the trolley. The CVB is the apparent reincarnation of the old ERC, possibly the dumbest of the dumb.

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