We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE last week EVSC School Board Trustee, Anne Ennis requested a copy of the Workers’ Compensation Report during an official school board meeting? ..that Mrs. Ennis ask for the report that covered the first four months of 2019?
IS IT TRUE that Anne Ennis request was blatantly voted down by the majority of the school board membership?  …it looks like an attempt to make the people business opened to the public has taken a major step backward thanks to Board President-Karen Ragland, Rev. Terry Gamblin, Andy Guarino, and Chris Kiefer? …that Anne’s request was turned down by a 4 to 3 vote margin?
IS IT TRUE that the EVSC School Board policy #3112 states that an elected school board trustee cannot receive information unless a majority of the board votes to allow them to be given the information.  …all we can say about the EVSC School Board policy #3112 is not only insulting but downright stupid?
IS IT TRUE that EVSC School Board Trustee Anne Ennis has filed a “Freedom of Information” request with the State Of Indiana Public Access Officer in order that she can get a copy of the above report?  …we predict that Mrs.Ennis “Freedom Of Information” request will immediately be approved by the Indiana Public Access Officer?
IS IT TRUE that Mrs. Ennis has provided us with a link of a 25-minute transcription of the minutes of the 9-9-19 EVSC school board meeting concerning her request to the full board for a copy of the Workers’ Compensation Report for the first four months of 2019?
 …this transcript of the school board meeting is recorded at 1:15:00 and ending at 1:36:11? …this transcript is extremely enlightening to read?
IS IT TRUE that we couldn’t successfully link the transcript from the official EVSC audiotape sent to us by EVSC Trustee (District 2) Ann M. Ennis? …that we respectfully request for Anne Ennis to post the link to our comment section so our readers will be able to open and read it? …when we receive the link of the transcript from her we will post this transcript without editing or bias?
IS IT TRUE we been told that several local influential Republicans that 2nd Ward City Councilwomen Missy Mosby (D) opponent is going to handily defeat her? …we are also told by several influential Democrats that Missy Mosby aggressive door to door campaigning style, Union and FOP support gives her the edge in this Democratic-leaning Ward?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke and “Drive For Five” funded campaign flyers were mailed out last week?  …we are pleased that every one of these Republican City Council candidates mailers pledged that they will hold the line on taxes?  …if their statements are true we look forward to these candidates challenging the decision of the spending many hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars to help subsidize the for-profit Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey team?
IS IT TRUE that 1st Ward City Council candidate Ben Trockman (D) has an upcoming fundraiser that will be hosted by two of the biggest Republican families in Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE that candidate Tim O’Brien (R) has a fundraiser coming up hosted by a long list of Republican officeholders including State Reps, Mayor, City Councilmen?
IS IT TRUE that the First Ward City Council race is shaping up to be extremely interesting?
IS IT TRUE that successful officeholder campaign while they are in office and not when they are running for re-election?
IS IT TRUE that mass mailings don’t get you elected but a door to door campaign can?
IS IT TRUE we are told by several local Democrats that they are going to work for and vote for the Republican At-Large City Council candidate Alex Schmitt because the GOP power brokers are openly working against him?
IS IT TRUE all eyes are on the 3rd Ward race between Steve Melcher and Zack Heronemus?  …we told that Mr. Melcher is relying on his name recognition and the three expensive mailers that will be sent to every registered voter in the 3rd Ward to help him get elected? …are told that Mr. Heronemus is campaigning the old fashion way?  …Mr. Heronemus campaign workers are conducting an aggressive door to door and phone bank campaign? …that the local Trade Unions have traditionally supported Mr. Melcher over the years but are now backing Mr. Heronemus?  …we are told that this Republican-held City Council seat is in serious danger of going Democratic?
IS IT TRUE a member of the CCO staff attended the last week “Golf Scramble” sponsored by County Commissioners Ben Shoulders (D) and Jeff Hartfield?  …he told us this event turned out to be a monster political fundraiser for Commissnors Shoulders and Hatfield?
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you going to vote in the upcoming November 5, 2019, general election?
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  1. The EVSC board acts like at board at Augusta Golf Course. Good job by Ms Ennis. Keep up the good work.

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