IS IT TRUE? September 28, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? September 28, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that we are a bit distressed by the two shootings in Evansville’s Southside in the last 24 hours?…that it is crime and schools that get F’s in the neighborhood that are keeping the Front Door Pride homes from selling?…that at the City Council meeting the other night there was a substantive discussion about a project to build 40 more homes in the FDP area that are slated to cost just over $200,000 each to build?…that these 40 homes are planned to be rental units for 15 years and then to convert to ownership?…that a similar program in Ohio was said to have only resulted in 3 actual purchases?…that building mansions in places that are filled with crime and failing schools never ever works any where?…that Evansville is spending tax money on the wrong things at this time?


IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has a proposal for the developer who is running the rental house project in the Front Door Pride area?…that we would like to suggest that the first $2 Million be spent to purchase the 9 existing Front Door Pride homes that are sitting empty with dust covered for sale signs in front of them?…that these could then be the first 9 rental houses and that only 31 more would need to be built?…that this would liberate $2 Million that the City of Evansville could use to a) pay down some debt, b) put back into the business loan fund that it was taken from, or c) seed an Angel Investment Fund to be administered by people with no political position?

IS IT TRUE that sometime during the night that some inconsiderate slop hog(s) littered the neighborhood that this writer lives in?…that about 3 or 4 times per week this seems to happen?…that it always seems to consist of a big empty bag from a fast food outlet and a several of those 44 ounce plastic soft drink containers that come through the same drive up window?…that dutifully I and other neighbors pick these nuisances up and discard them within 8 hours of the time that the slop hog(s) toss them out?…that we are fortunate to have a neighborhood where one bag and several cups stick out like a sore thumb and where the overwhelming majority of the residents have the pride of neighborhood to keep things clean?…that some neighborhoods have so much of a problem with litter that just a few people can keep it clean?…that the war on litter really can be won a block at a time?

IS IT TRUE that every month or so there is a wave of litter that is a result of a yard service provider leaving a little plastic column with a card to let the homeowners know they have put chemicals on the yard?…that these friendly little reminders are litter of the worst kind?…that the little black columns are made from the cheapest plastic there is and are not even accepted at many recycling centers?…that maybe these services should abandon this outdated practice and use email or twitter to advise their customers of services completed?…that it would save them the cost of the little reminders and add to their bottom line?

IS IT TRUE that the “absolute unique visitors” that have been recorded by Google Analytics during the last 6 weeks exceeds the number of votes recorded by Mayor Weinzapfel in the 2007 election for Mayor of Evansville?…that we are attracting enough local eyeballs to win every election on this year’s ballot?…that this is an increase on a monthly basis of 400% since last November when the CCO first started keeping detailed statistics on traffic?

IS IT TRUE that the Mole Nation tells us that the newly formed “Mainstream Democrats” have distributed the money they raised at the upper level of the Maingate last month?…that it is our understanding that every Democrat running for office except Rick Davis, Al Lindsey, and Dr. H. Dan Adams was given a contribution?…that counter to popular belief that no money was handed to any Republicans even though this group includes some people who openly support some Republican candidates?


  1. Just like every dollar of federal money, borrowed by the Obama/Weinzapfel/Winnecke/Davis complex – from Uncle Hu, there are strings attached.

    I got a another idea…

    Shut down FDP, yesterday.

  2. Who said the fundraiser at the Maingate held by the Mainstream Democrat was held on the upper level. Whoever your mole is just doesn’t know what they are talking about. Must have been the same person who called the state fire marshall and lied to them about people being on the upper level.

    • What is wrong with the upper level? The Icemen had a big contract signing party up there. Lots of people attended. Isn’t it just overflow area for when the bar gets crowded?

  3. Speaking of trash…I am one of those “lucky” homeowners annexed into the city. Our trash woes started with city trash pickup. When they picked up trash tuesday morning, trash was flying everywhere. They throw the cans on the ground any which way. I can kind of understand some of the problems in the inner city. The trash problem starts with the trash pickup, so why should they care. (Not to mention the terrible sewer stench 24/7)

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