IS IT TRUE that we hear that  EVSC  Foundation will be audited for the first time since it’s founding in 2008?  …the audit shall cover 2008 up to todays date?  … this audit willl be conducted by Riney Hancock, CPA Owensboro, Ky.?   … we wonder what  kind audit did the EVSC  Evansville-Vanderburgh School Foundation agreed for RIiney Hancock CPA firm from Owensboro, Ky.  to do ? …will this audit cover financial records only?   …will this audit be a special services such as a fraud audit?  …will this be just a routine audit?…we do wonder why the EVSC  Foundation waited 7 years to do an audit?

IS IT TRUE we would like to see a copy of engagement letter between EVSC Foundation and Riney Hancock CPA firm?  … we can’t wait to see what  EVSC Foundation have been spending their money on since 2008?

IS IT TRUE that At Large City Council  candidate Jack Schriber has political egg on his face?  …that last week he sent a letter to his elite main stream media buddies stating that members of the Evansville City Council were combative and dysfunctional?  …Schriber also stated;  “that the city of Evansville has approximately $145 million on hand, including $52 million in the general fund. Independent bond rating agencies repeatedly conclude the city has operated in a financially sound, efficient and prudent manner”?  …he also said ” simply put,  Evansville is on firm financial footing” ?  …its obvious that Mr. Schriber should ask the Mayor to provide him with a new  campaign political “Ghost Writer” who has accurate knowledge about the real financial status of the City?  …Mr. Schriber not only did the community disservice by putting mis-information about the true financial status of the city but also to his campaign?

IS IT TRUE its alleged  that someone was over heard telling someone that the real reason why the FOP PAC Committee didn’t endorse Alex Burton for City Council was he is trying to start a chapter of “Black Panther” party in Vanderburgh County?  …we find this “political rumor” extremely laughable?  …we won’t be surprised that the next stupid “political rumor” about Alex Burton will be that is thinking about starting a chapter of “KLU KLUX KLAN” in Evansville?  …we are hearing that Mr, Burtons campaign for City Council is going very well and that we believe?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if City Council candidates Dan McGinn and Jim Brinkmeyer are ever going to attend a political gathering so they can make their political views known to the masses?  …we bet  they won’t miss picking up their monthly pay checks for serving on  City Council?  …we also bet they shall be the first to sign up for the $20,000 taxpayer funded Heath Care Insurance for working part time?

IS IT TRUE that our current “Readers Poll” ask the following question?  …is the question is “Will the recent political endorsements announced by the FOP PAC Committee influence your vote”?

IS IT TRUE the Mayor just had another political photo op press conference  last week by announcing that he going to add a Carousel at Mesker Park?  …we are pleased that the Carousel shall be named for the   Engelbrecht family who are the largest benefactor to this project?


    • You’re probably right. It takes a special kind of stupid to make up a story like that. I really hope we don’t have people running around our city with guns and badges who would buy into that ignorance.

  1. This past week has been a perfect example of the bipolar nature of this administration. On Monday I read in the paper that the mayor said we did not have enough money to buy feed for the animals at the zoo if we don’t get a loan. On Friday the same mayor is pushing to expand the zoo.
    I love our zoo I consider it the only real destination thing in this town other than the casino. If we would have put half the money we have thrown away on the unneeded Ford boondoggle in the zoo it would have given people a reason to come to Evansville.
    Also His desire for more green spaces is ridiculous when we can not maintain the green spaces we have. Any public venue will have trash. this is why disneyland and ellis park hire people to pick up the trash. it is a cost of having green spaces. Sorry folks where people gather trash happens. While it is nice to hope people would not throw trash on the ground it aint going to happen. the mayor claims it is the neighbors filling the trash cans around the parks it is really the once a week trash pick up that is the problem. In my park they pick up the trash on Tuesday. Many times the cans are overflowing by Friday. This leaves the weekend visitors no where to put their trash. My neighbors and I try to keep the trash picked up but it would be nice to have a place to put it once I pick it up.

    • Considering Winnecke lost 1.2 million in the Park/Rec fund for the fiscal year ending Juy 31, 2015 compared to a lost of only 300k the year before should sound off bells and whistles. Winnie obviously needs to start testing the product before use if he thinks this City can maintain another park facility.

    • In Fulton Park, trash cans are placed curbside, seemingly as far away as possible from the picnic area, basketball courts, playground equipment, and bus stop – – i.e., where people actually gather when they use the park. It’s a large park, and given the choice between tossing trash on the ground and walking a block to where the trashcan actually is… well, most people are lazy. I like to think that if a trashcan is actually near where a person is that they will use it. Regardless, it’s obvious that the trashcans are placed for the convenience of the trash collectors, not the convenience of those using the park.

    • Indeed not.

      Connie Robinson = Unabashedly and openly hostile to LE (and EPD in particular).

      Anna Melcher = A complete political unkown with perhaps the thinnest resume of anybody running for office this year.

      Alex Burton = Another political unknown who allegedly engaged in public support for a known violent felon (‘good boy’ Michael Brown) and has a similarly thin resume.

      Nope, doesn’t surprise me at all that none of the black candidates garnered FOP support. Veiled allegations of racism aside, English Bob, do you know of any particular qualities about the above named candidates that would cause the FOP to be enamored? I would be fascinated to hear them.

      • Yet they endorsed a known wife-beater, who recently got bounced out of a bar for mistreating a woman in public. No doubt he drove home drunk. I guess we just have to wait for Weaver to kill someone before he falls out of favor with the moneyed class.

      • Bob knows nothing about those folks other than they have “D” after their name. Anything he has ever posted about the police and LEO’s has been negative and vile. He must have had plenty of run ins with them to get such a sour attitude. But then if he followed the law he wouldn’t have had those run-ins. Typical victimization attitude.

        • You could say the same thing about the police!!!

          Why can’t they follow the law?

          Mr. always ready and able to blame unarmed victims for being shot to death.

      • Please explain how Connie Robinson is hostile toward police other than calling them out on the Milan case? They deserve every bit of criticism they’re getting on that one. Bolin took the bill of rights and wiped his ass with it. Is she automatically hostile toward police in your twisted mind because she’s black?

    • You shouldn’t be surprised that a poster on CCO has no idea about what they’re posting. The last time that I saw her, Henrietta Jenkins was black. So much for your police vs. black people comment.

      • She also doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning her race, so the choice to endorse her was meant as a slap at Connie Robinson. The smart thing to do would have been not to endorse anyone in that race if they weren’t going for Connie, but the FOP would rather be petty than do the wise thing.

  2. The Hollies: ” Riding along on a carousel . . .trying to catch up to you . . . “.

    An apt metaphor for the failed Winnecke administration.

  3. Q: “We do wonder why the Evansville Vanderburgh school foundation waited 7 years to do an audit ?”

    A: Statute of Limitations is 7 years

  4. Name Searched On:

    Current Information

    Entity Legal Name:

    Entity Address:

    General Entity Information:

    Control Number: 2008060400371
    Status: Active
    Entity Type: Non-Profit Domestic Corporation

    Entity Creation Date: 6/4/2008
    Entity Date to Expire:
    Entity Inactive Date:

    This entity is current with Business Entity Report(s).

    There are no other names on file for this Entity.

    Registered Agent(name, address, city , state , zip):
    EVANSVILLE , IN 47706

    Principals(name, address, city, state, zip – when provided)
    EVANSVILLE , IN 47706

    Evansville , IN 47715

    Jeffrey Berger
    Hilliard Lyons 110 Main Street
    Evansville , IN 47708

    Kathryn Schymik
    Vice President
    Jackson Kelly, PLLC 21 SE 3rd St Suite 900
    Evansville , IN 47708

    Jeff Justice
    Hafer Associates PC 21 SE 3rd St Suite 800
    Evansville , IN 47708


    Date Filed Effective Date Type
    06/04/2008 06/04/2008 Articles of Incorporation

    Corporate Reports:
    Years Paid
    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

  5. Now that it’s political yard sign season just a friendly reminder that you might want to check with the property owner before you put up you signs. Seems like common courtesy. If you don’t you’re probably going to find them taken down as soon as the owner finds out.

    Also 501 C 3’s are NOT supposed to be involved in political activities, especially fundraisers.

    Further if you have such a personal grudge against Ron and Gail Riecken that you end up with a restraining order to stay off their property it’s probably not a good idea to get on their property again and take pictures and post them on Facebook, sort of self incriminating.

    Finally any damn fool can go the SBOA’s website and get the audited general fund balances of any city of govt institution. Almost every little city in SW Indiana has a stronger general fund that the third larges city in IN.

    Heck even the African American museum seems to have more in it’s general fund than the City of Evansville

    So this nonsense of not being able to make payroll because of seasonal tax receipts is just that, nonsense.

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